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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. The Reverend

    Reviving this thread cause I was in a Vidoll mood today... and none of the members' subsequent projects really do it for me, so I was watching some old Vidoll live vids. This song gets special mention both because it's good, and the guitarist being tasked with just doing repeated VK bird calls throughout the chorus is amazing. Shouts to @inartisticfor uploading it.
  2. The Reverend

    Three weeks away, can't wait! (excited they'll have some t-shirts too)
  3. Nice report! You must've taken some good notes. I went to the NYC show and from my perspective near the rear the energy of the crowd was really good. No idea if there was any cattiness up front jostling for position before the show. I thought the Gazette's new stuff translated to the stage pretty well. I don't regret not splurging on VIP tickets. Both because a.) I brought someone who doesn't care about VK at all and I'm sure he wouldn't have been down for arriving so early and b.) I'm tall so it didn't really matter how late I got to the venue, I could see fine from any spot on the floor Shouldn't they though? I don't know if I've ever seen a headlining band not come back out for an encore whether the fans really demanded one or not. It's just what you do. If a band/bands actually had the balls to not come back out if the enthusiasm wasn't there then maybe there'd be more incentive to cheer loudly... as it is now the band performing an encore is perfunctory so why bother with loud cheers/applause? (kind of an aside I know but I've thought about the dynamics of encores at many shows.... I seriously would laugh out loud if a band just turned on the house lights and stayed backstage if a couple minutes after their show ended no one was excited for an encore)
  4. The Reverend

    Alright I just watched their set from the Rex stream and I think I'm in on this band.
  5. The Reverend

    I like their logo which looks a lot like it could've been the cover of a 90s VK cassette tape.
  6. The Reverend

    How do I turn this sweet white pumpkin I bought into winning the M-H halloween contest??
  7. The Reverend

    I like everything except how they draw the 'R' in their name
  8. ^^ Great look! (did they not have five members?)
  9. The Reverend

    Seconded. Happy B-Day @Delkmiroph!!
  10. Finally looked up what "orz" meant after seeing it at the end of posts for like two years and just having no idea.


    I can't keep up with the kids these days!

    1. Zeus
    2. Zeus


      @YuyoDrift its not a work look at it like an emoji you should see a man kneeling in shame

    3. YuyoDrift


      Sorry lord I have not been faithful.

      I could not see, but now i've been shown the light lol

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  11. The Reverend

    ^^ Still my fave Grimes song.
  12. This line-up has the potential to be awesome! but.... ^^ I'd be somewhat surprised if any of their projects lasted through 2017..... and now they're all together!
  13. The Reverend

    For Japanese releases both KtK and Under Fall Justice were pretty good in my book, but not great. Worth a listen but not all-timers. The release I've been spinning the most that came out in (at the very end of) August: Subrosa - For This We Fought The Battle of Ages A doom/sludge band that does the dichotomy of pretty vs. ugly and loud vs. soft super well. Not as great as their 2013 album, but that one is like a top-5 doom metal release to me, so saying this one is not quite as awesome is not an insult. I don't know many bands in this genre that feature a front-woman who composes most of the music, and I think that provides a unique perspective (and I'm a sucker for female vocals within such *heavy* tunes). Check this out if you're into doom, or think you could be, but appreciate a band that embraces interesting melodies as much as simply trying to blow your speakers with slow riffs.
  14. The Reverend

    Do you actually use the sushi mat to shape those, or was it just thematic for the pic?? (they look good either way!)
  15. The Reverend

    Shots fired at Ame! Haha. Pretty bullet-proof logic here.... 'you read all this way and aren't gonna check us out?!? C'mon!' Thanks for another fun interview translation @hiroki
  16. The Reverend

    Woo! Finally have some live-footage of Emmuree performing Lovers (regrettably missing from their Paint it Black DVD). Go buy some stuff from @t597's sale thread. Top-notch seller and obviously he/she has great taste .
  17. The Reverend

    Once again the things I bought from @t597were sent less than 24 hours after I first sent an email!
  18. The Reverend

    Awesome! Nigu is cool, and that list of collaborators is top-notch.
  19. Just realized (six months late?) that Hey Mercedes released a remastered version of their Everynight Fire Works this year. Hey Mercedes were certainly no Braid (though 3/4 of the members of Braid were in Hey Mercedes) but I still had a soft spot for that album. Check it out if you're in the mood for some indie rock with a touch of mid-western style emo. (why did Hey Mercedes decide their thing would be ending every single song abruptly??)
  20. The Reverend

    Reviewing Fatima's best single; M:I-44. Mostly driving by corn fields.
  21. That Alcest sounds reallllly good. Can't wait for the end of the month! They/he need to get their asses back to the US for a tour supporting the new album.
  22. The Reverend

    Nice! Beelzebub was good not great... but I'll keep supporting any VK dudes who actually put songs online for a buck.
  23. The Reverend

    "she looked like Kerrigan" is probably the best way to describe Kyouka's look in that video though.
  24. The Reverend

    Yeah disappointed. Dirty Vibe (not hers alone I know) was way better than this or Dr Pepper.
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