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ricchubunny last won the day on January 7 2019

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About ricchubunny

  • Rank
    Hizaki's Weave
  • Birthday 01/08/1994

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  1. Spent my whole day trying to find a place where Kamijo could do his free franmeeting in Brazil...Tomorrow i have to go there to clean it and decorate before he goes there XD Gonna be a loooong day, but i hope his fans can enoy it after all! 頑張る????

    1. Tetora


      Oh, didn't know you were involved. Hope all goes well.

    2. ricchubunny


      I wasnt, but since the brazilian promoter left Kamijo and B7 all alone here me and my friends are trying to help them to do something nice to the fans, somehow. We worked hard to get a fanmeeting and we got it ! Lets see how it will turn out tomorrow!

    3. Tetora


      Oh, that's cool of you.

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