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Status Updates posted by evilcoconut

  1. Last FM actually changed a tag when I asked them. Much amaze.

  2. October was such a good month for music, November better step up its game.

    1. Shmilly


      I'll drink to that.

  3. Trying to decide what's better, an overall solid album, or an album with a handful of awesome songs, but the rest are filler.

    1. Tetora


      Both are nice. Only thing that gives me a wedgie is when you get a Pop album, and the single off it is the only decent song(s) and the rest are lame.

  4. argh last fm fix the journals, i have updates to my music tracker i need to post. :<

  5. Ahahah, I believe nothing today. :D

    1. beni


      Exactamondo. The news section is paining me today.

  6. quit trying to trick me internets, i'm not buying anything today

  7. wtf haven't been here in forever it seems

  8. so 2 hours = barely 30 luna sea plays. i do not understand how i had epic plays of them previously.

  9. the mixtape thread looked like it was dying, so i made one hurhur

  10. oh yeah 凛 -the end of corruption world- 8D

  11. the onset of fall makes me listen to vk, idk why

  12. how was i completely unaware that nakada yuji was releasing solo albums

  13. sour beer: what separates the craft beer noobs from the nerds

  14. how much coffee do i require to continue feeling nominally human

  15. Protip: don't write giant essays around a point you don't actually comprehend. Unless your goal was to make me lmao, then good job.

  16. What the hell is up with multiupload

  17. I hate when shitty things happen to my sportsball teams

  18. Wow certain DL sites are getting really fucking annoying with their embedding all their information all through the tracks and album covers.

  19. Away for three days and there's buttloads of new music.

  20. need more sound schedule

  21. Car engines are the coolest. Most people take their awesomeness for granted.

  22. taking me a bit to get used to extended screen lol, i keep "losing" my mouse

  23. Hurry up February, all the releases I want are there.

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