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Everything posted by Prism

  1. Prism

    Vertebrae is the only album of theirs which is fairly shitty. Everything before it + Axioma is great.
  2. Prism

    In no way, shape or form. Anders is a massive tool.
  3. Prism

    Not enough Baldur's Gate wank in here. BG2 is one of the best games ever made. No DA or ME character comes close to Minsc and Boo. Possible exception of Garrus and Calibrations.
  4. Prism

    Maybe this is as good a thread as any. So I just finished my first playthrough of DA2, and started my second as a male warrior (first as a female rogue). Is it safe to go spoileriffic yet? 'Cuz O MAN.
  5. Prism

    Bruce Willis and Wyatt Earp aren't awesome? Get the actual fuck out.
  6. Prism

    Fucking hell, I got my DA2 a day early and had literally NO time to start it until today. And then I spent like an hour making sure I had all of the additional content available. The amount is just overboard. Way overboard. Besides that though, enjoying it immensely. Lady Hawke is way better than beardy Hawke.
  7. Prism

    Devin Townsend Project - Deconstruction Devin Townsend Project - Ghost Because nothing will compare to these 2 albums this year. Nothing. Septic Flesh - The Great Mass, because Communion was an absolute beast of a comeback. Merry's next album, if indeed one does come this year. Everything they do is great... that's it. The Interbeing - Edge Of The Obscure, because I think they're a brilliant band and I'm curious how they'll handle their debut album. Pain Of Salvation - Road Salt Two, because RS1 was fantastic and I can't wait to hear how Danny G decides to end it. Tesseract - One, I've grown out of my initial fascination with that djent stuff, but I still enjoy Tesseract a lot. Scar Symmetry - The Unseen Empire, because I'm interested in hearing (aside from that one new song) how the 2 new vocalists have improved since the last album. And if they haven't, SS's music has always been great regardless. Alrakis' next album, but this is more of a hope that there will be one. Since I found Omega Cen to be incredible. 8-eit - those 2 releases mentioned by OP. 'Cause they're generally a great band. Anything new Gazette does this year. Purely for the reason that I want to see if they can get themselves out of this shit dump they've been in since BID. As mentioned already, Alcest and Lantlos' new releases. Though I'm hoping more for Les Discrets, since I'm sure Fursy is quite a ways through making their second album right now. Last I heard anyway. I mixed Japanese with non-Japanese. Sue me.
  8. Prism

    Sucks living here sometimes. DA2 could've been tomorrow. Instead it's the 11th. Weird though, my preorder is in packing right now. I never get preorders in packing this early. Anyway I was playing DA:O a little earlier too. Wanted to mess around and decide on exactly which saved game I'll be bringing over first.
  9. Prism

    It's probably better for you guys because while it was at the height of it's popularity here, it was constantly... and I mean CONSTANTLY thrust down everyone's throats. All over the place. And so many just got utterly sick of it appearing everywhere you looked, in some form or another. I admit that I did like the first series. Though I mostly put that down to the fact that I was a fan of Matt Lucas from his stuff with Reeves & Mortimer, and that I was 12 years old. Today, looking back at most of it, it's just horrible. As a Chris Morris fan, I'm open to pretty much anything being made fun of. But so much of Little Britain's stuff is incredibly tasteless and downright cruel for the sake of being cruel. Like the college secretary sketches you mentioned. Could've been funny if fleshed out (by better writers obviously). But as it stands, it's just "HA, he's black". "HA, she's asian". And now that I think of it, the rest of Little Britain can quite easily be summed up as sketch after sketch of "HA, he's fat", "HA, he's gay", "HA, he's pretending to be crippled". But as I say, you'd probably enjoy it if you're not particularly exposed to much else from here, or casually came across it rather than had it in your face day after day. And I have nothing against people finding it funny. Whatever makes you laugh. I only hate the fact that such badly written comedy can become so popular while borderline-genius writing hardly stays afloat past 1 series. But I guess it's the same with every type of media. Amongst the Justin Bieber's and the Twilight's.
  10. Prism

