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Everything posted by Danao

  1. lol wat ?! revival of a deceased band long time ago to make money, that's lame or does that mean old ayabie will come back from the dead with new members ? are you sure it's 彩冷える-ayabie- and not AYABIE anyway ? cause the first one is gone since 2010 xD
  2. Great samples, I'm glad I bought the album so, Who's going to complain first ? what reason ? DEG ripoff ? not enough creativity ? too soon to release an album ? blablabla ? Probably someone who can't stop saying they're not creative but listens to them all the time
  3. The song was never distributed, he cancelled it and that song disappeared after that, just so you know. It was supposed to be a bonus if you bought Reflect of Killing Fleur and Obscure Ideal, but then that bonus became a special Live DVD
  4. Danao

    ugh.... no she doesn't. English is still hard for some people, I know
  5. Danao

    Nothing interesting Just a cheap cover of Malice Mizer There's nothing original, they try to look exactly like MM at that time, I will forget it in a min, and I already did in fact as I am now thinking of the Malice Mizer song itself Leave MM alone !! XD
  6. Danao

    Yep yep yep come to me GIGAMOUS
  7. Danao

    Yea exactly what I thought when I saw the setlist of the DVD, first it's kinda short, then the imaginaerum songs, I was like "no please, Anette is the best on them" So I don't know either if I'll buy it, I think so, but I'm afraid to be disapointed, it's more because of curiosity If I buy it I think, as Floor is in it
  8. Danao

    Just posted today on facebook Ms. Floor Jansen is a keeper. Also, we will be a six-piece band from now on, as Mr. Troy Donockley (uilleann pipes, low whistles, vocals) will become a full-time member of NIGHTWISH. Originally we were going to wait until 2014 to make a decision about the future line-up of the band, but the past year has clearly shown us that Floor and Troy are perfect matching pieces to our puzzle, and we are really grateful of the bond that has grown between all of us. We love you guys. Tuomas Marco Jukka Emppu Commented vocalist Floor Jansen: "Words cannot describe what I feel! This union is beyond everything and I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to continue this amazing journey with my new brothers! Once I had a dream…and this is it!!!" Piper/whistleman, added vocalist Troy Donockley: "`Imaginaerum World Tour´was a revelation to me and in that time, I became aware of a growing unity and then, finally, a transcendence of all the usual nonsense that affects bands. A beautiful process. And since the idea, the musical dream that is NIGHTWISH has been a part of me since before I was born, I am delighted to officially sail into uncharted waters with my brothers and sister. Wondrous scenes Ahoy! " The new line-up can be seen on the live / tour documentary DVD »Showtime, Storytime«, released on November 29th. Watch a brand new trailer, directed by Ville Lipiäinen here: We didn't see it coming at all... or not.
  9. Danao

    because there is no Taylor Swift in this video. Song sounds great I'll keep an eye on this release, they seem to be good
  10. Danao

    I totally agree with most of the stuff said here I didn't came to the chat since a long time now, but what style said is true, I'm pretty sure we already talked about the modteam when I saw still going to the chat, and it was many months ago. I just browse randomly the forum, and days after days it's clear that some mods (by mods I mean moderators and admins) are just ghosts, you hardly see them posting stuff (in the news/ general discussion / whatever section) so yea imo a shuffle should be done And as far as the shuffle is concerned, I can't agree more with style, it HAS TO BE someone that loves what's inside the forum, how can someone want to do his modjob if he/she doesn't like it at all ? it would be impossible, he/she would not even come to the forum as there's nothing interesting for him/her, or maybe once a week It also needs to be someone active on the forum, you can't just put a ghost in the mod team and saying "I introduce you the new super duper great mod xxxxx", Users needs to know him/her so that they feel safer and optimists about what will happen with MH after his/her arrival Honestly If you put someone completely unknown, for me it would just be "okay they asked for a new mod, so he applied, he got recruited, and he will disappear again in the mist of time" be careful of who you will recruit, cause you can't change people's nature, some people do seem like they could become good mods, but if they lack of interest on what's here, or are lazy, or never post anything etc etc, that won't change, or maybe it will change for 2 weeks (because of glory obvs) And as far as "who the new mod is going to be" I think some people clearly have what a mod needs, interests in VK, JPOP, KPOP, Whatever, I'm pretty sure it won't be hard to find them (and you already found one 5 posts above mine) Anyway I understand that mods lose interest in what's inside the forum, and then you don't come on it anymore, but then why staying as a mod ? it's not like it's the most glorious thing in life, to become a mod on a forum I think I finished °-° I'll keep an eye on what's here, that's an interesting topic, and I hope people will give their opinion insead of just dl'ing and close the forum
  11. Danao

