I have a minor in Japanese language, although I have not spoken to any natives in about 4 years so my verbal grammar and comprehension is extremely rusty. I've also lost a lot of grammatical semantics and proper writing compositional skills, so things like news articles and song lyrics are a bit difficult for me to translate. Short phrases, like vkei news updates and song titles, I am a lot better at understanding.
That being said, I've used other tools post-graduation to help understand the language better.
I am currently level 23 on WaniKani, which means I know / recognize / am familiar with / should be familiar with around 749 kanji and 2300+ vocab words (from this app alone. I know others from school and recognizing song titles).
For writing, I also made an account on Lang-8. This is a site that lets you write diary entries in any language you'd like, then has natives correct your grammar or give you suggestions on how to improve it. While it does support any sort language, the users are typically Japanese wanting to learn English.
I would love to start taking lessons again and maybe even converse with others so I can build back up my speaking skills and learn more informal langauge. My training was all polite and super formal towards the end, as it was geared towards students studying abroad or people learning Japanese for business, so informal language used in songs and anime often escapes me.