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Posts posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. oh god, please don't let them go down that symphonic trail (unless they improve significantly) :oshi:

    that amon-syth/symphonic was such utter garbage,

    sloppy as hell programmed sample-orchestra without any connection to the (already not that great, the single one i always skip on the album) song...

  2. in the early days of the interwebz, think 56k-modem-era, i was particularly new to the world wide-prokrastination-machine.

    i tried to register somewhere with my real name "felix" and was genuinely surprised, that there was already some jolly fella who had taken said username.

    beeing the genius i am i tried felix01 (and maybe felix86) afterwards, and, oh lord, they were taken aswell.

    asking myself what kind of witchcraft was going on here and suspecting a failure in the shady dephts of the site i tried the most stupid thing i could think of,

    only to find myself, to my surprise, to have created an account with the marvellous name of "bonsaijodelfisch"

    (bonsai = ca. small, jodel = traditional german way of singing [don't google/youtube it, your ears will bleed] fisch = well you guess)

    ever since this has been my name (sometimes changed to latexbitch or phélyx) and i still like it

  3. man, i would kill for that alesis edrumkit, it sucks to "play" the drums on the keyboard :P

    i have a little update on my gear aswell...


    left: self-built strat is ready, sounds pretty cool, finally a single coil-guitar that doesn't sound like the utter garbage the metoool-ibanez singlecoil produces :P

    middle: self built cigarbox baritone guitar. awesome thing to play around, sounds pretty cool actually has some unique features due to its fretlessness ^^

    right: a little modification i did a while ago, to make my ibanez a tad more useless, but a shitload more awesome

  4. herro...

    sorry i'm sorta late and didn't have the time to listen to the albums more than maybe two or three times since i had a really packed week, so i'll just make this really quick (in the shedding light of two already new chosen albums...)

    amon amarth:

    fun to listen to once in a while, when you have the urge to stand on the top of a mountain

    with the longest of guitars and the loudest of amplifier-fullstacks to rock out/whipping your hair back and forth,

    but after one or two tracks you have heard all that is to expect more or less. will stay on the ipod for these special mountaintop-moments...


    i actually like the cheesyness a lot, also those dark-ish intros and soundscapes in the quiter parts sound cool and interesting,

    but as for the actual songs behind that they seem a little bit repetitive and predictable to me

    (maybe after a few spins more i hear some more detail, who knows)

    looking foreward to the next two. like most have listened to the prodigy ages ago and have never heard of the other one.

    maybe i'll become a hardcor-bossanova-enthusiast, so far i've only expected this kind of music in... elevators?

  5. Cool that they keep us updated! :D Hmmm do I spy 3 slots (so possibly 3 songs?) on that chart/schedule in Day 2? ...

    yeah, and one of them is called jägerbomb ó.Ò ... don't know what to think about that

  6. Arguing time! xD
    Justice - † (Electro)

    This album has two really good songs on it...that's it. Seriously, this album is kinda crap besides Genesis and Phantom Pt. II (those two songs are really good though, lol)

    I would really recommend The Glitch Mob's Drink the Sea album take this one's place, or at least put it in a genre of Glitch or Glitch-hop lol


    russian circles - geneva / post-metal

    I would agree with that, but I have a hard time deciding whether geneva, station, or enter would be a better choice xD. They are all amazing albums and they are all worth listening to lol

    i beg to differ :P , Justice-cross has lots of great songs on it. beside the two you named, waters of nazareth, stress, let there be light, DVNO and (though very overplayed) d.a.n.c.e are great tracks! genre-wise it's always tough to find a label for music, i said distorted electro, wikipedia calls it electro-rock and french-house, whatever.

    as for russian circles, yeah it's difficult to pick one, honestly today i lean slightly in favour of station, but yeah, it pretty much doesn't matter, they're all great...

  7. Tokyohive:

    February 27th – “GO” day

    February 28th – “Gachinko Battle”

    February 29th – “~13’s reborn”

    March 1st – “Band Yarou” day

    March 2nd – “Girugamesh” day

    March 3rd – “Let’s Turn the Live House into Akihabara” day

    March 4th – Movie Version girugamesh Episode 1 “New Despair (tentative)”

    March 4th – Movie Version girugamesh Episode 2 “Girugame’s Counterattack (tentative)”

    March 4th – Movie Version girugamesh Episode 3 “Return to Chiba (tentative)”

    March 5th – “You Decide the Set List” day

    March 6th – “NOW” day

    March 7th – Reverse girugamesh (Live)

    March 8th – “Gachinko Battle” day

    March 9th – “MUSIC” day

    March 10th – Tokyo Sadistic day

  8. as i've seen both of them recently and they are pretty known and representative for "their" genre (although that may vary from album to album/track to track)

    russian circles - geneva / post-metal

    boris - heavy rocks (2003) / stoner hardrock/sludge


    also some sort of obvious but boring choices...

    justice - † / distorted elektro (this one started the worldwide hype i guess)

    jimi hendrix - are you experienced / electric blues/psychedelic blues (can't have any music-overview without this one, invention of guitar-driven music as a whole)

    led zeppelin - led zeppelin 1 / hard rock (well, this. communication breakdown might even be counted as an early thrash-metal predecessor with a little imagination...)