    rare songs ? lol does he even have rare songs ? apart from some tango remixes of some really old songs from Glitter, I don't see any rare
  12. My headphones died :( I must be cursed, can't keep headphones for more than 6 months <_<

    1. Danao


      That's really annoying, I will use warranty, but it's gonna take 2 month or more, how am I even going to listen to music in these two months u_u not going to buy new one, would be a loss of money

    2. sai


      Whoa CaRaN O___O You had the same as I do right? Mine have been going strong for 3 years already :o

    3. CaRaN


      Yeah sai xDDDDD I must be a headphones destroyer or something hahaha I'm gonna try to have amazon send me another ones for free with the warranty though

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  13. Danao

    Do you have the link for the cure mail order ? cause everytime I try to enter the site, it's says "Hacked by Krad Xin" then leads to nothing at all
  14. Danao

    YES that's what we want ! Hope he will come back with some ex ucp members, and not a live limited project that release tons of live limited single and DVDs that no one can find
  15. I guess it's a heavy alter ego of A x) seeing their look
  16. Juri album including DELUHI self cover songs, is he fucking serious ? can't he create new songs seriously or is he just not imaginative enough to do that ? plus this album will probably have Leda and Sujk, so this is SOOOO useless Edit: Trombe told me, and he's right, it doesn't mean it will include DELUHI songs only, my bad I was stupid on that point, but still, it's useless for the DELUHI covers (especially if it's songs that were already re recorded in Vandalism) *runs with his rant*
  17. Danao

    it's upped on mh download section since Tuesday, I took it on iTunes
  18. That new Yoshiki album is so beautiful.... Forever Love is amazing in this album, good works from him ! Now VIOLET UK please <3

  19. Anything you can transcode is interesting for you. Instead of doing a reissue of this single, they could have done a new one, or a mini or full album or whatever, something people would listen to during halloween But doing the same thing, with one bonus song where Hyde will sing the full song is useless They united so many good artists for nothing...
  20. Danao

    Really curious about that band, I'm happy to see Ryo back but still afraid of seeing Yuki involved in that, hope he won't make the band stop after 2 months cause of stupid reasons
  21. Are you sure about this news Trombe ? cause it's exactly the same as the one from 2012, same single name, same content
  22. Danao

    Unfortunately no, it's not a wrong price, I guess they did that cause all these singles are live limited singles, and some are impossible to find nowadays
  23. lol @ those Attention whores posting shit day after day, this won't make you a better person, just so you know.

    1. Danao


      WMP ripping is another problem, but YT rips... if they were checking what they are uploading, it would not arrive so many times here, it's like 1 week / 5 transcodes

      Plus some people don't even seems to care about that, which doesn't help at all

    2. Slsr


      I think issue is about people not knowing about transcodes etc. I hope they would learn at some point though but I don't think transcodes or not matters to most people which is why it won't happen :<...

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      D-A isn't still on this forum, but he has crapping full of junior D-A xD the weeds always pushing

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  24. Where do you even hear or see Manson imitation ? lol I like the preview a lot, so glad I bought that CD, but Lycaon please, don't fall into the electro dub dub shitty vk
  25. VOW (ex-Paradeis members band) new mini album "NUDE" will be released on 2013/10/30 The mini album launch presents live will be held at Takadanobaba AREA on 2013/11/03 And their first one-man live will be held at Ikebukuro EDGE on 2013/12/16
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