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Posts posted by Hakoniwa

  1. 46 minutes ago, chemicalpictures said:

    Eu lembro do post do tributo à DEG aqui no MH. Pessoal só faltava correr atrás das bandas pra linchar, hahahaha

    Tenho a impressão que vi esse tributo... lembro duns V.A.s antigos, mas acho que nem tenho mais eles. Não era esse que tinha um cover de Akuro no Oka muito bom? Só essa prestava porém XD

  2. 1 hour ago, Original Saku said:

    I'm right there with you man!  We should convert everybody to our side XD

    I'm right there with you guys too ;_; I'm all for converting people lol


    Most bands I used to like are disbanding too... It's just how I said in my introduction post. But I've been finding more and more bands that interest me, so it helps. I started looking for more music when I noticed most of the artists I like were nowhere to be seen, and I managed to find some good ones. Plus I like finding new music.

    About VK... yea, I'm in the same boat, it's hard, but j-indie isn't really different tbh. It's also sad how many people leave their bands because they have to work, because they can't live through music... So I'm trying to look around the forums to see if any of the "new" VK bands interest me, maybe doing so will help you too. I still haven't found any, but I probably should look harder. XD

    YouTube also helps a lot. And Twitter.

  3. I just started this book the day before yesterday and since then every night is a fight between the need to sleep and my unwillingness to put it down... It's just too hard.


    Fangirl  by Rainbow Rowell.


    It's my first time reading something by this author, so I didn't know what to expect... but it's surprisingly pleasant to read! I usually read fantasy and sci-fi, so this is a change of pace. It flows so easily that I'll probably finish reading it tonight. Even though it's not a fantasy book, the main character loves fantasy books and writes fanfics about it... lol. The whole world surround her was really familiar since I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and the (fictional) fantasy book series she loves the most is clearly based on Harry Potter series. Awesome read, highly recommended.

  4. 5 hours ago, saishuu said:

    Cautiously excited for this.

    please be good please be good

    "Cautiously excited" xD

    But yeah, it's easy to get disappointed by such a great announcement... but idk, in Utada I trust. I wasn't even a fan from long before her hiatus and I only really got to listen to her carefully when she was away. But I mean, say what you may, Manatsu no Tooriame is pure Utada and pure love. <3

  5. 10 hours ago, sugibo said:

    and the 2nd track "Shandy" is the cover version of  "シャンディ" from "still a Sigure virgin?".


    Well spotted! I hope so!

    I love covers and always get my hopes up when they announce something with a familiar title lol.

    Reminds me when I asked GLIM SPANKY's REMI on twitter if their "Yoru ga Aketara" was a Kinoko Teikoku cover... she didn't even know Kinoko had such a song orz My hopes were crushed.

  6. 1 hour ago, Original Saku said:

    Welcome back! I remember you from TW era, long time no see :)


    also added you on last.fm :wink:

    I remember you too!! I actually spotted a few familiar names around the past days, I've been reading more than writing though. I'm still a bit lost.

    My pics are still on the member picture thread though, so, wow, that's weird. XD


    Thanks everyone! I feel welcomed. I also followed you back on last.fm. <3

  7. This thread is basically what I've been through recently! I am feeling emotional ;_;

    But I did pick-up a few good things. Thanks. : 3


    Not sure if it fits here, but do you guys know/remember amazingly progressive the brown? Well, they're not active right now, though I'm not sure if they're on an indefinite hiatus or forever gone. Anyway, the brown's eye (vocals) & Atari (guitar) have started a solo-ish career a two-piece unit! It's called 瞼-mabuta-. They first mentioned it some time ago, but only recently they've published a full song!! And they're doing lives right now, it seems... they're not rock-oriented, but damn, eye's vocals are best than ever.

    Here's their new full song: https://soundcloud.com/ai-takeda-172176910/contrast


    And this is a video of a live they were part of!



    Sounds nice. :3

  8. I've been meaning to read Banana Yoshimoto's works for a while now... I should buy a digital copy or something. There are many english translations, right? I admit the main reasons I looked her up were: because of her awesome pen-name; because a japanese artist I like mentioned liking her and I got curious.


