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Peace Heavy mk II

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    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from orangetarts in Split forum into; more parts   
    So you want to share Korean pop music on a Japanese rock forum.
  2. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II reacted to Original Saku in Pokemon X & Y (Discussion & Coordination Thread)   
    I figure since it comes out tomorrow we might as well get a discussion topic going.
    So who's all gonna get it and which copy are you getting, X, Y, or both? I've had my copy of X pre-ordered since last month and I just went and reserved one of the guide books today so I don't risk them selling out. I've been trying to avoid spoilers and leaks on the internet for the past few weeks but it's really hard not to be curious... I just get more and more excited when I see something new What's everyone most excited about? for me it has to be all the new mega evolutions xD
    Oh and please no spoilers in this thread
          The Friend Code List
                                       Asakusa  |  3239-3238-6256                
                    Augie1995  |  2766-9224-8762
                      Cupcakes  |  0834-1455-9042
                          Evenor  |  3110-4678-8650
                     Keyinjpop  |  3539-9645-0485
                    Madygrain  |  4184-1718-1357
               Original Saku  |  3480-2539-1372
      Peace Heavy mk II  |  2509-2220-7491
       xPrincess_ChaosX  |  1203-9715-3358
                       -Ryuujii-  |  5343-9162-9352
                        Saishuu  |  2036-7399-7693
               Sakura Seven  |  2449-5941-4026
                              Seiji  |  1118-0309-5287
                      Styleover  |  1822-0207-1861
                              Zess  |  4914-4245-4090
  3. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from CAT5 in IMPRESS ZESS   
    have u tried sadie yet ther rly good
  4. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in IMPRESS ZESS   
    have u tried sadie yet ther rly good
  5. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in IMPRESS ZESS   
    have u tried sadie yet ther rly good
  6. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II reacted to nekkichi in 12012 two best albums release   
    omg I love how this flop band implies they've been ~evolving this whole time and cuts off the compilation timeline right when they've gone independent as if they have matured into anything worthy 
    inb4 releasing their 2 last minis as「IMAGO」2012-2013  and disbanding for god's sake
  7. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from Sakura Seven in Pokemon X & Y (Discussion & Coordination Thread)   
    Ohh, found my friend code too!
    Friend code for poketmans ekusu: 2509-2220-7491
    Story wise: I just beat the 3rd gym and finally got the mega evolution thing. People sure like to just give you free pokemon in this game.
  8. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Truly crappy Western "visual kei" inspired music   
    Vegetable shaped steak--I think you're on to something.
  9. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from Sakura Seven in new band "[螺]RaRa." has formed   
  10. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from TheBistroButcher666 in new band "[螺]RaRa." has formed   
  11. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from CAT5 in D new maxi single "DARK WINGS" release   
    Wait they give out a game with their singles?
    I thought it said SNES game at first and was wondering how that would work.
  12. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from Ito in Music and Memories   
    Laruku's "Blurry Eyes" remind me a lot of a yearly fair my school used to have. I listened to that song a lot doing a very tumultuous part of my life--I was starting to be less shy, was slowly coming out to myself, and was finally making new friends after switching schools. I guess that event holds as a transitional period for myself, so I hold a lot of good memories with that song. The fact that the music video also took place on fairgrounds also helps me make an association between the two as well.
  13. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from usuxorz in Pokemon X & Y (Discussion & Coordination Thread)   
    fuck you like 10 times
  14. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from Augie1995 in Truly crappy Western "visual kei" inspired music   
    Vegetable shaped steak--I think you're on to something.
  15. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II reacted to Sakura Seven in Pokemon X & Y (Discussion & Coordination Thread)   
    Just started today and JESUS CHRIST I forgot how much I hated Friendship Evolutions. My Azurill is level 20. I play with it all the time. I feed it muffins all the time. 
  16. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from Zeus in Pokemon X & Y (Discussion & Coordination Thread)   
    ur going down brown suga
  17. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from kai_desu in About Deadeyes-star   
    Yaaaasss that spreadsheet I spent about 12 hours updating with Penicillin's discography will be finally be put to use!
  18. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II reacted to nekkichi in Cher   
    I suppose you are, in the > NOT THAT I LISTEN TO OVER COMMERCIALISED POP TUNES ANYWAY part, that you're presenting as SARCASM, NATURALLY now.
    please answer my completely unironic question and don't derail this thread into personal discussion if it is possible!!!!
  19. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from Flash-Fab-Supernova in Regarding the MH staff   
    Somewhat unrelated, but if Trombe has mod powers, why doesn't she have a special colored name? I mean, she's practically 50% of the reason why this forum is still alive.
