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Everything posted by Yukami

  1. Yukami

    And only they are two
  2. Yukami

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0vZHNe-bko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7JV0exjuzs
  3. their new single "不完全カタルシス" will be released at 2016/02/25 (1,200yen) [track list] 1.不完全カタルシス 2.Brave!
  4. ・ゴールデンボンバー全国ツアー2015「歌広、金爆やめるってよ ""ノーミュージック・ノーウエポン""」at 国立代々木競技場第一体育館 2015.11.12 通常盤(本編Disc) ¥5,500+税 EAZV-0130 収録時間/Disc1 105分,Disc2 47分 ※本編字幕あり。(ON OFF 可能) ・ゴールデンボンバー全国ツアー2015「歌広、金爆やめるってよ」at 国立代々木競技場第一体育館 2015.11.13通常盤(本編Disc) ¥5,500+税 EAZV-0132 収録時間/Disc1 98分,Disc2 84分 ※本編字幕あり。(ON OFF 可能) both will be released at 2016/02/29
  5. Yukami

    his image has changed a lot since they started. Great look. Suica
  6. https://twitter.com/official_ikiru/status/701767966371639297 https://twitter.com/official_ikiru/status/701768218755465216 https://twitter.com/official_ikiru/status/701768371537256448
  7. 01. sickman 02. 13th Carmine
  8. https://twitter.com/official_ikiru/status/701424502387773440
  9. They look great! I hope that is not a Jupiter 2.0 Wanting to hear something!
  10. 1st song "会いたくて…会えなくて…"
  11. Yukami

    ^ https://twitter.com/urawazao btw, the voice on Twins☆ https://twitter.com/Twins__yoshi/status/700320470793482242 https://twitter.com/Twins__yoshi/status/700206032740483073
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