    Anyway, I haven't read many japanese books so far... There's no reason really, I just hadn't somehow.  But today (!!!) I finished my first ever japanese book: the first book of the Moribito series, Seirei no Moribito (The Guardian of the Spirit) by Nahoko Uehashi.

    It's.....it's wonderful ç_ç

    At first I thought it kinda weak and weird, but it's really only the very first pages. I bought this because it had been translated to portuguese and I could buy it where I live, but also because I'm a huge fan of the anime, based on this book. It's a fantasy, it happens in a place similar to ancient Japan and full of legends and myths. The whole story is really good, all characters are pretty awesome, and the reading really flows. She wrote other books with the same protagonist, but those haven't been translated... I think I can't find the whole series even in english. So I'm considering on following my friend's advice and buying the original japanese books... they told me there are versions for children and the japanese there is really easy. My japanese is really bad though, so I'm not sure I can read it anyway lol.

    I just, really want to read more about this story... the way the first book ended was so....... </3


    tl;dr => Nahoko Uehara; I'm in love.

  9. 17 hours ago, CAT5 said:


    Yes, there's been a lot of new blood over the years. We do have a "name change thread" to keep track of them, but....I doubt anyone could seriously be arsed to browse through there XD


    I followed your new account on last.fm, even if that doesn't really mean much atm.


    I'd not heard of NakamuraEmi before this year...so she released music previously too?


    As for recommendations, what would you be interested in specifically? I'm not really much help with VK stuff, but plenty of other members could be of service!



    I checked the whole "name change thread" and got even more confused tbh... lol

    'Kay! Followed you back.


    NakaEmi has released 3 albums (NIPPONNO ONNAWO UTAU Vol. 1, 2 & 3) prior to her major debut... her major debut was a compilation of  some of her old songs, plus two original songs and a re-recording of YAMABIKO. That's why there are two YAMABIKO PV's on youtube! But I don't have those older albums, I've been considering to buy them... but it just wasn't po$$ible yet >_> I just accidently found out about NakaEmi when a japanese artist I follow mentioned her on twitter. XD


    Ah, I'll just keep an eye around, I meant I don't mind recommendations in general.

  10. Thanks!

    I do remember a few names around that time too, including yours, @CAT5! I used to really enjoy your recommendations tbh.

    I was so confused by name changes then and I believe some of those have probably changed yet again lol. Even if not, I don't remember many...;;

    I keep in touch with a few people through social media though. And btw, my new account will be http://www.last.fm/user/yoreru from now on.


    4 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    I see you're also a NakamuraEmi  fan too? Awesome. Her album this is one of my favorite this year!


    Hell, yeah!!! It was my most expected released this year, I was really hyped when she announced a major debut and a best album at that. I'm expecting great things from her from now on <3

    That said, I wouldn't mind some recommendations... even VK ones, since I know nothing about the VK scene anymore. And my favorite VK bands from that time are probably MUCC (...is dead) and girugamesh (disbanded).

  11. Well, sort of...

    I'm from the Tainted World times, but I haven't been around much ever since we became Toasted Waffles (lol) and then MH. People used to call me Hako, but you can call me whatever you want. I was really active for some time and then disappeared, so I guess no one remembers me lol. It was a long time ago. I EVEN LOST MY USERNAME'S BEAUTIFUL COLOR </3


    Anyway. I stopped coming here due to life situations and then I kinda lost interest in VK bands, even the ones I used to follow, since some became really bad and some have disbanded. I rarely listen to any VK nowdays, but I'll listen to anything if I find it good, VK or no VK. I've been thinking that I maybe should try participating again, even if only to talk about artists that do interest me, since not everything is about VK in MH. Riiiight?

    I mostly listen to japanese music, some korean indie, some music from other asian countries and some western stuff. I'm really bad at introductions and listing the artists I like. So please  just check this: http://www.last.fm/user/mimakinomoto

    That account is 10 years old though and I don't use it as much as I'd like (I mostly listen to music at work and in my non-scrobbling device), so don't trust it much. That's why I just started a new account, but I haven't started scrobbling yet, so...


