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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Speaking of Bioshock Infinite... Burial at sea is coming out next week (the 12th). Looks like I might do a second playthrough in anticipation for it
  2. Original Saku

    Yeah only two days till the Atlanta show, and I'm getting pretty excited I'll try to take as many photos as possible and put them up somewhere for you guys
  3. Original Saku

    There's tons of bands that I could post in here, but out of the ones in recent memory I'd say d'espairs ray hurt the most to see disband... they were one of the few bands that got me into the visual scene so it really was sad to hear that they couldn't continue activities
  4. Original Saku

    went and picked up one of these bad boys today just got to say this is one of the most comfortable controllers I've ever held in my hands, good job Sony!
  5. Original Saku

    Does this mean I'm winning right now? Just kidding... glad you enjoyed it dude. You should check out some of his other albums, I personally recommend his 2008 album "This is Music" if you want to experience solo Ohashi without the guest artists
  6. Original Saku

    Well I don't really recall saying "just deal with it" in my post... I said "get used to it" there's a difference, and I wasn't really directing that toward you specifically but more or less to anyone in general (which includes you) that might be reading through this thread. I also didn't mean it in a condescending manner either. just a harsh truth. It's not just the buggy screen that this game suffers from on current gen though, there's a plethora of graphical and gameplay mechanics that Ubisoft outlined before launch for this game that are just not possible on current gen systems, in fact when they were outlining them it was pretty obvious they were saying that "this is only possible on next gen tech" but of course they didn't just come out and say that from the getgo, it was sorta implied. so obviously if the console is not capable of using these features then they're are simply not in the game or maybe they are implemented but extremely "watered" (diluted if you will) down... in that case there will definitely be major and maybe minor differences in the overall core gameplay and feel of the game as a whole. now this is all conjecture on my part since I haven't played not a single second of this game or any version of this game so... take it with a grain of salt I suppose. I'm not trying to say you should go out and buy a new system so you can play this game's (or any other game for that matter) superior version but more or less stating the obvious and that is you will most likely get a very different (most likely better) experience playing this game on the system it was intended to be ran on in it's full glory (with no features or mechanics cut from the game). I look at it this way, some people are audiophiles; me? I couldn't care less what quality I listen to music (as long as it isn't some godawful bitrate like 96kbps or smth), instead I am that way with games. I want the best experience possible with the best looking graphics with NO cut content and most importantly I want to play it the way it was meant to played not some "diluted" piece of shit. I will gladly wait for the superior version I don't care how long it takes. it pisses me off that these game companies are doing this with next gen games, I'm not mad because they are making the games more accessible to more people, but I am mad that some people won't ever experience some games how they are meant to be and I'm also mad that really this whole "Oh we're gonna release multiple versions of games spanning across several platforms with varying specs" ploy is really just because they don't want to lose money by making it next gen exclusive... because that's what it is about, you can't deny that they would lose tons of money if it was exclusive to just next gen and pc. but anyways that's just me... sorry i just felt like venting xD I never said I hated it... AC3 wasn't bad in fact it was quite the opposite for me, I had fun playing it just like all the other AC's but like I said IMO it was the "worst" and "weakest" entry so far. they did some things good (like the naval combat and improved free running) but they also did some things bad (crafting and for me mostly just the characters). There are plenty of other examples of stuff they did "right and "wrong" but that would make this already long post even longer so I'll just stop there. Also i'm sorry I disagree completely with you about Connor, he is the most lifeless character I've seen in a long time... I mean Ezio just had so much more emotion and development to him but I also understand that Ezio had three long games dedicated to building up his character and personality so it's understandable that there are differences. and yeah I expected bugs, that's inevitable. It's apart of gaming.
  7. Original Saku

    Well it's obviously a "next gen" game so... yeah I wouldn't buy it right now unless I got it for pc which I'm not (mainly because I've played every other AC game on console). Probably just wait and pick it up for the ps4 as one of my launch games. Other than that the only reason they even made current gen versions is just to appease fans who aren't gonna opt into next gen this year or anytime soon, so get used to it, this will be a reoccurring thing with new games coming out in the next few years at least until the current generation becomes obsolete which I don't see happening as quick as last gen (ps2/xbox) since the jump in technology is not as wide as it was then. And as far as how good this game will be... well lets just say I'm pretty confident this one will be leagues better than AC3 which I consider the "worst" in the franchise. Not saying that I didn't enjoy it, but it was no where near the level of the other games in both quality and story. Not to mention it had hella bugs at launch.
  8. Original Saku