    Little Britain is terrible. Unfunny crap. Matt Lucas should've stayed with Reeves & Mortimer. He was actually funny in those days. Aside from the obvious highlights (Monty Python, Blackadder) British comedy hit it's peak with The Day Today, Brass Eye, Jam, The Armando Iannucci Shows, I'm Alan Partridge, The Thick Of It, etc. Basically anything ever made by Chris Morris or Armando Iannucci. There have been good things from others occasionally though. Peep Show is a good recent example. 7 series in and still hilarious. Early Red Dwarf was amazing. Spaced was the series Shaun Of The Dead came from, and was debatably better. 15 Storey's High was an underappreciated gem. Garth Marenghi's Darkplace is to this day one of the greatest parodies of 80's drama/horror I've ever seen. It's a shame our kind of humour isn't easy to understand for some. Whereas American humour is very easy to understand. And while that's a plus, I personally think British stuff is far more intelligent. Don't get me wrong, there are some brilliant American comedies. I'm a huge Seth MacFarlane fan. And I adore Futurama, and earlier Simpsons. But I've yet to find anything as good as our best stuff.
  11. Only care about L.A. Noire out of those... having said that though, I care a fucking lot. THAT GAME.
  12. Prism

    "NGC 3242 (Ghost of Jupiter)" - Alrakis FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
  13. Prism

    Homecoming, eh? *sigh* When the mighty fall, they fall pretty damn hard. Still playing Stacking. It's so hard to resist looking up the puzzle solutions I've missed. So hard.
  14. Prism

    Stacking Double Fine, y u so awesome?
  15. Honestly, I don't want it to be much different from previous TES games anyway. I'm mostly looking forward to seeing the new engine in action rather than in screens. EDIT: That was fucking brilliant. If it plays as good as it looks... oh man.
  16. Incase anyone didn't know, they're about to reveal Skyrim gameplay in like 50 minutes.
  17. Prism

    I tried. I really tried to force myself to wait for the full game, but... I cracked this morning. DA2 demo is so good.
  18. Prism

    Rocko's Modern Life.
  19. Prism

    Come at me bro.
  20. Prism

    Damn right Devin Townsend @ OP. I have a weakness for : Vocalists that are both amazing at screaming and singing. Acoustic passages. Futuristic/spacey atmospheres and themes. With ridiculously incomprehensible lyrics to accompany it. Neo-folk generally always manages to be brilliant. SWEEPING ARPEGGIOS. Xylophones. Anything Devin Townsend ever thinks of in that magnificent brain of his.
  21. Prism

    From what I saw, the back touchpad was being used on some kinda wtf-esque game to 'raise' the ground. Like... as if it was rising up and forming around your fingers or something. And I saw the front touchscreen being used in Uncharted to tell Nate to climb something. The former looked interesting, the latter just looked stupid. I honestly don't care about all this touchscreen/pad crap and shit that doesn't even need to be there. I want to buy this thing to play games on, not simultaneously take photos of my feet and face mid-game. I'm put off more by the fact that I'll be paying mostly for things I'll never use.
  22. Prism

    That much was obvious already.
  23. Prism

    The original PSP was and still is brilliant. Its only real downfalls for me were just having no right analog stick and having to wait months between worthwhile game releases. Turning the camera with L and R? ... No. But games like Chains Of Olympus and Ghost Of Sparta, MGS Portable Ops and Peace Walker, Birth By Sleep, LocoRoco 1&2, the GTA 'Stories', are fantastic and totally worth having a PSP for. And then the eventual ability to download and play PS1 games and tons of old classic arcade shit. I mean without hacking it. 'Cause I hate that crap. So, a far more powerful PSP with 2 analog sticks, you're pretty damn right I want it. You're also pretty damn right there are so many things this year in the gaming world to utterly splurge all traces of money on. So before I make any decision at all, I need to know that price. And need to know if us in the UK are gonna get dickslapped again by a ridiculous equivalent price, a la the 3DS. Want so much, and yet... must have dat collectable bust of Duke Nukem.
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