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Everything posted by Kaye

  1. Kaye

    Well, she's had a few releases out, but the annoying thing about her is that the company she's in is giving her too many genres. Every time she puts something out, it's something completely different. There's Ipseul/Lips, Boy Boy, , You're Not My Style, and probably another few MV's but they're all different from each other.I really liked Ipseul, but the other songs disappointed me
  2. Kaye

    Both of those games look awesome. Can't wait to actually go and buy them although I'd love to have them in the original Japanese version (awesome voicecasting by square <3)
  3. Kaye

    Nearly started freaking out when I read Belgium Yes yes, they need to come!
  4. Kaye

    Kpop is really getting more popular these days, isn't it? Anyway, welcome! And I guess you're a fellow '88er, aren't you?
  5. Kaye

    Haha Yes, Kpop! Fan of Retrospect as well? Welcome!
  6. Kaye

    Might be something like that I'm not doubting you, and I never said that I truly believed him. (Like I said, I don't even know him) And yeah, I've also once put my nails in someone's arm for defense without I even knew I was doing it So I can understand why it happened. As long as you had fun watching Dir en grey. That's all that matters (Heb je ze niet gezien in Utrecht in 2009?) On Topic again: I can't wait to hear the full song in good quality. The radio edit was kind of short and ended in a strange way:s
  7. Kaye

    Hey, I don't mind you clearing that up Just like you, I was somewhere in that room, waiting for Dir en grey to start making music. We saw things going on, we saw the scratches on his arms and we noticed that the security wasn't happy. Anyway, I don't know the guy, nor did I know the girls in the front, or you. But no matter what, girls and boys alike can push very hard. It's ridiculous for the one to condemn the other if all they're doing the entire concert is the same. (I know what I'm talking about, I still got bruises from a concert earlier this week where some fangirls were screaming so hard and freaking out so hard that they were scared someone would take there place. It's a fucking concert, move, dance and have fun. You can't expect everyone to be able to stay at the same spot for the entire night.) + I have nothing against you and linking arms with friends because you don't want to loose them, but I've been hurt quite a lot by people like that, and a friend of mine got hurt by doing that. I go to concerts with friends, when it starts we lose each other in the dancing crowd, when it ends we find each other again. I believe it was at Diru last summer, that literally everyone around me was linking arms and holding hands while the crowd was moving. I got squashed there because there wasn't a way out of it no matter where I looked or where I pushed. They made it seem as if I was the one at fault because I was pushing them, trying to get out of there. I was stuck. If some guy half in those mosh pits hadn't accidentally pushed one of them out of the way I'd been stuck inside a circle of people holding hands for the entire concert. And that isn't exactly why I went there. But that doesn't say anything about what happened that day. I just posted what I heard, I posted what that guy I was talking about told us. If it's not true that makes the guy a liar, if it's true, then it is true. For the record: I am a girl, I'm not that tall myself, but I don't expect concerts like that to be all soft and cuddly. I know that isn't what you think, and I'm sure that isn't how you see it. But I'm just explaining my point of view on the entire thing. If the guy was searching for a good place, he should have waited until the concert had actually started and make his way through. But linking and by that keeping someone from doing that, is a little stupid as well, don't you think? It's just a concert, not a place to pick wars
  8. Kaye

    Soom and Shock are easily their best songs Love them.
  9. Kaye

    I kind of liked his collab with 30 seconds to mars, and the song in which he hinted towards Akira. But that's all. I don't really get why lots of people like him. Recommend me something!
  10. Kaye

  11. Kaye

    That's fast But glad for him it turned out like this!
  12. Kaye

    Kind of like it I'm waiting for the full song
  13. Kaye

    Doesn't know that I have exams and don't really have the time to be online as much
  14. Kaye

    Lives in a close neighbor to my own country.
  15. Kaye

    Still Watching Star Driver
  16. Kaye

    I'm more interested in Versus XIII. Epic Trailer Well, not really epic. But I've been waiting for something like this since 2006 <3 Besides that Agito/Type-0 looks good as well.
  17. Never heard of them. They any good?
  18. Kaye

    0.27 in the evening. And I'm still studying for my exam tomorrow morning at 9.
  19. Love them so much. Chicago represent. Ahh you probably get to see em often right? I only saw em once on Groezrock, only Europe "tour" since they reformed, can't wait till they come back. They're absolutely my fave. For a second there I was shocked you'd been to Groezrock Then I remembered you don't live that far away. Haha. Hardcore Punk isn't really my thing. Most of the things that are inspired by it aren't that bad.
  20. Kaye

    I'm glad they relied less on Rain I was scared they'd turn into mini rains if they kept working with him. (Joon is already a lost cause ) I like Cry, can't wait to hear their album.
  21. Kaye

    This one. Nearly done.
  22. Kaye

    If It's about the London Show last August: There was a guy who was up front, got scratched by a fangirl and reprimanded her for that. Eventually she started pushing him more, he even got some little bleeding cuts, and then she started dragging all of her friends and fangirls into the dispute and nearly caused the guy, who hadn't done anything wrong, to be thrown out of the venue saying that had he started it. Security said he had to go to the balcony and wasn't allowed in the crowd downstairs anymore. I heard that Dir en grey isn't able to perform in Koko in London anymore because of those same fangirls. They'd been camping on the streets days before the concert and had left the whole venue trashed :s It looked crazy. (But that's just a rumor, don't know if they're not allowed to come anymore.) But that's as far as my encounters with fangirls go (And some kid that nearly wanted to kill me because I had touched her pink fluffy dress )
  23. Kaye

    ^kind of agree with that. I've seen them three times now. My boyfriend saw them like 4 or 5 times more. But every time I've seen them (in three different countries) the crowd was different. While I really wanted to kill those crazy fangirls in Paris, the fans in the Netherlands were normal and calm, and then, last summer in London, the crowd went insane, and apart from one or two little girls that got in my way, I just saw kids having fun. I guess it's 50/50 these days. The fangirls are growing up, the new fans grew up in different styles and fashion than the older fans and so on,... There will always be over-obsessive fans, but in the case of Jrock bands it really depends on where you live. (In Belgium they'd laugh at you, in Paris they'd scream their lungs out, in London they'd have fun and crawl into moshpits.) Though apart from the screaming in my ears, and all the fluffiness, the Paris one still is the best one I've seen
  24. Kaye

    Tatsumi's his name. And I'm pretty sure a pack of dynamite would have been enough to kill those two. Really hope they do in fact make a second season, but it's doubtful. I'd love a second season, though I'd hate it as well
  25. Kaye

    It's treatable, you know. The Album might have already been recorded before he was diagnosed anyway. I hope he'll be fine though.
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