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Everything posted by Prism

  1. Prism

    God I wish this was real.
  2. Prism

    More like a reason most of the userbase itself stayed here. The community as a whole is smarter than you'd think. Maybe. Hopefully.
  3. Prism

    I highly doubt they'd release XIII-2 (I feel like a douche even typing that) AND Versus in the one year. Which is pretty damn annoying considering how confident I am in that if there were no XIII-2, it might just have barely stood a chance this year.
  4. Prism

    ^ The new one is Deus Ex 3, though not by name. And it still doesn't have an exact release yet unfortunately. DX1 is indeed one of the best games ever made though. Playin' a little bit of DeathSpank. I LOVE YOU RON GILBERT.
  5. Prism

    Tales Of Vesperia. Damn game is like the holy grail over here. Nowhere to be found, anywhere, ever. Thanks, Portugal guy. Would like to get one playthrough done before DA2's release though. Not sure if I see that happening or not.
  6. Prism

    Hate this guy.
  7. Always great to get new DX trailers. Can't wait to get stuck into reading Icarus Effect at the end of the month. Still hoping they get the DX universe right... they haven't disappointed in that regard so far.
  8. Prism

    ... Another American remake. I'll give you guys something though, you leave most of our GOOD shows alone. And you made The Office watchable. But... stop. Please. Before everything gets swallowed. (For the record, if you couldn't guess, I hate our original Shameless.)
  9. Prism

    This would be infinite amounts better if they just included it in a limited edition single or album or whatever. I like this band but I'm not one to get excited over just a book of pretty looking men.
  10. Prism

    Mass Effect 2 on PS3. The interactive comic was quite a letdown, to be honest. Still having as much fun as I ever have on the game though.
  11. Prism

    He has the curves of a megastar. Truly flawless.
  12. Crysis has never, ever interested me. Even slightly. I want to like Bulletstorm, but I have to always bet on Duke. There's only room for one OTT badass in this galaxy. (If you haven't figured it out, I'm making up excuses so I don't have to spend even MORE money this year.)
  13. Prism

    Reiketsu live was pretty good. Lotus and Obscure were just plain awful if you want my honest opinion.
  14. Prism

    Who are the members?
  15. Prism

    Oh yeah, that. I still haven't gotten around to playing that. Just because I kept hoping they'd finally release that damn PS3 version. Should probably just give up and buy the 360 one at this point. xD I do remember having a hell of a time with Symphonia, so I'd definitely love to try it.
  16. Prism

    Lost Odyssey was the last truly exceptional JRPG I can personally think of.
  17. Prism

    I didn't think XIII had a good story, authentic characters OR a motivating battle system. But fair enough.
  18. From what I'd heard right up until the new trailer, Jon St. John really didn't seem to be able to Dukevoice too well anymore. But that was just perfect. Nostalgia'd like fuck. DNF is the main reason I will not have physical human contact in May.
  19. Prism

    Only thing from your post I agree with. And my enjoyment only comes from the battle system. Which is probably the best one a Final Fantasy has ever had, minus the dresspheres (...). Everything else about that game is truly awful but I loved getting into battles.
  20. Prism

    Took you long enough to get your oily pecks back around my parts.
  21. Prism

    ^ Oh I completely skimmed past the non-Japanese part. People here actually voted for Pain Of Salvation? Awesome. Though the title is wrong. The rest there are indeed a joke though, jayzus.
  22. Prism

    Nice to see 9GBO winning a couple.
  23. Prism

    Not yet, but they sure as hell went overboard on spinoffs.
  24. Prism

    ^ No. Maybe a kick or two. FhXz60f0HLU
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