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Everything posted by Mei

  1. Mei

    my sis can, i dont. im jealous cos of that. can u say the alphabet burping?
  2. Mei

    has as ava someone idk. it looks like genchou from nogod... but still i might be wrong
  3. Mei

    Aww, haha Was cute
  4. Mei

    lol, doesnt know argentina's official language. yeah, i speak spanish XP was correct.
  5. Mei

    knows me well. likes and.
  6. Mei

    is tokage and has a siggy that reminds me of touhou music.
  7. Mei

    8/10 mario!
  8. Mei

    crystal meth is a drug u can either eat or inject or put in anus or smell. the effect is terrible. and it deteriorates your healt really fast. i answered him.
  9. Mei

    i do know what crystal meth is but im not in love with it either o.o doesnt know what c meth is...
  10. ^she has a wonderful name then smell of flowers
  11. Mei

    yes have you ever got less than 6 on an exam and made a falsification of your parents signature?
  12. Mei

    4/10 eh, sorry, i just don't like it :/
  13. Mei

    didn't know either the meaning of teamkei. despite that he helped out ;3
  14. Mei

    *knocks knocks*
  15. Mei

    i still have to buy their single. hope they dont become sold out by the time i buy them... anyway yeah, im excited too. this band's better than vanessa i think
  16. Mei

    born villain clip is flawless
  17. Mei

    ^handsome *____* damn, just came to my mother's pc and it looks too damn bright, well my bad.
  18. Mei

    ^ i've heard that difference between korean versions is that they include a booklet in korean. in the case of a dvd i guess they r exatcly the same, except that on the back it'll say "korea" instead of "japan".
  19. Mei

    oh my gawd el.ou.el. havent even heard a sample.
  20. Mei

    ahh, then yeah, im a teamkei XD a hc one explained me sth i didnt know @ ronluna: nobody said anything abt him :/
  21. Mei

    sucker punch amazing story and amazing sound track as well.
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