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Everything posted by anieresus

  1. anieresus

    and what about Pluto or Saturn? D:
  2. anieresus

    I really liked his mini-album. And shit, he really raps fast D: ! But isn't he going to the army after the end of the promotions for his album?
  3. anieresus

    No Jupiter?
  4. anieresus

    It's so beautiful :') BTW cdjapan has different previews for their single. I'm surprised by Libido because at least from the preview it sounds so un-Versailles epic symphonic/power metal. Glowing Butterfly intro (I think?) is fucking epic. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=WPZL-30221
  5. anieresus

  6. anieresus

    LOL Typical fangirl. Fat, white, listening to the gazette, and wearing a Hello Kitty shirt LOL Typical fanboy. Skinny, listening to Kpop girl groups, and having avatars and signatures of a Kpop girl group. I wish I was skinny girl ): I'm fat too.
  7. anieresus

    LOL Typical fangirl. Fat, white, listening to the gazette, and wearing a Hello Kitty shirt
  8. anieresus

    LOL they barely release stuff lately, but they release live-distributed? lol ok.
  9. Another impossible single to get, and if it's sold it's going to be like 5000 yen for one song.
  10. What? D: The four of them seemed really together and all :/
  11. anieresus


  12. anieresus

    This rainbow band? Gossip girl was ok. Mach is by far my favorite song by them (:
  13. anieresus

  14. anieresus

    First off, that proves nothing. -OZ- and D are completely unrelated, and if you think having similarities in costumes shows that you are a fan-boy, then you are wrong my dear. Costumes are costumes, these bands are always getting new looks, and certain similarities in style to another band doesn't mean that they're fans of that group. Second, D got that style from 12012, whom I know to be the first known band to do the whole white + black costumes. LOL but it's shitty 12012, no wonder that has been my least favorite look by D. Now I know why.
  15. anieresus

    Her accent is so fucking annoying.
  16. anieresus

    Yay my guilty pleasure
  17. anieresus

    Shit you beat me ):
  18. anieresus

    Here's the other MV: VoQmk4j0JP8 I loved both songs especially ??리?? 빼리??, but I love you a thousand times is really beautiful too. Also, INB4 it sounds like LG.
  19. anieresus

    y u say dat? ): Because she's annoying and sounds really stupid? Nuh-uh D:
  20. anieresus

    yea bruv fuk da hatterz dey jus jealos becusea they arent fierce likek maner Dey aint lolita enuf
  21. anieresus

    Haters gonna hate.
  22. anieresus

    Pedobear fo' sho'
  23. anieresus

    y u say dat? ):
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