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Everything posted by anieresus

  1. anieresus

    BRB puking rainbows.
  2. anieresus

    LOL It had to be Canada.
  3. anieresus

    Oh well nvm I retract my negative comment about her.
  4. OMG D covering gekka no yasoukyoku OMG OMG I love D, but IDK if they are in the same level of epicness as that song and most of MM's songs. Also Matenrou Opera covering Kurenai? Never been a big fan of X Japan, but I'm sure they're going to kill that song, and make it even better. Rest of the tracks seem pretty interesting.
  5. anieresus

    Gosh I can't stop starring at her face, it's so ugly.
  6. anieresus

    Even though I never really liked Ayabie, I have to admit I'm liking the previews o.o
  7. anieresus

    LOL from Needle?
  8. anieresus

    Let us not forget about the insightful lyrics from "乱刺℃"! *sigh* Ryouga is such a poet. "-SHALALA DING DONG DAN MURDER- -SHALALA DING DONG DAN ABSURD-" uhm 声-koe- is a guy lol BTW omg, those lyrics are so beautiful :') They are so touching, makes me want to save the world from poverty.
  9. anieresus

    y am I not surprised? It's PSC afterall.
  10. anieresus

    Im on my second spin and so far its good. But I still can't say I love it, but I said that for Mastermind which I now absolutely love.
  11. anieresus

    No wonder he twitted a couple of days ago that there were some problems with the company and that it has gotten worst, probably he had no alternative. Oh well bye white guy from CP ): No, he's American.
  12. Never really liked this band ): I'm not saying they're bad though :/
  13. anieresus

    LOL love both of the posts above me <3
  14. anieresus

    I think I might buy it D: ! Jumping is fucking good, plus it has my favorite. I think I want type b.
  15. anieresus

    Chemical Pictures, I thought they were going to be complete shit D: But they weren't Also, Sound Horizon, and Nightmare. On the other note, I hated kpop too, until I tried a few groups and I actually liked them D: I have more bands that I used to like but kinda dislike them now.
  16. anieresus

  17. LOLOL Omg, this made my day.
  18. anieresus

    Wait what? weren't they already going to disband? and how can the 4 remaining members leave ayabie since they were the only ones in the band? LOL
  19. anieresus

    Korean comeback by the end of this month Anyone else excited?
  20. anieresus

    I agree. Though I have to admit it's sometimes fun
  21. anieresus

    I really liked both Sky High and Rotate
  22. anieresus

    MVGoY9gom50 PJDV9z8XvEo FihYsCy9x8A Probably the best poem I've ever heard. For better results listen to it while you're high.
  23. anieresus

    I never liked them a lot anyway, and I though I was going to like this release but it doesn't seem like it. The songs aren't bad, but it's just really boring and it almost made me to skip it. 5/10
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