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Everything posted by Prism

  1. Prism

    They're both asian.
  2. Prism

    I love everything in this thread with all my heart and soul.
  3. Prism

    There's not really anyone who's even slightly impressive. Sometimes what's his face from -OZ- isn't bad. But not often enough to be notable.
  4. Prism

    I went for Vanguard this time. Dem biotics are actually pretty fun.
  5. Prism

    Started a new Mass Effect run. Which I'll continue on to ME2. And eventually ME3 after playing that with my original character. Renegade Femshep this time. Woop.
  6. Prism

    Rubbish. Their worst rubbish since Stacked Rubbish. Rubbish/10.
  7. Hah, I was also put off for a bit until I thought "wait a second... is that Simon Pegg?" If that's him I now hope he's a new crew member. I want Simon Pegg on my team. Oh yeah and I did forget some stuff. Like, of course, Duke Nukem Forever and The Last Guardian. And goddamnit I'd love to say The Witcher 2, since it looks immense, but my computer's a piece of shit and I do not have the money to spend on a gaming PC. I've wanted to play the first for ages and was holding out on that PS3/360 port that was supposed to happen. No friggin luck. Guess I'll never get to.
  8. Gotta agree, even though ME3 and DA2 are next year, I'm like... quite certain DX is going to utterly obliterate everything. DX1 was, and still is, one of the best games ever made. And although I personally think Invisible War didn't deserve even half of the shit it got thrown at it, it really was, compared to DX1, rubbish. Really far, far too much excitement seeing Human Revolution turn out like it seems to have, very very minor annoyances (technology seeming more advanced in an earlier time) aside. I love how Adam's voice is constantly reminding me of Denton though.
  9. Felt the need to make this purely, almost ONLY, because of the just recently shown: Mass Efuckingfect 3 7XX6cTjaih4 Also Deus Ex: Human Revolution CZRYROjQPoI Greatest trailer of all time... OF ALL TIME. Dragon Age II 7iJRKIfGUuE Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception ZDTYFoi3_Ic And to a far lesser extent (only because I smell the stench of Gamebryo looming): The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 8-Ox-69VBGM I'm purposefully not including ones that still don't have tentative dates, like FFversusXIII and Portal 2. Definitely missing some, but ME3, DX3, DA2 and UC3 have me too excited.
  10. Oh this is good. I've definitely had my share of blubbing. And I'll totally agree on those SOTC and Lost Odyssey parts. Amazing. Let's see. Spoilers abound. Metal Gear Solid 4 Final Fantasy VII Red Dead Redemption Will think of more later. Tired.
  11. Prism

    Mhm, it's happened. Though now I've done everything possible in one playthrough, including all the expansions/DLC. So, looks like if I don't start on anything else, it'll be a second, different race/class playthrough. Though I'll probably only play Origins if I do. Must admit I wasn't a fan of any of the newer party members (except Justice) and was a bit annoyed that the one party member who had to return was Oghren. Bleh. I missed Morrigan and Leliana... no you shut up.
  12. Prism

    No you don't. No one's looking forward to it. Even Jake isn't looking forward to it. Hurry up and disband. Wannabe VK isn't very cool if you can't disband on time.
  13. Prism

    Just finished everything possible in AC:Brotherhood. Minus the Borgia flags and the feathers. Best AC yet, no question. Now, back to Dragon Age. Took a while but jesus hell it's sucked me in now.
  14. Prism

    Terrible year for Japanese stuff. Japanese 9GOATS BLACK OUT - TANATOS 雅-miyavi- - What's My Name? 島??や?????? - Perfect World heaven in her arms - Paraselene Non-Japanese Albums Alcest - Écailles De Lune Alter Bridge - AB III Anathema - We're Here Because We're Here Barren Earth - Curse Of The Red River Blind Guardian - At The Edge Of Time Dark Tranquillity - We Are The Void Enslaved - Axioma Ethica Odini Harmaja - Lento Ihsahn - After Les Discrets - Septembre et ses dernières Pensées Mar De Grises - Streams Inwards Pain Of Salvation - Road Salt One Solution .45 - For Aeons Past (V.A.) Whom The Moon A Nightsong Sings Non-Japanese Mini-Albums/Singles TesseracT - Concealing Fate EP Soundgarden - Black Rain Stolen Babies - Splatter Megadeth - Sudden Death Honorable Mentions Black Mountain - Wilderness Heart Carach Angren - Death Came Through A Phantom Ship Dirty Sweet - American Spiritual Finntroll - Nifelvind Heljareyga - Heljareyga HURTS - Happiness Illidiance - Damage Theory Kalmah - 12 Gauge Kamelot - Poetry For The Poisoned Lantlôs - .neon Soilwork - The Panic Broadcast Star One - Victims Of The Modern Age
  15. Prism

    4chan was cool before it was the internet's Twilight equivalent.
  16. Prism

    ID fudge factor. Is that like new Max Factor cosmetics? Fudge facials etc. I'm game. Wait this is SuG. No I'm not.
  17. Prism

    Looks like the lovechild of Elvis and Skeletor. THEY MUST LIVE BECAUSE OF THIS ALONE.
  18. Prism

    It really is a terrible, terrible name.
  19. Prism

    Started a new game in FFXIII because I never finished it and basically trapped myself in a corner for not playing it right. Now further than I was before... kinda liking it, to be honest. Fuck all you h8az. Including me. Still not what I want from an FF, but a good game nonetheless. You know. Aside from the horrible characters (except Sazh) and the horrible localized voice acting (except Sazh). Yeah. Aside from those largely relevant things.
  20. Prism

    I want them to serenade me every night. Be still, my beating heart.
  21. Prism

    Single for oh... dunno, just over a year now? Hello ladies. puvJDYCeq90
  22. Dan Swanö is fantastic in everything he does. Exceptional performance on Victims. Much preferred this album over Space Metal, personally.
  23. Prism

    Finished New Vegas' main story last night, on the anti-Legion side. Will probably reload from an old save and go pro-Legion. And maybe do a Hardcore mode run at some point. But probably not for a while, what with my ultimate edition DA:O coming... hopefully tomorrow. Never gave it a chance and I'm still iffy on the combat, but hell, it's Bioware. Playing: Syphon Filter. Free from PS Plus. Total classic. Best taser ever.
  24. Prism

    Thought I'd get into the Halloween spirit. Even though it sucks. Beat Costume Quest about 30 minutes ago. Such a short game but so damn good. Cute and awesome rarely mix as well as they do in this. Right now playing Fallout: New Vegas some more... I mean yeah okay it's not halloween themed... or a horror game... but Vault 34 is scaring the shit out of me right now. So that'll do. DL'd Undead Nightmare for RDR earlier. Will probably start that up if I get bored of FNV. Or if it crashes lawl.
  25. Prism

    Really, people are gonna care about the look of artists no matter what type of music it is. You get people who won't listen to music unless the band has kawaii hairdos and shit. You get people who won't listen to a metal band if there's just one guy who doesn't have long hair. You get people who won't listen to rap unless it's made by a black dude/girl. 'Tis universal. Hell, years ago I didn't like listening to bands that had bald dudes. Now I'm less than a year away from ending my teenage years and have learned to grow up and not give a fuck.
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