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Everything posted by 薔薇の末裔

  1. 薔薇の末裔

    The album sales were really poor so I guess Sword Records and Jui ddn't make a very good team.
  2. 薔薇の末裔

    They seem to be talking about some sort of new single called #_2, also in November. Or only single, no album? Due to some "divination" thing that says they won't sell well if they release it in November, they will release a new single instead.
  3. 薔薇の末裔

    Are you guys sure about Hikaru's talent? I saw piecelang a couple of times and most of his parts were lipsynced.
  4. 薔薇の末裔

    they just needed a band name that sucked as much as the music.
  5. 薔薇の末裔

    It's just a one song TV performance, nothing serious Also Gackt didn't write his own single this time lol
  6. 薔薇の末裔

    The new single is charity self-produced and sold at their indies stuff webshop only, so it's definately God Child Records. Also their sales have been very disappointing recently so I'm not surprised they kicked them out/they left.
  7. 薔薇の末裔

    Good. TBH I never expected Kisaki to release a full album.
  8. 薔薇の末裔

    nothing. 15 year olds think their tacky as fuck gimmicks are funny, and their indie status appeals to indievk-dogmatists.
  9. 薔薇の末裔

    I rarely listen to their music, but their live sets are usually a lot of fun.
  10. 薔薇の末裔

    they had a shoxx single release but it was cancelled. So I guess they disbanded that way
  11. 薔薇の末裔

    I find that quite hard to believe actually! But if you say so... it could be true. Never been in Japan myself. To me this sounds like a British person who doesn't know who The Rolling Stones are. Even if you're not into rock music, not knowing some of the biggest names in your country is pretty... odd. You must've heard of them sometime. I think pretty much every average Japanese older than 20 has heard of LUNA SEA, Gackt and X JAPAN. Dir en grey are more known among younger people. Buck-tick had some hits in the past but most people find it difficult to remember them *laughs*
  12. 薔薇の末裔

    Pretty much everyone in Japan knows what is visual kei, but most people don't know any band or have just heard the name of some major bands (mostly Gazette or Alice Nine). Gackt, Luna Sea and X Japan of course are still known by losts of people but they don't get much media exposure anymore as they are considered out of fashion or justic nostalgic now. Most major bands don't sell that much and still play in smaller venues, so I don't think their Japanese fanbase is THAT bigger than overseas maybe..
  13. 薔薇の末裔

    In the pamphlet they distributed at the Japanese gigs it's written in broken english that they are slowly working on new stuff, so I don't think they disbanded but just keep low profile.
  14. 薔薇の末裔

    Zephyr actually regrouped some years ago and were recording a new album, but the vocalist is sick and can't continue (if I remember correctly). They also have an official site up somewhere...
  15. 薔薇の末裔

    Probably bullshit. If the tour was a failure then the promoters/organizers that brought them overseas would lose money, not the band itself or their management, I think. They get an amount of money from those people to perform there so failure or not they simply can't lose money in any way.
  16. 薔薇の末裔

    It was announced at the Aliene Ma'riage gig that details on the band will be out on June 20th.
  17. 薔薇の末裔

    He can't be on stage so they figured out a way he could meet fans at the concerts. Also they are definately going to sell more goods this way lol
  18. 薔薇の末裔

    I've seen Metis Gretel about four or five times in the past and they never played Fairy tale so I guess it isn't one of their most loved tracks xD
  19. 薔薇の末裔

    IRL he's seriously fat. Not that it is a problem anyway.. The biggest disappointment was him not being able to sing live and lip-synched parts...
  20. 薔薇の末裔

    Why is everyone always so hyped about remastering stuff? That wouldn't change ANYTHING on the songs lol Especially if it's a remaster of a 2-months old song.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remaster (unless you meant re-recording of course)
  21. 薔薇の末裔

    A new clip with more info on the album has been posted. Release date 11.11.11 CD only 11 tracks + 16page booklet 3150 yen CD+DVD 11 tracks + 16page booklet + 30 min DVD + 8 page book 4830 yen Also she will perform live at Takadanobaba AREA on July 7th Before that she has been invited by Mana to perform at his birthday event, but she eventually turned down the offer.
  22. 薔薇の末裔

    Digest of the secret live? Wasn't it cancelled before finishing the first song? lol
  23. 薔薇の末裔

    I went to tons of metal gigs in my life but none of them had fans as rude (and sometimes even dirty) as jrock fans in EU
  24. 薔薇の末裔

    Most bands: no money and no fans, or at least not enough. Some popular bands: bitchfights and/or management/record label issues.
  25. 薔薇の末裔

    Vsoku states Jui is gonna have a solo debut album on April 20th so this is definately unelated to his health problems. Also Crown records calling him "the second Gackt"...lol
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