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Everything posted by iSin-Sama

  1. iSin-Sama

    I'm about 4-5 hours in the game, And it is extremely hard. And yes I also have Batman Arkham City Fully payed for for the CE.
  2. iSin-Sama

    Already Pre-ordered my copy <3
  3. iSin-Sama

    Anybody play this Wonderful game on ps3? It's so Hard, but so Fun <3
  4. iSin-Sama

    Very much true.
  5. iSin-Sama

    Yay! What games do you own? xD
  6. iSin-Sama

    The Manga is indeed awesome.
  7. iSin-Sama

    Zombie mode is the best part of the game, Everything else is kinda meh.
  8. iSin-Sama

    I still own the original Wii, But i'm not too sure on this one yet, I will probably wait a few months after release to buy it, and see what games are released with it at launch.
  9. iSin-Sama

    THOR on Blue-ray
  10. iSin-Sama

    I feel the same way <3
  11. iSin-Sama

    Anyone Else getting this wonderful game? I pre ordered the CE for my Ps3. Comes out on Tuesday woot!
  12. iSin-Sama

    Best show on T.V
  13. iSin-Sama

    Also if you own an android phone, you can just download it for free and connect it with your account.
  14. iSin-Sama

    I'm posting from my Ps3, Cauze i r Awesome! <3
  15. iSin-Sama

    Buy a Ps3 instead xD
  16. iSin-Sama

    This just happened to me this morning, DAMN IT.
  17. iSin-Sama

    So apparently All my scrobbles and library are not there. I just checked this morning, And haven't done anything to do this, Anyone have this problem? I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this, But i know many people in this forum who use Last.fm
  18. iSin-Sama

    This sucks! : (
  19. iSin-Sama

    I will def order this as well <3
  20. iSin-Sama

    That's what I thought of first : P
  21. iSin-Sama

    Id love to go to that live <3
  22. iSin-Sama

  23. iSin-Sama

    Awesome! <3
  24. iSin-Sama

    Damn right! I wants it now! I wont get my copy for 2 weeks after release date, But i'll be happy if it gets posted tomorrow.
  25. iSin-Sama

    Damn it, you're right. Still got 12 hours left The longest 12 hours of my life.
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