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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Time to send in my audition tapes desu ne
  2. Peace Heavy mk II

    I learned that it really annoys me when people say they're going to meet with me / speak with me a certain time, but then are never there. Basically, I'm quickly learning I hate having my time wasted. Telling me you need to reschedule or be late is perfectly fine, but just not saying anything to me until 45 minutes have passed (and then asking to meet later only to end up being late for that too) is not good.
  3. Peace Heavy mk II

    Probably one of the few examples of a song that I like that is predominantly harsh vocals.
  4. Peace Heavy mk II

    lmao they might as well called that first session """The GazettE""" if it's ex _Vani;lla / VelBet Regardless, glad Vell is still around.
  5. Peace Heavy mk II

    Well, it only took 3 singles for him to rehash a Versailles song, this time "Masquerade," where as it took Jupiter 2 . Still enjoyed the preview anyway. Will watch the other PV later.
  6. Peace Heavy mk II

    god bless 4 pressings is impressive, although I wonder why they keep having such limited runs.
  7. Peace Heavy mk II

    ANGURA IS DEAD Their last mini was great, and this song was as well! Loving the red gloves on the b/w aesthetic.
  8. Peace Heavy mk II

  9. Cat5 if you want a weeb avatar pls at least use this one: https://31.media.tumblr.com/d80534da7b06e5324f78764bf5aead3e/tumblr_mnby3c1rTE1rln3k2o1_500.jpg thank

    1. CAT5


      Holy catz, it's Char CATznable! Sieg Zeon!

    2. DeithX252
  10. Peace Heavy mk II

    Looks like a good mix of new and old songs. Loving the encore setlists!
  11. Peace Heavy mk II

    more importantly can you go whaling again
  12. Peace Heavy mk II

    That DVD looks great, but I already ordered the single elsewhere D; Also 4,444? lololol wouldn't get it anyway.
  13. Peace Heavy mk II

    The first is actually related to DALI: http://weloveucp.com/blog/more-limited-releases-from-ren-project-balance/ I think just using BALA★NCE would be fine.
  14. Peace Heavy mk II

    D is on Victor, right? Are they just using this site to further announce / promote their activities?
  15. Peace Heavy mk II

    http://www.last.fm/user/Le_newtype/library/tags?tag=seen+live&view=cloud I've only seen 1 Japanese band live, gomen ^^;;;;;;; OH wait, it's because they never fucking come to the East Coast. The last group that came was Diru, but I didn't see paying $50 to listen to whale noises for two hours as "worth it." Before that, I think D'espa came to NYC, but they had some stupid gotchya like needing to be 21 to get in (rather close to when I was going to turn 21, mind you).
  16. Peace Heavy mk II

    Yanukovych's Death?
  17. Peace Heavy mk II

    can I have ur moose shirt pls
  18. Peace Heavy mk II

    awwww Yoshi's Wooly World is like Kirby Epic Yarn. It even uses the same gems? If I get a WiiU, I'd probably get that to relive my Yoshi's Story days. Lololol @ the trailer showing cooperation though. If you can eat your teammate and make them an egg, no one is going to do anything but fuck each other over.
  19. Peace Heavy mk II

    I've seen a few episodes in passing, but never watched the series on my own (and would like to). It seems to be an interesting storyline and very progressive in terms of characters, which I believe is where a lot of the popularity and hype lies.
  20. Peace Heavy mk II

    herp, yes. The also released a small gameplay trailer: Looks like they're using the same graphics engine as X and Y, which I'm fine with. Hopefully it doesn't have the same noticeable lag during swarms.
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