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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    for calls: Dir en grey - Conceived Sorrow texts: Plastic Tree - Sanitarium I've had the DEG one for almost a year now, I'm probably gonna change it soon...
  2. Original Saku

    Oh god i can not stress this enough, it was literary the best eight dollars Ive spent on anything ever nuff said. but yea it's a little short unless you get stuck somewhere and can't figure it out, but yea i beat it in like 4 hours with my friends... that being said it's an excellent game to take turns with your friends (i think we did the 3 deaths rule XD) and it has great replay value, along with all the little easter eggs hidden within it... yea pretty much it's worth it.
  3. Original Saku

    ^ Bayonetta is so fucking good. one of the best games of 2009 (that came out of nowhere too.. lol) IMO. right now i'm on a XBLA spree Limbo & Deathspanks XD
  4. Original Saku

    You lucky fuck, there was no mosh pit at mine. However there was a pretty big fight between a bunch of trailor trash right in front of me during Hageshisa to... And as it happens a majority of people were at mine for Dir en grey as well. The crowd thinned out BIG time for Apocalptica. It shocks me though, because I didn't think trailor trash liked music like Dir en grey. Yea it was awesome and so intense, it wasn't a small moshpit either, it was like a 20+ people moshpit... crazy XD
  5. Original Saku

    Sugar -OZ- Schwein Sadie ClearVeil Phantasmagoria hurts Lin -the end of corruption world- Bergerac Merry noiam
  6. Original Saku

    then the same can be said about you too. but to each his own... IMO Shion was a solid album, that had it's strong and weak points; although i have to admit when it came out I thought it was a fucking amazing album and there was nothing wrong with it, but after 2+ years of listening to it my opinion changed slightly, although i must say Kyutai is a masterpiece and will always be even after a whole year of listening pleasure but yea so stoked for this album, I gotta pre-order asap XD
  7. Original Saku

    as i promised here's pictures: http://s94.photobucket.com/albums/l94/FLCLmaster/DEG%20center%20stage%20%20Atlanta%20GA%20%20Aug%2030th%202010/ please ignore the 2004 date on the pics, the camera i was using is not right...
  8. Original Saku

    just got back from the Atlanta show, and wow all i got to say is fucking amazing! almost everybody there knew about and liked deg, hell most people there was only there for Diru and not Apocalyptica.. ( I was really surprised how popular they were, I figured their would be more fans of the other band there, but i was greatly mistaken.) my neck is killing me and my face feels like mince meat after getting jaw jacked in the mosh pit twice.. lol I probably overdid it a bit but I drove all the way from Nashville which is like a 5 hour drive (10 hours there and back) so i let loose and went a lil bit wilder than i should have, but oh well it was worth it. I had a great time and I'm so glad d'espairs ray's concert got canceled (sorry d'espair) or else i might of went to that instead of this, and me no think it would of been such a great turnout so yeah... XD well anyways i just got done with a five hour ride back and I'm beat, so.... pictures will come tomorrow
  9. Original Saku

    "Le Blanc Et Noir -????????-" - ???
  10. Original Saku

    "C.A.N.T.O.Y" - CANTOY
  11. Original Saku

    sin and punishment: star successors pretty addictive shoot 'em up game for the wii
  12. Original Saku

    new fairy tail episode
  13. Original Saku

    ^ yea definitely needs to be addressed, it makes discographies almost impossible :/
  14. Original Saku

    "Shiver" - the GazettE
  15. Original Saku

  16. Original Saku

    one piece
  17. Original Saku

    "???????" - ???
  18. Original Saku

    yea gay news is gay.. :/
  19. Original Saku

    yes fucking great anime! todays episode was pretty good and very suspenseful at the end >.> You can just tell it's gonna keep on getting better and better
  20. Original Saku

    they better not cancel the Atlanta show, or else I'm gonna be pissed... there's no fucking way I'm driving all the way up to Chicago... thats like a 12 hour drive!
  21. Original Saku

    "JUST THE WAY YOU ARE..." - 12012
  22. Original Saku

    yea androids are so much cooler and better. Have you seen the Droid X? it's basically the best Android on the market right now, and it has a bigger screen and just as good resolution that the Iphone 4 has (if not better.)
  23. Original Saku

    Deathpoint PV & 12012 album
  24. Original Saku

    Hell Yeah!! was waiting for more from Shilfee & Tulipcorobockles... and yea the cover is made of win XD
  25. Original Saku

    I'm definitely psyched for the concert since I listened to death point, I can't wait to hear it live!
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