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Everything posted by D.L.S

  1. D.L.S

    One who wants to eat on a diet could always vomit. *wink wink*
  2. D.L.S

    I don't know if anyone noticed but behind the discs of the limited version the clocks have a 13 instead of 1 and I thought that was the coolest thing when I got the cd.
  3. D.L.S

    I haven't heard it, so no. Like Rammstein?
  4. D.L.S

  5. D.L.S

    Wants to talk on msn.
  6. D.L.S

    Is not online.
  7. D.L.S

    Yes. Like flab?
  8. D.L.S

    Keep. A censored completely clean MH?
  9. Not as creepy as usual though, for me at least.
  10. D.L.S

    That sounds right. Thanks for clearing that up for me. And I know who you are talking about and I hope that she finishes that project because it would be very interesting to read.
  11. D.L.S

    Asked about the casino people.
  12. D.L.S

    You need to care goddamit!
  13. D.L.S

    You mean the casino people?? Is yes, then yes. Like twinkies minus the ie ?
  14. D.L.S

    Keep. ginhigure's penis?
  15. D.L.S

    Did she get younger and become older again after or did she get the mask when she was younger? That's what I don't really understand.
  16. D.L.S

    I love it and yes the pv was very strange and hard to follow.
  17. D.L.S

    Has a sexy ava+sig set.
  18. D.L.S

    I have some big tests coming up too.
  19. D.L.S

    Keep. Cantaloupe?
  20. D.L.S

    Yes, all the time. Curse a lot?
  21. D.L.S

    I got my internet back so I was downloading like crazy.
  22. D.L.S

    Kick. Demonic wings are better. Demonic wings?
  23. D.L.S

    Is wrong that I like to be a good boy.
  24. D.L.S

    No. Maybe when I was younger but I can't remember. Have work to be done?
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