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Mind of the sun

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About Mind of the sun

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    Man on the moon
  • Birthday 02/06/1991

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  1. Mind of the sun

  2. Mind of the sun

    3 episodes in to the Netflix show 'Godless'. Epic western with Jeff Daniels as the villain. Some uninteresting characters, but overall pretty good so far.
  3. Mind of the sun

  4. Mind of the sun

    90 minutes sounds about right.
  5. Mind of the sun

    I feel lucky now, the only thing that went wrong in the Helsinki show was the backround display crashing during Rinkaku, otherwise everything was good, especially the blossoming belsebub performance. I really wanted Uroko instead of Phenomenon, but after your guys comments about it Im happy with what we got lol.
  6. Mind of the sun

    I was at that show, but did not hear it. Rude as fuck tho. If it was heavier songs they wanted, we got plenty.
  7. I did the same thing on my first listen. The album was almost unlistenable, especially the first half. Played around with the equalizer and managed to make it somewhat bearable.
  8. Mind of the sun

    One of my all time favorites. If i have to choose a favorite era it has to be Rakushu for sure. Great look, great singles, fantastic album.
  9. Mind of the sun

    Alien Covenant Had some intense moments for sure, but i wish they would not have included the 'alien' at all and just called it Prometheus 2. It just felt like they forced the creature in the film to please fans, especially in the 3rd act, where it became a completly different movie compare to the rest. Michael Fassbender as David/Walter is the best part of the film and he got ALOT to do in this one. 7/10 Wonder Woman Was not planning on seeing this one since i felt a little tired of superheroes . Also DC's previous films, Suicide Squad and BvS wasn't that great. Im happy i did go and see it though, because it was fantastic. First 30 minutes are a bit slow but other than that its great. Alot of goosebumps and laughter. Also a bit emotinal as well, especially towards the end. Looking forward to see Wondar Woman in future DC films. 9/10
  10. Mind of the sun

    Not shocking seeing ROACH on the tribute band list, but holy shit am I excited. And like @Furiksaid, Polysics will most likely cover fuzz. If not, its a missed opportunity for sure.
  11. Mind of the sun

    Survive Style 5+ is one of my favorite Japanese movies. Great comedy with Tadanobu Asano, Sonny Chiba (small role) and even Vinny Jones.
  12. Mind of the sun

    The latest Dark Souls DLC, The ringed city. hell yeeeeeh. So much better than the previous dlc. Also, goodbye Dark Souls.
  13. Mind of the sun

    A.I Artificial Intelligence It's been at least 10 years since I saw this the last time and I think i feel the same as i did then. The first hour or so is great, Haley Joel Osment is great as the a.i David, so creepy in the begging. It's when Gigolo Joe comes in i feel the movie loses the intensity a bit, luckily he does not take up to much screentime. He's funny and likeable, but I think he stands out a bit to much with all the darker themes in the film. Talking about standing out, I remember the last 10-20 minutes from the first time I saw the movie, how strange it was. Still cried at the end though. 7/10 I also saw La La Land earlier this week, loved it. Going to see it again today and will write down a bit more when i get back.
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