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Everything posted by Mei

  1. Mei

  2. Mei

    correct. thisis their ucp site.
  3. Mei

    this is so true. like, i listen to all their title tracks all together and i cant tell the difference between them. they need more experimentation indeed. and more amazing reno's solos please even though it was the gayest song i want more songs like precious. or take-off style songs. as well, i wouldnt mind more ko-ki's dj'ing
  4. so it was gene's new band? cool. i like him
  5. Mei

    yay! i hate them since they moved to UCP
  6. Mei

    ÑÑAA, im bored. thus, pics. car photo shoot
  7. Mei

    should tell me what teamkei is! XD i've googled it but sth naruto-related shows up or some twitter thing, but i have no twitter :/.
  8. Mei

    i dont know the meaning of what he (?) just said...
  9. Mei

    is correct, and likes marilyn manson <3
  10. Mei

    woow, knows abt argentina.
  11. Mei

    ^ long hair would look hotter on you! @ red-rose-ana: i luv your outfits. show moar.
  12. Mei

    ^ what an amazing job u have. have u ever met any jrocker doing yur job?
  13. Mei

    keep, for science's sake band SCREW
  14. Mei

    keep e=mc2
  15. ehm, this is mh's market forum. i already have the mp3's ^^ thanks anyway!
  16. Mei

    ha, kick 2 girls 1 cup video?
  17. Mei

    has a 10/10 ava/siggy. what is it?
  18. http://poltergeist-web.com/pc_top.html new badass look
  19. Mei

    damn, i find this so hard to believe. but then i realise futurizm boyz members r the same as arc... anyway, im looking foward to them. maybe they have some good songs like arc did in their early days... ^^
  20. Mei

    one of these for tonight, k?
  21. Mei

    omg, im so looking forawrd to the debut single! also, i love the bands name k?thxbye!
  22. Mei

    spends a lot of time gaming i guess
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