  20. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from CaRaN in Lady GaGa   
  21. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II reacted to TheBistroButcher666 in -core bandlist! only punk   
    I tried looking up Of Mice and Men and all I got was results to some dumb book!!
    But seriously dude, it's better to just post two or three artists and talk about the artist and what they do. Try not to overwhelm people with a whole lotta stuff and dumb lists all at once because no one ain't got time for that.
  22. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from Karma’s Hat in Regarding the MH staff   
    RIP the green mods tbh
  23. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II reacted to Karma’s Hat in Regarding the MH staff   
    Lately me and various other regulars ( whom I hope voice their support for immediate action and add to the discussion ) have been thinking that there's a problem, and that is the severe lack of participation in forum activities in part of some of the staff members. It's pretty much widely acknowledged all around that especially a bulk of the blue ( and the late green, whom were subsequently and justly culled ) mods are notoriously inactive when it comes to interacting with much of the community.
    It's true that I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes and what are the contributions of each one there, but I do believe that actual "moderating" is far from being the only job of a staff member. A member of the staff should have a proactive approach to the forums; interacting with the members, making topics and creating discussions as often as possible and not just once or twice a month when the mood is right. The benefits of this approach for example have been seen in the review and general sections. If Zess and CAT5 wouldn't have made all the topics and discussions there that they have I bet nobody would have and the general section would still be pretty much dead. 
    I think the forum would benefit a lot from updating the staff roster with users who are in the loop of the current goings in the Japanese music scene, and imporantly the said users should be known by the people and the people should know them. I bet many newcomers who registered in the late 2012, early 2013 have no clue who these people are and I can't really blame them, seeing as some of the staff rarely post anything that classifies as a contribution. 
    And I'm not trying to come off as hostile, but I really think this forum has seen a surge of activity as of late ( some people would very much disagree with me though ) and I think that we should capitalize on that with a new, active and participating staff. There should be as little inactivity as possible and most definately zero people that clearly stick around just because they're friends. A mod status should be for those who are absolutely dedicated and if the time comes when they cannot live up to their duties, they should resign without a second thought. 
    edit: I urge everyone to say either yay or nay below. There needs to be some discussion about this because this is what people complain about all the time. 
    Everyone, and I mean everyone has complained about the forum being dead at one point. I honestly think that a staff that is right there in the middle of everything is the best way to engage this problem. While I also realise that you might be hesitant to do a revamp after the failure of the green mods, culling the one or two that are certainly solely dead weight right now and replacing them with new ones wouldn't hurt.  
    edit2: To address another concern that was voiced: The user and mod apathy. 
    It may be a convenient excuse for staff members and users alike to free themselves of the burden of contributing just because "What does it matter when nobody else won't do anything either". That's reasonable, why would anyone post when nobody else does? 
    I feel this concern can be directly addressed with a proactive, enthusiastic and most importantly of all, in the loop staff. What makes or breaks any content creator and site on the web is quality and consistency. The amount of good coming from a staff that brings life to where there isn't should be obvious for anyone. One or two mods can't do that alone, it needs to be the whole team. 
    These changes need to be done swiftly and throughout with zero compromise or months long discussions between the administration.  I think it's necessary that the amount of new blood is large is enough to reinvigorate the staff and forum.
  24. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from TheBistroButcher666 in Sadie new album "MADRIGAL de MARIA" release   
    Needs more emboss and drop shadows tbh
  25. Like
    Peace Heavy mk II got a reaction from Ito in Music and Memories   
    I tie music to memories all the time. In fact, that's how I remember what was going during my life.
    For example, when I was having trouble in my last relationship a year ago, I listened to Kneuklid Romance a lot, as well as Neil. At that time, I was going to school in Rochester NY while working in Buffalo (which are both in the same state, just an hour and a half apart from each other). I had to make that drive at least 3 times a week, back and forth, and had a lot of time to think to myself while driving. I vividly remember wondering if things would get better, if my patience would pay off, and if I'd ever feel 'whole' again. I associate the songs I listened to by both bands with optimism and perseverance. 
    While at school, I had to do a lot of walking. The distance between where I lived on campus and where my classes were is about a half mile, one way. As you could imagine, that's kind of a long walk and it gave me about 20 minutes or so  to listen to music while traveling. I remember what points of school I was in based on what I listened to most. Deluhi's "Two Hurt" was big for me when I just started college; I listened to Enya a lot when I was stressing out about exams; 'Panic Attack' by Dream Theater reminds me a lot of my roommates I had from my 2nd and 3rd years; Vivaldi's 'Ete -- Presto' remind me a lot of struggling with whatever depression I was combating last summer. The list goes on and on, but I definitely use music as marker for different times in my life.
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