    queen - a night at the opera / glamrock (either this or something of kiss, but this has bohemian rhapsodie on it :D)

    sick of it all - blood, sweat & no tears / new york hardcore (actually don't really know them well, just the first name that springs to mind when talking about nyhc)

  9. so hello there,

    so i've been making music for quite a while now and since most of it is somewhat influenced by all the japanese stuff i'm finding here on the board i figured i'd perhaps ask around here for some input.
    any feedback very much appreciated (exept for the negative parts of course :P )

    here's sort of an overview of my works so far:


    Song: [WhoNeedsAmplifiers]
    Genre: Funk-Metal, Hard-Rock
    Sounds like: hmmn, perhaps a little bit gazette-ish in the droptuned parts

    This one got re-done tons of times but is sort of my favorite, like the riffs here.
    one of two songs with a real drummer


    Song: Casual Paranoia
    Genre: Power Metal (-ish?)
    Sounds like: Sex Machineguns with again a hint of Gazette (Headache Man anyone?)

    I wanted to do something really "metal" for one, but ended up with this. as always added tons of freakishness (played beerbottle and such...)


    Song: The Fall Of Reason
    Genre: Classical, Pop, Kitsch
    Sounds like: Tragic Drama-Music of sort

    actually wanted to do a pop-ballad of sorts, but i guess due to my classical education it turned out much more classical than i wanted, still like it though


    Song: Horrible City
    Genre: Indie-Rock, Garage-Rock
    Sounds like: The Unique Star

    my only own track with vocals so far. this is one of two tracks, where i (as not a drummer) tried to learn drumprogramming,
    by reprogramming a preexisting Track (Unique Stars 不敵な笑みを浮かべる日) and building another Song on top of it.


    Song: Alienmovie-Outro
    Genre: Filmmusic
    Sounds like: Wannabe Hans-Zimmer Inception

    A Music i did for an animated ScienceFiction shortmovie with good aliens/dinosaurs and bad humans (*coughavatar*). pretty short, like the movie...


    still here? that's nice of you...


    Song: [strangeCircus]-core
    Genre: Rock'nRoll, Metalcore
    Sounds like: Something and Crossfaith and something else

    the other track with the Drumprogramschool-approach. took crossfaiths drums from

    for once wanted to do a really mean-sounding brutal-electro thingy. mom cried when she heard it :P


    Song: Noise-cancelling - cancelling
    Genre: Postrock, Noise, Drone
    Sounds like: 101A, Dir En Grey, boris

    my latest try. i suggest headphones for that one, and go easy on the volume...

    and the last one, again from the funk-metal corner


    Song: すっげえ
    Genre: Funk-Metal, Hard-Rock
    Sounds like: don't really know something that sounds close, but i'd like, suggestions?

    the other Track with a real drummer/drums, also i got some "real" guitarist to play a solo for me, since i personally can't play guitars for shit (it takes me dozens of takes to play those other simple things you've heard so far :P)

    so, thanks a ton if you actually listened to some of it (or even, god beware, all of it) and thanks an additional ton in advance, if you'd give some feedback :domo:

    Edit: also those "genre" and "sounds like descriptions are of course highly subjective ^^

  10. soo, watched it last night aswell. it's not that bad, it just has so much lost potential it hurts.

    of course it's meant to be a feast for the eyes, which it really really is,

    it's a bombardement of style, so i don't mind that there is more or less no story to it,

    it's just that this shadow of a story isn't even narrated well for those two hours.

    it sort of rushes like a computergame from one fighting room to another,

    interrupted by very annoying uber-"meaningful" mono-/dialogues of the characters instead of for example spend some time on the potentially very interesting relationship between tough oneliner-cowboy and superproud honordriven samurai.

    but this way the protagonists stay very one-dimensional and sometimes bore the crap out of the viewer.

    even that all would be still ok, if the fighting-scenes would be top-notch madness,

    but if you've seen ong-bak, kung-fu-hustle and the likes they just aren't,

    just random throwing fists/sticks/swords at each other until one doesn't stand no more.

    only two of the 1000-ish fights stayed in mind because of their specialness,

    one in a circus on the safety-net and one close to the ending, which demonstrates the different fighting styles of hartnett and gackt.

    still because of its very unique style i'd still recommend watching it,

    just as soon as the start talking, switch away to facebook/whatever.

    with some more interesting fights and just a little characterdevelopment/storytelling this could have been sooooo good :'(

    btw bonus points for donkey kong and gta 1+2 references...

  11. Well I'm personally looking forward to this. I love UROBOROS but I'm curious to hear whether the songs can remain good even with a "new" sound :mrgreen: BTW just to make sure - I hope people are aware of the difference between "re-making" and "re-mastering" because these 2 terms aren't equal :P

    i would even differ between:


    re-mixing and


    btw which is it in this case? are they also gonna record some new stuff, i heard something about new vocals somewhere? i hope it's a re-mix, mastering alone wouldn't change much, thats just kinda the finishing polish...

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