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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. uQOnDtw.png


    do. they. have. an. app. 

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      tag urself


      I'm the one getting kicked out at 1am

    2. nekkichi


      I'm chelseas mormon sister



  2. nekkichi

    I really like production and mastering on this, clonazepam-kei queens really invested into their sound quality. I suppose the rest of 2017 will be flooded with pointless, going nowhere compositions (I can imagine The Black Swan hopping on this train as soon as their adoratio bootlegs arrive from Taiwan.) 純朴、無垢であろうが is cute, 白濁 is the only track I didn't end up skipping through. would be an interesting experience to listen to this through sukekiyo stan ears, alas
  3. nekkichi

    reading that inside of me thread reminded me how gackt hears voices and hallucinates on the reg according to his own biography: yet neither nippon crown nor avex never really had a problem with it, interesting
  4. ugly gross fuck




    I hope his hairline leaves him as fast as his ex in question and his shitty little dog dies ffs


    are you excited for next GoT season y'all

    1. Mamo


      So excited!!! 

  5. nekkichi

    tbh it's really time 2 eat your asses out, tohma and satoshi, I can't believe both were at least partially involved in recording this perfection and just left for respective flop bands ughhh
  6. conspiracy theory du jour: the 13teen are funded with mao's ghost-singing cheques he's been getting for Dir en grey releases past 2007 & the only reason Kazu is embarassing himself being a part of this is to overwatch the bih not running away, jeopardizing further Deg-related things


    since everyone else in that band is capable of performing their parts, most of remaining sadie members were allowed to fade into obscurity


    post your own bizarre vk-related fantasies below!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Jasmine You and Kaya are the same person

  7. 2nd and 5th tracks snatch sukekiyo weaves stat goddess of artkei
  8. nekkichi

    their drummer is too good for this band (same goes for tha pretty guitarist idk ha name) I foresee a disband a few singles from now tbh
  9. CpSy1q9.png




    this is why I can’t take the local oversharing threads seriously,

    like, if you’re going to flex those lying muscles bringing your non-existent dating escapades to life,

    please do come up with something more creative than “shagged two tinder lassies the other week and having a rigid stonker over an upcoming a weekend with an 8/10 slag!! how u doin lads”

  10. nekkichi

    I'm just catching up on britney's bizzare promotion for that album from 2013, why doesn't she do anything like that anymore
  11. Kai and Uruha are slaying it tbh, Aoi needs his hair back and Reita looks typical Reita idk why they even bother making diff photos of him every time
  12. this coincides with actually prominent and important Deg members looking vivaciously fresh ever since the howling garden gnome demon got occupied with sukekiosque, interesting
  13. she doesn't own masters for everything released prior to lemonade, so her streaming revenue for older releases is either non-existent or very modest, and everytime she's performing older material she is has to pay WMG a fee for all stuff they own. that's the reason she is on a self-owned label now, as opposed to T🐍ylor who has been on a private indie thing, iirc, funded by her parents, since her very beginning.
  14. this article: another serving of boring preachy straightness over here: must suck to play music no one cares for. if only he had a chance to enter the scene just before the beatles exploded oh my oh MY!!!
  15. anyway it's summer solstice, 


    if any of you henniez are getting the ouija boards out can u please ask Joan Rivers to drag Melania Tramp from whatever circle of hell she's being roasted at?

    I would appreciate if you also repost your interactions here,



  16. I kinda applaud kiwamu's transparency (3500¥ tax included and not evaded I suppose) but honestly seeing a SOLD OUT darkest labyrinth placeholder a year after release would be less embarrassing than announcing that this gets 66 copies in total and that's it for the upcoming visual kei legends.
  17. nekkichi

  18. nekkichi

    I'm just wondering - this tour was never announced as specifically album promotion focused? so he has no legal/contractual obligations to perform LP-exclusive material during upcoming performances? not that you can perform whatever has not been composed in the first place but that's like minor nitpicking lol
  19. the floor is rape allegation



    1. IGM_Oficial


      A new type of fetish still to be used on the hentai industry

  20. nekkichi

    shilling trump-care
  21. nekkichi

    the optimist in me is lowkey wishing he'd just mail out blank cd-rs with some exclusive hide cheki and a handwritten "yes. THIS is the new album. i've been messing with y'all for that many years now #deal_with_it" notes and some not-for-retail-sale yoshikitty candy to make pownage less poignant but i'll keep waiting for actual confirmed tea ofc
  22. nekkichi

    lettuce pray, my dude, lettuce pray
  23. nekkichi

    idk I really like this little snippet it sounds like a cute throwback to 2006 when unpretentious mediocre bands like this were plentiful
  24. nekkichi

    yoshiki is retiring
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