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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    pretty much summed up my thoughts. I really don't get all the hate for new girugamesh, some people think just because it's pop it sucks (now I'm not saying everybody thinks this way, but a good portion of the Giru fan base does). frankly I think Girugamesh's latest two albums are way better than most of the Indie VK releases from the past couple of years IMO. and also I believe if it was another band no one would even bitch about it, hell people would probably like it, but just the fact that some fans can't move on, or can't let it go. girugamesh is evolving and that's not a bad thing, it's needed so that they can stay together, if a band plays the same kind of music for too long then eventually they will get burned out, it's inevitable. well anyways back on-topic... I've only listened to it once so far, hasn't really sunk in enough for me to form an opinion, so I'll leave my review for a later time xD
  2. Original Saku

    "dilemma" - Pay money to my pain
  3. Original Saku

    Probably going to pick up Dead Space 2 later today... I'm so excited, loved the first one... and really looking forward to the multiplayer
  4. Original Saku

    I didn't think it was that bad, but it is only a demo afterall...
  5. Original Saku

    "光と闇が交差する夜に" - lam.
  6. Original Saku

  7. Original Saku

  8. Original Saku

    "冷血なりせば [Live]" - Dir en grey
  9. Original Saku

    "約束の唄" - Dirty Old Men
  10. Original Saku

    Dude think again. 2wBa362U7_c yea... Multiplayer open-beta demo starts tommorow I'm super stoked... call of duty fags better watch out there's a new contender coming to town
  11. Original Saku

    Handheld RPGs > Console RPGs (IMO.) and... Resonance of Fate Star Ocean: The Last Hope (yep I'm an SO Fanboy ) MagnaCarta 2 Last Remnant (I kno i'm gonna get bashed on for this one, but oh well... i enjoyed it ) yea DQ IX is awesome! I'm still stuck on it... 300+ hours XD but yea rly? you didn't like the new GS? i mean i understand Blue dragon because most people compare the othe B.D games with the first one (that was on the 360, even though i don't think it was as horrible as most people make it out to be....) but yea the Blue dragon on the DS is pretty cool, one of it's best features is the customization, so detailed it's like DQ IX's customization and then add 10 to that, and you get Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadows.
  12. Original Saku

    you are not alone
  13. Original Saku

    yea right. Dragon Quest IX Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadows and those all came out within the last year, and just off the top of my head... maybe you should pay closer attention
  14. Original Saku

    new 2011 animes: Beelzebub Bakuman Gosick Yumekui Merry Hourou Musuko Starry Sky Level E Fractale I'd seriously reccomend any of these animes to anyone... so far it seems like were gonna have a good batch of animes to watch this year
  15. Original Saku

    IMA!! welcome back dude, I was just thinking the other day about what happened to you... xD
  16. Original Saku

    "Life" - ZANPAN
  17. Original Saku

    awesome looking forward to it
  18. Original Saku

    1-b78TKZIyw must i say anything more? May 3rd is gonna be the best day of this year
  19. Original Saku

    "ショートカット・ファズ" - a continental shelf
  20. Original Saku

  21. Original Saku

    "キキミミ・エコー" - A Continental Shelf
  22. Original Saku

    "Walking in the rain" - 凛 -the end of corruption world-
  23. Original Saku

    come on ya'll XIII wasn't that bad.... I mean the story kinda blowed, but it had one of the best combat systems in any FF by far. (IMO) and me thinks gameplay is more important than story atleast in this case. but yeah I'm actually excited a wee bit for this, as long as they don't kill it like they did with X-2 it should be great. also thought the trailer was pretty epic. but I so can't wait for versus, I want kingdom hearts game mechanics in my FF rite nowz!! and Agito might actually make me go buy a psp (or a psp2 since it'll obviously won't be out here till 2012).
  24. Original Saku

    OMG YES. one of the best handheld RPG series ever. I've had the 3rd one for a few weeks and I'm just so addicted, I can't put it down D:
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