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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Just started reading Yozakura Quartet manga, since the anime actually sparked my interest in the series. This is actually the first new manga series I've started reading in a long while, for the past few years all I've been keeping up with is naruto, bleach, and one piece so it feels good to read something new.
  2. Original Saku

    Playing the hell out of GranTurismo 6 since Monday.. Also over the weekend I decided I wanted to replay Fallout 3, so I started modding it and finally got it to a somewhat playable state earlier this week, all i have to say is Jesus fuck that game is so not optimized for windows 7... it's a freaking nightmare, and here I thought skyrim was kinda hard to get running correctly with mods... but shit I'm glad Bethesda has gotten better at coding their game engines, just looking at how hard it's to get fallout 3 running compared to skyrim I can instantly see the improvements. Here's to hoping the next TES and Fallout will be a whole lot more optimized for pc
  3. Original Saku

    Just so people know Jam v.1.2 is out now and it's glorious! Really digging all the support this skin is getting from it's author, so glad that he's improving it little by little
  4. Original Saku

    bought Gran Turismo 6 and I'm loving it so far
  5. Original Saku

    Yea I also like their mini better than their album, but eureka is still really good and like I said in my take, It's a real grower.
  6. Original Saku

    Just checked to see if there was any info on what is in store for JAM v1.2 and saw that he is working on making the collection tab a whole lot better among other things, he teased this image... God that looks so good compared to what we have now... I'm stoked.
  7. Original Saku

    Updated the front post with the recent friend code additions
  8. Original Saku

    He lost interest, happens to the best of us.. he'll be back sooner or later, they always do
  9. Original Saku

    I think that the whole premises in Gundam AGE (aka the three generation arcs) was actually a pretty cool idea, but they definitely fudged it up and it's sad because it could of been way better... and yeah after the first arc it definitely went downhill really quick. I'm glad though that build fighters is doing really good, love the whole cross universe thing that's going on with the mobile suits... but I have a feeling it isn't gonna to stay so "light hearted" past a certain point, too many variables like whatever is going on with Reiji and the world he came from.. just have a feeling that something more intense is going to present itself later down the line.
  10. Original Saku

    Speaking of gundam... I'm actually not hating build fighters as much as i thought i would... It's actually a pretty nice change of pace after the crazy and all over the place "AGE".
  11. Original Saku

    That's what i said similar character design, and no the story is totally different... what's so similar about it? Because as far I know they have nothing in common. and i have no idea what you mean by "dynamics of events development? sounds like gibberish to me :\ Edit: The only other thing i can think of that they have in common is the genre... action, but that's not enough to say that it is a copycat, in my opinion the two shows are very different. From the events happening in each of the shows to the moral outlooks and personalities of the characters, all the way down to the main message of these two series... everything is totally different. It's one thing to say that two series feel similar, but another totally different thing to say one show is a copycat of a another. especially when that just isn't true.
  12. Original Saku

    yay! this is pretty nice news
  13. Original Saku

    How is jormungand a copycat of black lagoon? The only thing they have remotely in common is the character designs are a tad similar... other than that they have nothing in common.
  14. Original Saku

    bought the first three volumes of "attack on titan" today at booksamillion, I was actually kinda surprised to see that they've already brought over quite a few volumes to the states... I remember seeing like 8 or 9 i think xD
  15. Original Saku

    Just so people know, the Steam Autumn sale is going on right now! from the 27th (today) to the 3rd I believe... gonna be some amazing deals in the next few days, so get on that shit In other regards, I just pre-ordered "Gran Turismo 6" yesterday, so I'm looking forward to that a great deal. Can't wait to see how far they can push the tech on the ps3... supposedly it's supposed to be one of the best looking games on the system, so it'll be nice to experience how far they can push it. also you can't beat over 1200 cars! and 30 locations with 71 different layouts! variety is the name of the game here xD
  16. Original Saku

    ^ it's different way different, all psp iso and cso run and look better on the original hardware period. psp emulators just aren't up to snuff yet it seems. I have a psp 1000 hacked with cfm 6.60 ME-1.8 and a dual memory stick with two 32GB SD cards for a total of 64GB in all, over fifty games including ps1 games. and yeah that shit is pretty nice, only cost around 110 dollars for everything including the psp and memory sticks... The best hundred bucks I ever spent
  17. Original Saku

    in recent memory I would say the Danganronpa series from earlier this year... it's so bad. Which is quite a shame because the visual novel for the psp has an amazing story and plot, but the anime just rushes through it all and even leaves out a lot of main story plot and events that matter in the end... I found it so hard to watch through it. It was like banging my head against the wall for hours on end. Bottom line is don't watch the anime play the game, it has been fan translated for the psp earlier this year and is a very good and quality translation, and hey if that's not your thing then it's also getting an official translation and release on the ps vita sometime next year i believe. If neither of those are options then just watch a playthrough of it on youtube, I'm pretty sure there are quite a few.. Just don't waste your time on the anime and if you did waste your time on it then please don't think that is what the actual story is about and if so then I pity you.
  18. Original Saku

    Damn that's one hell of a rant zess. Do you seriously think people watch shows like "IS" for the plot? Lol no it's for the eye candy, and nothing else. It's called ecchi and people eat that shit up regardless of how bad it is...
  19. Original Saku

    First of all thanks for actually replying to my post instead of pushing it aside with retarded gifs like some other people... and secondly I have been hearing a lot of great things about this show and how well done it is, so in an effort to not make me seem like a total dick, I think I might at least try to watch the first season sometime soon.. actually your post in particular has sparked my interest to at least give it a chance, but I'm not promising anything I might still not like it xD
  20. Original Saku

    Yeah I still kinda don't understand why it's coming out on ps3 and not ps4... Maybe there will be a ps4 version later on, or something i don't know. But hey the new need for speed on ps4 is pretty good, and looks amazing graphics wise.
  21. Original Saku

    Skyrim mods are amazing, but arguably I would say it feels like I spend more time modding my game and trying to get all my mods working correctly than I actually play the game itself... or at least it feels that way to me :/ Got my PS4 last week so I've been playing on that a lot. Mostly AC4, need for speed, killzone, and COD Ghosts. Battlefield 4 is currently broken on there so haven't been playing it, but hey they're working on it so... soon hopefully.
  22. Original Saku

    This last episode was pretty good, I thought the change of perspectives was a good decision. The prison is starting to get old too, and it looks like the next episode will be following the same and continuing along the governor's storyline. I actually have a new found likeness of the governor as a character since this new episode aired, it's nice to see he is human and killing his own people in cold blood actually had an effect on him, both mentally and physically. Oh and double post... why is this thread so dead? somebody talk nao!
  23. Original Saku

    YOU GUYS HURT MY FEELINGS, I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS... lol no but seriously like I said I'm sure this show is very enjoyable, but all I was trying to say is that it's probably just not for me.. btw those gifs are annoying and hurtful k thx bai.
  24. Original Saku

    Here's a neat little fact for people: http://allthingsd.com/20131119/teardown-shows-sonys-playstation-4-costs-381-to-build/ they only make 18 dollars off of each console, that's pretty crazy.. considering apple makes like 200 dollars off of each ipad they sell.
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