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Everything posted by D.L.S

  1. D.L.S

    I'm in the US but it says that I need to be invited.
  2. D.L.S

    75/100 I was totally looking at you sig and not your ava the first time sorry. This pic is from the limited edition of holy grail btw.
  3. D.L.S

    I would so move there if it was.
  4. D.L.S

  5. D.L.S

    Versailles - Faith
  6. D.L.S

  7. D.L.S

    I approve then.
  8. D.L.S

    I thought you were better than that Peace.
  9. Thanks. I asked because I read a translation that said that the contract ended, but not that it was early.
  10. Is the contract not being renewed or is it being ended early?
  11. D.L.S

    Definitely a super troll.
  12. D.L.S

    It would have been better and easier to follow if it was a video. But what I could manage to get through seemed funny.
  13. D.L.S

    Versailles needs to stick with fast and sometimes heavy power metal!
  14. D.L.S

    My dad got an Inspire 4G today... I want it!
  15. D.L.S

    It might be both for me.
  16. D.L.S

    I was hoping for better news.
  17. D.L.S

    6/10 I think that it would be better big.
  18. D.L.S

    In the Vanilla sky.
  19. D.L.S

    Kick again and again! Love will be born again?
  20. D.L.S

    I noticed, but I have no idea what he is saying. Do you, because google translate is not very helpful?
  21. D.L.S

    As soon as I heard Dirty Limblic System it was an instant favorite. I think I immediately changed my name to D.L.S on this forum after that. ... Peace and I uploaded lossless versions of Atonality if you are interested in that: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1769
  22. D.L.S

    That's an extreme version of my usual hairstyle. It looks good!
  23. D.L.S

    They might as well be disbanded. I love them so much, but I fear that their hiatus will be the same as Malice Mizer's. They really were the best and I highly recommend to you the song D.L.S~Dirty Limblic System~.
  24. D.L.S

    My expectations were way to high, they are my favorite band after all. They disappointed big time, though. 1. Masquerade: 10/10 - A perfect Versailles song! I love everything about it. 2. Philia: 7.5/10 - I love this song, but it's definitely not my favorite by them. 3. Thanatos: 6/10 4. Flowery: 7/10 - Teru never disappoints, however Kamijo did for me in this song. 5. Remember Forever: 7/10 - I like it a lot, but I couldn't tell you anything about it. 6. Destiny -The Lovers-: 8.5/10 - I've always love the "new" intro, so I'm glad that it is permanently attached to Destiny. 7. Dry Ice Scream [Remove Silence]: 7/10 8. Threshold: 8/10 - I think it would have sounded better before Vampire and that it should have been a longer more complex song. 9. Judicial Noir: 8/10 10. Love Will Be Born Again: 3/10 - Honestly, I'd rather listen to Episode which is 10X better than this. 11. Vampire: 7/10 12. Faith & Decision: 6/10 - Faith should have been separated from Decision. 13. The Theme of Holy Grail: 8/10 - I always love Kamijo's SE's How I feel about all of Versailles' albums now: Jubilee=11/10>Noble/Lyrical Sympathy=9.5>Holy Grail 7/10
  25. D.L.S

    Love will be born again: The time is crying in your little heart It will stop our time and my dream Can you see the tears flowing from your eyes When your soul leaves your body So you're outside by this time Many times Love will be born again It always comes back from the sorrow depth inside Until you'll face the truth And slowly walk with me on usual way I'll be with you I've never loved anyone like this before Any time, every time I want to stay with you I don't want to say goodbye I'm afraid of losing your love I could never live without you But my time doesn't forgive it I couldn't understand why my heart felt so tight An you couldn't leave my soul Your love stayed the same Feeling the voice echoing from the future You'll cry with a sense of pathos I hold this love and you by all means Every time Love will be born again It always comes back from the sorrow far away Until you'll face the truth And slowly walk with me on usual time I'll be with you No matter how much time goes by, I love you Any time, every time I want to be with you I don't want to say goodbye I'm afraid of losing your love I could never live without you Forever I need your love I've never loved anyone like this before Your smile, your soul, please once again! I couldn't say I love you The pain of losing a loved one I would never forget usual way with you Time goes by
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