    This is it. I hope I can be active again. Ah yeah, I'm from Brazil btw. Hi.

  12. On 22/06/2016 at 11:44 AM, chemicalpictures said:

    Queria conseguir gostar do som desses feras aí, até pra dar apoio, mas puta merda, é difícil. Espiral do Allumina nem é de todo ruim não, mas a outra banda chega a ser cringeworthy...


    Mas tem coisa brasileira que salva, tipo esse som:




    Nossa, cara, isso é surpreendentemente bom.... Não lembro se já ouvi isso antes. Mas eu admito que não esperava que seria tão bom quando cliquei no play. lol

    De banda brasileira eu tinha alguma esperança na banda RosieR, eles eram bem decentes, gravaram um cover em estúdio da Akuro no Oka com arranjos próprios que ficou muito bom. Mas a banda acabou justamente quando estavam começando a compor as primeiras músicas e escrever em japonês >_>

  13. How come did I still didn't know about Ryo's covers?? Those sound awesome! I knew he could play other instruments well, but I never knew he could/would sing... Man, now I'm curious about what he's up to.

    Although I'm still a bit sad by girugamesh's disbandment, it wasn't surprising at all.  So I'm looking forward to everyone's future projects, especially Ryo, who was the master mind behind the compositions.

    Also, it may be cliche, but Cage is still my favorite Dir en grey song so AM I PLEASED <3

  14. 3 hours ago, chemicalpictures said:

    vocês que são sabidos, existe algum site/fórum que concentre a fanbase de musica japonesa brasileira? Eu não tenho a menor idéia de como anda a cena por aqui, do tamanho, do que rola... As vezes acho que hoje em dia, com todo o acesso que tem, rola muito menos fãs do que lá pra 2004, 2006

    Cara, é o seguinte, antigamente existiam muitos fóruns que cuidavam dessa parte... tinha o Jpop.com.br que tinha mais o pessoal do jpop, o fórum Ongaku que era mais uns jrockers indie, o Zetsu J-Rock Forum que era só j-rocker com ênfase em fãs de VK, e o Fórum AMB que começou sendo mais pop, depois se tornou mais rock e hoje é uma mistura de tudo isso e uns artistas mais desconhecidos, mais o foco acaba sendo mais a discussão e informações em si do que notícias, por ser fórum. Além disso, tinham diversos fansites com fórunsdirecionados a um artista só, mas a grande maioria desses sites já saiu do ar... isso porque fórum no Brasil anda meio complicado, muita gente migrou para o facebook e não acessa praticamente mais nada por fórum. Desses que eu citei (e outros que deixei de citar) o único que ainda existe e permanece ativo é o Fórum AMB -Asian Music Brazil- mesmo.

    Eu estou lá também, o fórum se extende até um perfil no twitter e página no facebook com link dos posts novos, o problema é que os membros que ainda frequentam fórum são muito poucos comparados aos que frequentam facebook.

    Se você for se guiar pelo facebook, a página mais completa de lá até agora (focada mais em j-pop mas que também fala sobre j-rock) é o Nandemo - Não Deixe o J-Pop Morrer, é a que tem mais seguidores e tem posts diários.


    Enfim, a cena de música japonesa no Brasil hoje tá meio bagunçada e mais dividida do que nunca, isso porque as páginas e grupos no facebook não conversam muito entre si e acaba tendo um pra cada coisa, nada se mistura e é isso. A parte das discussões anda muito fraca por isso também...  eu ainda gosto de fóruns e por isso frequento, mas não dá mais pra esperar a mesma movimentação neles (ou em fansites) que existiam a 6, 10 anos atrás, que era realmente o auge. Acho um pouco triste porque existiam mesmo MUITOS fansites brasileiros e super dedicados, mas essas pessoas arranjaram empregos e acabaram deixando o site de lado, o que é natural, e a cultura de fansites foi morrendo aos pouquinhos. Melhor eu encerrar aqui porque isso já está virando um artigo....