    Hey that's awesome! Can't wait for the new version it's looking dope so far.
  9. Original Saku

    YESH!! It's about damn time too I can't wait, I'm a really big fan of his work
  10. Original Saku

    Oh well yeah that seems like it would be easy enough to add to the opening post then.
  11. nice! these guys and gals sure are busy looking forward to it
  12. Original Saku

    Just checked my messages on psn for the first time in a few weeks and found out I've been invited to take part in the Dark Souls II closed beta.... I'm hella hyped right now, I know what I'll be doing all week XD
  13. Original Saku

    ^ Sounds like a good idea except i haven't even gotten that far yet in the game so I really don't have any idea how the safari works so... If you can explain how it works and and what exactly you want me to add (and how) then I'll consider it
  14. Original Saku

    don't stream just don't. torrent instead. http://haruhichan.com/index.php/front.html this site is an excellent anime tracker that always tracks the newest shows every season from multiple fansub groups too.
  15. Original Saku

    I just recently changed my skin to something a little more minimalistic. If you like this skin and want to use it yourself, you can download it here: http://flipout69.deviantart.com/art/JAM-for-foobar2000-v1-0-407758948
  16. Original Saku

    just a little status update for the people still waiting on the quality subs.... Evetaku has finished subbing three of the four episodes and you can grab them over at their site HERE via torrent, and they're currently working on the fourth episode right now.
  17. Original Saku

    bump! seriously no one has played this game? I kinda find that hard to believe.... anyways I finished it, and it was glorious. definitely a really good game... I don't feel like it will top The last of us as my game of the year but it came really close, as far as story telling and characters goes it definitely beat TLOU, not by alot but enough for me to know which is better. But it definitely lost in the gameplay mechanics, I mean controlling Aiden and doing all the interactive stuff and the story choices was cool and all but it just doesn't beat the stealth and gun play in TLOU.
  18. Original Saku

    Yes you must watch Psycho 1,2,3,& 4 !! my favorite horror movies. but seriously if your only gonna watch one of them make sure to watch the first one... It's touted as the "original" horror movie and is directed by Alfred Hitchcock who is amazing. also make sure to stay away from the 1998 remake with Vince Vaughn... It's horrible and does not do the original justice, also no one can replace Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates. If you can though I recommend watching all four of them.
  19. Original Saku

    Okay let's see, I think you might enjoy this.. maybe xD I want you to listen to 有形ランペイジ (sasakure.UK) - 有形世界リコンストラクション album from last year. The genre is something described as fusion jazz and progressive rock mixed together. This is another one of my favorite discoveries from last year. I hope this will impress you xD PM incoming
  20. Original Saku

    probably just stay in and marathon horror movies with a few friends... exciting life eh?
  21. Original Saku

    hell yeah, bet you can tell I'm a Kill la Kill fan too huh? It's amazing. also that's one hella suggestive avatar.... I approve though lol
  22. Original Saku

    Been playing Batman Arkham Origins since it released at midnight (steam preload ftw!), it has been amazing so far. Definitely living up to the quality that Rocksteady has set for the arkham games, and tbqh I was skeptical this new studio would be able to pull it off since they are rather unproven but after playing the first 2-3 hours of the game I can honestly say those doubts have been dispelled almost completely. as far as performance goes, my pc seems to handling it quite well as I'm sticking to 50-60 fps at all times, outside and inside. It also seems they improved the direct x11 from the past games. Only thing is i need to figure out how i can get hybrid physx to work with this game like i got it with city... then it'll look truly amazing Now I just want to know what Rocksteady has been working on since Arkham City? I presume it's another batman game that takes place after the events of city since origins is obviously a prequel to asylum. Can't wait for that. I also just bought the new Phoenix Wright game from the 3DS eshop with some funds I had just sitting on there, haven't played yet but I'll get to it soon... hopefully. that is if pokemon doesn't steal my handheld gaming life away from me xD
  23. Original Saku

    ^ added and added in other news nintendo just came out with a patch presumably for that godawful game breaking bug in the main city, all you have to do to update to patch 1.1 is go into the eshop and you should be prompted to update your game as soon as you enter the eshop.
  24. Original Saku

    Lol really without the space xD but anyways this is some pleasant news, they deserve it hope we get a new album soon to compliment them going major.
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