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Posts posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. changing all the time, my strat is at standart tuning, sometimes drop d, my les paul is at drop B and the baritoneguitar is pretty strange, that would be low string E (one octave below standart) then E one oktave above, then B, D, F#, B. playing some sludge with that one (dropped the 5string-bass to E aswell). got that idea after hearing the dir en grey - stalin cover. can do pretty freaky stuff with such f'cked up tuning...

  2. noproblem, good luck with the search anyways (btw. dies irae die illa is the beginning of any requiem, mozart just would've been the obvious choice...)

    judging by the length and the (not so much) complexity of the song i think that it isn't actually a song, but some kind of "purpose"-music (don't know how to describe, sorry for my english :) like for a fashion show, or background music for a website, a shortfilm/documentary, whatever, so there won't be some kind of band/artist behind it. pretty catchy nonetheless :P

    2pm-wise thanks, too bad the music is so meh, because that clown-theme really is pretty cool^^

  3. it might be a little far fetched, but i guess its a remix/knockoff of the first movement in mozarts requiem



    so when looking for it i'd try something with "requiem" and/or "dies irae" in it...

    EDIT: btw, what is that in your signature? looks interesting :P

  4. Lotus definitely needed some more progession, I'm not fond of OBSCURE's chugging guitars and I find Reiketsu Nariseba live to be better than the recording on Uroboros. It sounds better with all the energy in it.

    I'd call this one average.

    agreeing to everything, i like the new vocals in obscure, but the chugga sounds lame without any driving energy and the parts somehow don't seem to connect...

    lotus itself is somehow boring

  5. sounds ok,

    a little bit disappointed by kyo only singing, doen't mean he nessessairily has to do uberangry grunting, but usually he did some pretty interesting sounds with his vocalchords so this is kind of a little drawback for me.

    still exited about the full version and the new obscure...

  6. and some more facebook-news...

    Steffi Thiem: What was your feeling when you performed LOTUS live for the first time?

    Shinya: We rehearsed the song many times before the tour,

    but I felt that everything fell into place during the real show.

    Toshiya: Just wanted to play it live outside of Japan too!

    Zack Snipes: What are the Guitars tuned to?

    Kaoru: ADADGBE from the 7th string.

    Linda Gradin: From people who have seen LOTUS live, they say it has already changed compared to the teaser.

    Seeing as it was recorded so long ago, that's understandable.

    How has the band seen this song evolve from the creation up until now?

    Toshiya: I believe that evolution comes only when you do not fear change.

    Mireille Dumoulin: Thank-you for "Lotus". I await it's release with great excitement and anticipation.

    Are there any specific reasons as to why "Obscure" and "Reiketsu Nariseba" were chosen to be featured on the new single?

    Die: OBSCURE is a song that we have been playing live for many years, in some ways it has become a routine song for us.

    We wanted to build it up even more and put it onto a record this time. As for REIKETSU NARISEBA, since the release of UROBOROS,

    we have also been playing this song live a lot and it has developed into a “Live song?? throughout the many plays. So now it’s time to record it.

    Mario Lozano: What caused the group to make the decision of tuning the guitars down to E(*) rather than their usual C#?

    Kaoru: I just wanted to match the guitar to the key of the melody, that’s all.

    *The tuning has been down to "A".

    EDIT: apparrently LOTUS has already been played on some stations (bay FM or so...) any recordings yet?

  7. >they've only released one original song since uroboros and 1 cover

    and those two songs might just be the most perfect sounds to have ever touched my ears :D so i'm quite exited about the new release... maybe something softer now? 15seconds is really short to judge anything, but it's gonna be awesome, it has to be [/fanboyism] :gaga:

  8. **I also have to agree that BIRTHDAY is probably one of the more epic intros I've heard.



    altogether cool album with some really cool tracks. for the moment seriously hooked on reborn... ep(ic)ileptic drums :P

  9. very interestin thing this album, personally i'm really a fan of this trashy minimalistic sound-concept, stands out against lots of vk-overproduciness...

    01. whats my name:

    great guitar, cool funk-feeling, unfortunately quite ridiculous pseudo-rap vocals, could've been better.


    02. Torture:

    single was awesome, on album still is, could perhaps use another part/bridge, but fortunately is only 3mins, so it fits just right.


    03. A-ha

    starts promising, cool beat and nice guitar. but gets incredibly boring with the tempochange, should have introduced another riff here, or just make it a 2min filler-song..


    04. chillin..

    urg, a cd-master is not a place for some drunk/stoned/tired jam-session


    05. love you/hate you

    sort of the indierock-song on the album. nothing special, but nice for listening to on the fly.

    might have profited of a "real" production with tons of guitars, synths, choirs, unicorns etc. but then of course wouldn't have fitted on the cd, so it's ok.


    06. moon

    does interesting stuff with his guitar, but somehow it doesn't really progress into a song, sounds like an endless (though cool) intro.


    07. gravity

    this song has received a lot of hate and i understand why. almost 6minutes and not much happening, but on this ballad i think this concept works quite well, if you listen to the complete song on a tired morning in the subway, or when tired/moody in general it really works as a whole with an epic buildup of emotion (whichever). one of the highlights for me.


    08. universe

    again really good start/interesting riff, but then just nothing. disappointing.


    09. unbreakable

    distorted drums, rawr! drum-beat, awesome! nu-metal-riff, cool. vocals, ok. song progression, poor. overall


    10. shelter

    hello there 90s rock. nice to listen to, but nothing outstanding, once more only two parts and to long for that (even if it's only 3:17, and is that a producer/cutter mistake at 2:48? rhythm seems completely of, perhaps is only the rip...)


    11. super hero

    a few more vocal-takes or a little autotune might have been appropriate here. apart from that one more funkrock-song on the album, but one of the better ones.


    12. sutekina mirai

    4min long filler/jamsession, boring


    13. futuristic love

    here we go again, starts promising with cool ideas, but doesn't seem to form to a real song, just a long loop with some brakes.


    14. survive

    liked it on the single, like it even better on the album


    so thats four cool tracks and four ok ones. works for me, overall sorta 7,5/10

    also i'm pretty sure you're correct with your time-machine, won't really listen to it in three months, but honestly i don't think i listened to any album so far longer than 3 months (if i don't count occasionally putting it out because it somehow fits the mood, or i heard something similar..). but until then it gets the heavy rotation on my ipod i guess...

  10. heavy disappointment, which is strange since i pretty much adore every other album by them (even the ones, that everybody else seems to hate, like shion, gokusei and kyutai).

    i'm used to delete a lot of their tracks since they experiment so much and some tracks are simply not my taste, but on this album everything is just plain boring, overproduced and pointless.

    only song which managed to stay in my head is that jazz thing, but unfortunately couldn't help noticing that satochi isn't able to do an acceptable jazz-beat and as usual japanese-english sounds almost always terrible.

    please mucc go back to making some experimental, trashy/freaky, minimalistic songs

    album sucks. overall 0.1/10 ( .1 just for not being girugamesh, although they seem to follow their track...)

  11. nope, not remastered, just surprisingly un-shitty youtube-sound, but i guess the youtube-compression works okay with heavy distorted music...

    cool for dir en grey to be on such a sorta-blockbuster filmsoundtrack, just wish they would have been on one of the earlier ones (instead of X-jap)

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