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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Miasma

  1. Miasma

    Mohawk. And -or- Velbet?
  2. Miasma

    DELUHI 19 Versailles 12 Megaromania 6 D 24 Matenrou Opera 30 Awoi 7
  3. RENTRER EN SOI kagerou ENDLESS König D Rin UnsraW Dir en grey David Bowie T.Rex NightingeiL
  4. Miasma

    Gross, no. Do you have any children?
  5. Miasma

    Is a D/Ruiza Fan!
  6. Miasma

    凛 - "Metamorphose"
  7. Miasma

    Chianti, are you wearing crocs?
  8. Miasma

    1. As Ms. SUBLIMINAL already stated, how is not stroking a virtual ego? 2. Please for the love of all that is good, stop fucking typing "bla bla bla" everywhere! I can just imagine some whiny five year old behind that keyboard of yours. 3. You don't need 1,000 thank you's to feel good about uploading something to the community. The whole point of sharing is to do it out of generosity and kindness, not for some e-points. 4. There's already a V.I.P. group for people who contribute to TW, don't try to create some other separate group for the uploaders by saying that they should have the 'priority' and that they deserve it. Isn't enough that we thank you guys for uploading new releases and such? How much more praise do you want?!
  9. Miasma

    If this was a "You Laugh You Lose"-thread, I would have lost so bad!
  10. Miasma

    D - "闇??国??アリス"
  11. Miasma

    I LOVE THIS SHOW. All cat ladies are bitches.Also, I think my friend is slowly turning into a hoarder. Her purse/bag is heavy (if I had to guess I'd say it's around 8-10lbs, no joke), full of things she doesn't need for school: a blowdryer, a miniature monkey wrench, a small dart board, a couple of baby bottles, etc. Last time me and my friends were taking about this show, everybody was contributing to the topic, but her, you could tell she was feeling uncomfortable in the situation. [/coolstorybro]
  12. Miasma

    Your welcome.
  13. Miasma

    EMPLOYERS, Y U NO HIRE ME? Need a job, soooo bad.
  14. Miasma

    König - "deep"
  15. Miasma

    Actually I noticed you changed your name because you kept your avatar the same. Prefers D to Versailles.
  16. Miasma

    DELUHI 20 Versailles 13 Megaromania 6 D 22 Matenrou Opera 30 Awoi 7
  17. RENTRER EN SOI Deathgaze kagerou Phantasmagoria XodiacK Moran Nega ENDLESS König D Rin
  18. Miasma

    Doesn't realize Anomie changed her name to Nyasagi.
  19. Miasma

    DELUHI 21 Versailles 14 Megaromania 5 D 21 Matenrou Opera 30 Awoi 7
  20. Miasma

    I had no idea there were new smileys until today, and no. You a Loki fan?
  21. RENTRER EN SOI Deathgaze kagerou Phantasmagoria Vidoll Made in Glad XodiacK Moran Nega ENDLESS König
  22. Miasma

    I have no idea what that is; kick. Loki's solo project, König?
  23. Miasma

    I wouldn't say I'm "9GBO-biased", because then that's all I'd listen to, but yes I am in fact inclined to choose music that is much more similar to 9GBO's than that of a talentless, autotune-abused girl. And what's so different about his voice in D'elsquel compared to the state that his voice is in now? Wow he reaches higher notes in D'el, this doesn't in anyway make it different though? I think it's more or less the music that's being played that attracts you to D'el and not 9GBO. As you said, "It bores me," so it's much more clear to me now that you don't take a liking this sort of music. I thought you were just hating the band to troll, considering many of TW's user's enjoy their music. Anyway, still love you too BB
  24. Miasma

    Gotta disagree with both of you. He sounds the same to me; don't hear much of a difference? Then again the mic volume was ridiculously low to begin with. Hah, no. Please explain to me, without using GIFs and bringing up the "It's my opinion"-clause, how you can tolerate this and not 9GBO? And don't think I'm all, "U MUST LISTENZ 2 9GB0 BCUZ DEY DA BEST!" I legitimately want to know why you choose the former over the latter.
  25. YO, YO, YO BOOGIEMAN IN DA HOOOOOOUSE!!!!!! YEEAH BOIIIIII!!! LOLWTF? I don't know what to think about the live preview though... It's pretty clear that Shuu was tryin' to sing like Junno, which is a big bad NO. Please don't try to imitate Junno, Shu; just do your own thing!
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