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Everything posted by Mei

  1. Mei

    lol at the tatu video. really awful performance
  2. Mei

    she must gtfo mah internetz
  3. Mei

    cool. sample doesnt sound as heavy as i would like but still i'll buy their releases! (i love rayka)
  4. Mei

    ^ does that mean orderable?
  5. damnm i dont wanna buy it, too much to spend on already
  6. Mei

    nice nice nice!
  7. Mei

    ipod touch ftw. i got mine and i love it, bad thing abt it is that it only has 64 gb of space only
  8. so soon? i wonder who'll be heisei ishin's singer...
  9. ^ that's strange, they've always shipped in time my orders. maybe you should try contacting them once more.
  10. anyone knows? im waiting a parcel from brand-x and am curious whether it's gonna be shipped on time... *by tsunami i mean tsunami, earthquakes, radioactive rain and anything else they are going through
  11. Mei

    today's my bday too!!! at least for 6 more minutes
  12. samples were posted on their ohp. but does/can someone know/guess where is the hazakura go round pv going to be included?
  13. anyway i'll be buying this suzaku's singles. i like the sample
  14. was tsumi no kokuhaku released as a live distro or something? and i hope the dvd wont be limited to lives...
  15. Mei

    damn, that diablo session band must be cool. and im so looking forward to hear that scarret song some day
  16. Mei

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFZLKVmt ... dded#at=11 here the samples for what it seems to be their first single
  17. Mei

    yes that's what i was asking ^^ but, did it come with obi? i just received it and it came without, which i found pretty weird since it's a hella expensive cd lol
  18. I'm planning to buy this cd/dvd but it's like $100 at japan discoveries so i wanted to know how the packaging is. has anyone from here bought it and could please tell me?
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