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Everything posted by D.L.S

  1. D.L.S

    My head is yuck... (headache)
  2. D.L.S

    13 Assassins (?三人??刺客) It was a great movie and the limbless girl was really freaky.
  3. D.L.S

    Versailles - Masquerade
  4. D.L.S

    I have a headache and my physics final failed.
  5. D.L.S

    Yes, as long as I've been asleep for more than 10 minutes. Excited for Holy Grail?
  6. D.L.S

    Is way "Too Hot 2 Handle!" Sadly I have to study for finals so I can't be on too long this weekend.
  7. D.L.S

    I always downconvert my files too. There is no significant difference for me so there is no point in wasting precious gigabytes.
  8. D.L.S

    Yes. Sympathia by Versailles. Have a band that you can't go one day without listening to?
  9. D.L.S

    You are yuck!!! Not really though.
  10. D.L.S

    Has more posts than me. And if my parents were not lying when they said that we have the internet returned then, yes, I have returned!
  11. D.L.S

    Internet get!!! Maybe?
  12. D.L.S

    For the DS: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn & Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light
  13. D.L.S

    Happy birthday to everyone who had a birthday in the last 3 months!!! I had no time to post a reply for you all then, but this lame excuse for a post should lift the guilt off of my mind.
  14. D.L.S

    Blue waffle anyone??
  15. D.L.S

    I've only seen bits of this movie, but from the comments I think that I should watch the full thing. That's cute.
  16. I think that they are both equally important, but I'm usually myself with people on the internet and that's hard to do with my friends IRL because we don't really have much in common. Not very many people around me are like me and I can say that I only know one person who is like me and truly accepts me and everything that I do/like and she is my cousin. She has her own life, her own friends and lives 45 minutes away from me so it is hard to always see her. The internet is the only way I can be myself until I can find people that I can truly be friends with IRL. It's been hard these past few months to be myself because I have not had internet, but hopefully today the internet will be connected like I was told and I can talk to everyone here that I used to and talk to and get to know more of you!
  17. D.L.S

    Is someone that likes to rape little boys.
  18. D.L.S

    Priest, but that was on Thursday. I thought that it was a really good movie.
  19. D.L.S

    Part3 is really good so far and I like that you can use psynergy on things that are farther than 1 square away from you. Edit: I just finished the game and I have to say that it was really fun while it lasted. I don't find it as epic as I think the first 2 are, but it is still a really good game that everyone with as DS should play. The cliffhanger ending makes me want the next installment NOW! I bought it for $20 or ?14? euro
  20. D.L.S

    I was at Six Flags Magic Mountain yesterday and it was awesome. I rode in most of the major coasters and I don't really have a favorite because, with one exception, they were all really good.
  21. D.L.S

    I would love for some super lareine sounding songs. I have no way to watch the video right now, but I hope it is very "Lareine-y." I have a feeling that Flowery will sound like Lareine even though Teru composed it.
  22. D.L.S

    I cuss people out when they send me crap like this. I hate it.
  23. D.L.S

    I feel the same way.
  24. D.L.S

    Uses last.fm
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