  15. Definitely not as many as I'd like... :/

    I own a Super Nintendo (why is it not on the list? It should!!), a PlayStation, a PlayStation 2, Nintendo Wii and Nintendo 3DS. I wanna buy a PS3 next (it's about time)... so it'll be balanced: 3x Sony & 3x Nintendo lol (that's absolutely not the reason though). I used to have a Sega Master System too, my beloved first console, but my brother sold it without my consent... and I still haven't forgiven him. Ah, and I play some stuff on PC. But that's not a console anyway.

    I'm currently playing Nintendo 64 games on the Wii (Virtual Console) too, while using GameCube controllers... such a mess.

  16. Look foward no more! Listen foward instead:


    They're streaming their whole album. FOR FREE.

    It'll last until 10/22 (Japan time), so don't miss the chance!!

    I didn't listen to it all yet, because I need some sleep, but I can tell you in advance that I listened to a bit of each track, and they do rock. But that's expected <3

    I'll try listening to the whole thing tomorrow.


    CD Only: 51Uo9UiaipL._SL500_AA300_.jpg ||| CD + DVD: 51J-UDvMmrL._SL500_AA300_.jpg

    And here they are with the "Blue" again. XD

  17. Some people already mentioned some names I was gonna say :/

    So I'm only adding 'new' ones... some we're already used to, but I think there are actually many (japanese) bands with weird/crazy/funny if you look at them carefully.




    Himitsu Circle Tiger Machine

    Chicago Poodle

    Do As Infinity




    Swinging Popsicle




    Kiiiiiii (I had to copy and paste)








    Psycho le Cému


    locofrank (it is if you understand portuguese or spanish)



    madcap death panda



    me-al art

    Those were the ones I could remember now that weren't mentioned.. but I think SUPER EGG MACHINE is still my favorite XD

    Somehow it feels like japanese like using animal's names in english... specially pandas and chickens.

  18. Hmm.. japanese music helped open my mind up to music too, but I think I already liked different kinds of music since before, because of my parents and my brother. Also, my father and brother are musicians, and my mother loves music just as much as I do, so I've always been surrounded by music of all kinds.

    Even so, I guess I'd be listening to the same kind of things they've always listened to at home, like Pink Floyd, Scorpions, The Beatles, and a lot of bossa nova and MPB (Brazil's Popular Music....even though it's a genre itself, and it's not even that "popular" nowadays anymore lol). I've always hated the same genres I hate today, so I don't think I'd be going to those.

    So anyway...I think I'd be listening to a lot of proggressive rock, hard rock.. and heavy metal. And lots of MPB. I've gotten used to those since forever, so it would be the natural path, I think...

    Even though this doesn't sound so bad... I think I'd be less open minded to music, and would miss a lot of good things.

    Thing is, I only really started feeling music the way I feel now because of a japanese band (Do As Infinity), and I've been listening to them (and others) since then. There were some bands I enjoyed back then, but none I'd like enough to make me an obsessive fan like DoAs did at first listen. This is why it's kinda difficult to tell...

    But there's more... I think sometimes the music you listen to can translate who you are. There are many people I got to know because of japanese music, and they became great friends... always supporting me and helping me grow as a person. If I hadn't met such people, I'd probably be a bit different, so who knows what I'd be listening to...

  19. Hmm, The Wall was good, but I guess I liked albums like Dark Side of the Moon and The Division Bell more... but yeah, they have too many awesome songs.

    I've spent all my childhood listening to them and watching to concerts on video tapes and stuff.. since my parents were fans (fortunatelly, to me!). It's just not normal that a 8-year-old girl would consider "High Hopes" as her favorite song. XD (even though I didn't understand the lyrics back then)

    I still love that song a lot, among others (though I don't listen to them as much as before). They're not as popular as they used to be, but it's always time to listen to such good music! Not to mention the lyrics.

    Now, Echoes (Live at Pompeii)

    For those who don't know it.

    One of my favorite songs by them, 10 minutes of pure awesomeness. :D

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