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Posts posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. ^I don't like the eagles, so I wouldn't know.

    though it does appear so, hah. oh well, I suppose you could say the best song was something they had to steal? hah.

    still cool song though. if they just would have changed the harmonies a little bit it wouldn't have been so plain obvious.

    but after all the eagles might as well have stolen it from "jethro tull - we used to know" so who cares :P [/annoyingnerdism]

    really hope the full version of the album is better than the previews, or perhaps after a few spins it grows, but so far i think its one of the worst mucc albums

  2. Auto-tune is great if used right, newbies. You don't know how many of your favourite artists that have used auto-tune at some point. Doesn't mean you have to sound like a robot or sound unnaturally. Again, NEWBIES!

    newb yourself. as if that would be anything new to anyone

    don't be so hasty in your judgement, yeah, 99% (well, perhaps even 100%) of studio-productions use auto-tune, and yeah, if used with caution it can be quite some improvement. problem is, since people don't seem to actually listen to the music anymore, soundengineers became lazy and set their melodyne-plugin on a brickwall-correction preset which they don't bother touching anymore (and vocalists don't bother singing in correct pitch anymore), which results in a cher/kanyewest-like effekt, of course a little bit more subtle than that, but still quite disturbing. especially if you have worked with melodyne (or similar pitch-correction-progs) you tend to hear that annoying sound everywhere.

    p.s. yes i know, brickwall is a term for limiters (which leads to another problem nowadays music, "loudness-war") but the term fits the pitch-correction aswell


    has nega officially disband, or do those two bands *cough* now co-exist?

  3. HAH, awesome trolljob, i lol'd :D

    since electronic seems slowly expanding greatly lately in VK, could it be possibilities for the vocalist to use abuse some auto tunes with this project? :D

    Oh God i hope not!

    To many bands sounding like robots lately, HATE AUTOTUNE!


  4. just wanted to say, couldn't disagree more with these two statements regarding maximum and deg...

    When I was learning to scream, I sounded pretty much the same. Theres the right way to scream and the wrong way, and if you're self-taught you're usually doing it the wrong way. Kyo does things with his voice that he would have no idea of the impact it has on his throat, as not many people have done them before (if any). The MTH guy has very little range and is obviously doing falsecord technique to get that sound. If he keeps doing that like he does he'll probably lose his voice.

    yeah, no doubt about ruining your voice and ending up with vocalchords like flapjacks if you don't prepare properly for sreaming/shouting, i was more referring to the "shouldn't sound that way" and "kyo is experimenting too much" parts, because the maximum-shouter and the strange thins kyo does with his voice are more or less the main reasons i personally like them so much...

    This probably happens because jrock artists dress like ugly chicks, are faggots and suck too much cock. So when they've had enough giants deep throating them their voice gets fucked up.

    lol, thats it probably :urg: 8=>

  5. Maximum the Hormone also had isues

    Thats because that dude can't scream properly. Most jrockers don't learn to scream properly, thats why most sound a little hoarse when screaming. It shouldn't sound like that xD

    Kyo just experiments too much.

    just wanted to say, couldn't disagree more with these two statements regarding maximum and deg...

    regarding despa, hope hizumi gets better quick, on monsters and redeemer i actually was a little bit disappointed in the vocals, so maybe after some rest/treatment he gets back his lost sparcle :oshi:

  6. with such a "flexible" band like MUCC it is always difficult. i actually just like about 20-30% of their stuff, but still it is one of my absolute favorites despite, or even just because of that.

    on every album so far i found some tracks i wouldn't wann miss, perhaps more on the early ones, because i like the numetal/korn-esque touch a lot,

    but also on the heavily bashed shion and kyuutai are some epics (heavy, jazz, funk, pop,... doesn't matter).

    so while the last singles and this preview are strong on the "delete, DELETE SRSLY!!" side of my like-o-scope, i still hope for the full album to have some good shit on it. pleaseplease don't let mucc die *praystoflyingspaghettimonster*

    regarding despa and girugamesh, i seem to be the only one who enjoyed "music", i also found some of the "now" album quite entertaining, even if the vocals there really started to get on my nerves, but yeah, these last singels were horrifying...

  7. But what I'm getting at, is that it's pointless to bitch about bad VK music when the musicians are so ostentatious.

    and what i'm getting at is, beeing ostentatious has nothing to do with making good or bad music, it might attract hordes of fangirls but doesn't change the music behind it, so it surely isn't pointless to bitchabout/discuss the music, or if there is a band which is only looks (yeah, there are lots) to say so (but i would vehemently object against that statement in case of the gazette).

  8. Thirdly: You really think GazettE fans are smart enough to be able to tell a good bass line from a bad one? Listen up dude. The GazettE isn't about music or good music. It's about lookin' good and getting girls to buy your album. Just like the whole of visual kei. Which is, I know, disgusting. I'm sure you are probably aware how mindless the GazettE fanbase is. They don't care. As long as the GazettE keep looking good and putting out "edgy" and "catchy" songs people will fall at their feet and call them gods.

    And Reita is obviously NOT the best bassist in the world because he CAN'T write decent bass lines.

    wow, now this has turned into a fullscale flame-war..

    i just feel that i have to comment on this statement above, essentially it is of course true that vk is a whole lot about looks (it in the damned name) and a whole lot of fans would buy the cd's no matter what is on it, but thats no different in other musical genres.

    black metal is all about having the longest hair, the darkest tattoos, the meanest nails in your sweatiest leathercostumes, and being to most evil motherf**ker on planet earth to get those slightly less evil young guys to buy the records.

    electro/indie is about being the hippest hipster, with c64 or atari sounds, rayban-wayfarer sunglasses, green starwars-t-shirt, chucks, vegeterian food blabla etc.

    that being said doesn't mean that by following these genre-trends the music behind it has to be meaningless.

    Gazette has always, besides looking good, put out some interesting stuff and changed their musical style often, which obviously not everybody likes, but if the music wouldn't matter to them, they wouldn't have to do that.

    they wouldn't need to explore musical styles with 5[shit]ers, anagare and antipop if it didn't matter to do something interesting, they wouldn't have had to create those roundabout 50sec intermission-tracks for the DIM-album

    (some might say, thats just because they where to stupid to come up with a proper song instead, but i would argue that creating 4 different mini tracks is a whole lot more difficult than doing one random song (like shiver, or red that is)), and without them DIM wouldn't be the album it is now, but just some tracks together on a cd, those intermissions are what makes this album special for me, besides some pretty cool tracks (13stairs, Headache Man and Ogre are on heavy rotation on my ipod at the moment, including their "intros", ..yeah i'm more into the heavy part)

    although you ranted about giving a shit about opinion, obviously here is a lot of opinion involved.

    we've had Iron Maiden Blows vs. Iron Maiden Sucks (great choice of words), Slayer-Bass is cool vs. Slayer-Bass is poor, understandibly some saying a bassist should do something cool and interesting vs. me who says, the bass is just there to provide the bottom end of a song instead of irritating with show-off-fills/lines etc.

    so maybe to get back to the original topic, does anybody have information about the other two tracks on the red-single? because red itself was pretty dissapointing (in my opinion that is :D )

  9. Ok, maybe that didn't come out as I intended it to.

    I didn't want to state that Reita is a great bassist, not at all, and I certainly don't want to compare the actual songs of Slayer to GazettE songs, there is just one similar point, which you stated aswell.

    "They shouldn't show off. The bass shouldn't be heard in that way... The bass shouldn't be heard too much because it's just there to help creating a wall of sound".

    If you now take for example Headache Man from GazettE the basic idea behind it is in my opinion also this soundwall, nothing to show of in the guitars aswell, just raw punch.

    There might be possibilities to do something fancy, but as you said "There's no need for it".

    Also agreed on the point that when he tries something it pretty often fails badly, so after all I just wanted to respond to the -no fancy basslines equals bad music/band- statement from before, they might sometimes be a nice addition but theres not an actually need for it, like shown in Slayers Reign In Blood, or perhaps a little bit more GazettE-like, Refused-New Noise. EDIT: or Rage Against the Machine - Killing In The Name Of, with a bassplayer which I wouldn't exactly refer to as "bad"

  10. Correction; that's usually what shitty bass-players do. Concept of bands who fail at heavy music. Or just music overall.

    well, that depends, personally i agree that the bass should, atleast in some breaks or intros do his own stuff instead of blindly following the guitars, but that depends on the music. in modern metal (or numetal if you like) the characteristics are mostly defined with a very low and simple riff, creating the often mentioned "guitar-wall". now if the bass doesn't do the same thing, this wall would miss its low-end and sound much thinner. so after all, if you listen to slipknot, metallica, slayer, dir en grey, biohazard, pantera etc.. you will find the exact same thing, all of which bands, where i would strongly disagree with "fail at (heavy) music", its that same technique, which makes it "heavy".

  11. He's a bassisut, sure. But when was the last thing he did anything interesting? Most of the time he's playing boring, lame and irritating bass lines. It's like 5 years since he did a decent bass line, and even more years since he did a good one. He is, as Disposable says, useless.

    well, thats usually what bass-players do, they just play the exact same thing as the guitars one octave lower, thats more or less in the concept of heavy music. the only j-rock bassist i know who does something different is the one from maximum the hormone, but doing funky slap/jumpingaround-bass wouldn't really fit to gazettes music nowadays. perhaps to some of their early experimental pseudo-jazz-rock'n'roll-stuff, but thats, what i believe, what you refer to the last 5year old decent bassline. reita is, like most other bassists just there for stage performance and fangirls (or perhaps he writes some of the songs? don't know about that...)

  12. ^


    well it may be true that this collaboration is mainly for the purpose of selling a few more albums in japan, but techniques like that are pretty common in the japanese scene aswell, which is why lots of j-bands release their songs in (often terrible) engrish too, but i don't see why collaborations generally shoud be bad in any way.

    in contrary it is a nice thing, if musicians/artists come together to create something new, or atleast somewhat different from what they do normally, and especially this has absolutely nothing to do with where they come from.

    beeing american or beeing japanese doesn't reflect in any ways on the ability of the person behind it.

    having never been a fan of good charlotte, in this particular case i don't like the outcome aswell and the impact of miyavis participation doesn't seem to be fundamental to say the least, but thats just me.

    there are some other examples, which work quite different, like michael schenker or paul gilbert with sex machineguns, or DEG touring with slipknot and Korn, and maximum the hormone forming an overseas connections with bands like enter shikari and bring me the horizon. >>EDIT< and of course zilch with hide and former danzig members if i remember correctly<

    so this might not be the best teamup of musicians in history, but bands/artists should not be limited on with whom they work with, by trivialities like cultural background or nationality.

    edit2: grammar...

  13. although it seems like a pretty shameless slipknot/eyeless ripoff, i'd be very happy to see a re-record of madworld (on the other hand, perhaps the crappy sound is what makes this sound special/good, and also it might be better to focus on creating something new, than always clinging to the old days...)

    looking foreward to the cds

  14. The only similarity there is, is that they both own most Japanese bands at what they do. They're successful, AND at times, they're capable of doing music that isn't complete bullshit. That's usually a rare combination.
    may sound harsh, but i think i agree with every single written word here! ^^
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