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Posts posted by Hakoniwa

  1. is it possible to blend in the date, when a topic was started?

    You can see the date when the topic was started at the top of each thread.

    but i don't wanna open every thread to c when they started

    Hover your mouse over the thread's title and it'll show up without you having to open it. >.>'

  2. But Uzumaki's film is one of the most horrible thing i've ever seen.
    You're SO right, I have that movie. XD

    The actors are terrible! So terrible!!

    The reasons why I got interested was because of the theme song...which is by my favorite band ever.

    It's an awesome song and the PV features scenes of the movie...so I got curious. Every fan of that band did, I guess. XD

    Here's the PV with the scenes:

    Anyway, I started reading the manga back then...but I never finished it. >.>

  3. Shadow of the Colossus

    Agro ;___;

    Spoiler: click to toggle
    lol, I felt/said the same when it fell from the cliff... ;_;

    I'm also a lover of ICO/Shadow of the Colossus. It makes me really want to play Toriko (The Last Guardian), but it'll have to wait. Possibly a long time...

    I'm playing .hack//OUTBREAK (PS2), it's the third out of 4 on the project .hack series. The story is somewhat unrelated to .hack//G.U. series for what I know, but it follows the same background (a game inside a game). I plan on playing that series too. (yeah, I'm late on most games but it's fine)

    People are always saying the project .hack series are boring, but I liked it... it's very RPG-ish, and sort of a MMORPG simulator. So far I'm enjoying it.

    Also playing Pixar's "UP" (PS2), based on the movie. I liked the movie, so... I'm playing the game, and it's surprisingly very fun! Something similar to ICO, but a lot easier and the 'atmosphere' is not as serious. You can play the whole adventure with two players too, and that makes it even better. When playing alone, you can change between characters along the game, and sometimes they'll need each other to perform moves - something like Donkey Kong, the difference is that when in multi-player mode, both players can play at the same time.

    That's all for now.

    And oh, I never finished Kingdom Hearts since 2-3 years ago. It just....gets boring, so I keep avoiding it... haha

  4. I was reading a few reviews and stuff and I came a across a comment on the Girugamesh Color review. Some guy said it sounded like a UVERworld and then went on to bash UVERworld. Now I'm sure that I can't be the only VK fan who also likes UVERworld, YUI, FLOW and all those other mainstream bands. So I'm just interested, do you like or hate UVERworld and if so, why?
    You see... in that case you mentioned, I don't think the point is hating or liking UVERworld, it's just that girugamesh isn't SUPPOSED to sound like them. So this is why it IS a bad thing, even for someone who does like UVERworld. I have to agree with them on that one, because... you know, if I want to listen to something that sounds like UVERworld, then I'm gonna listen to them and not girugamesh. I like it when girugamesh sounds like the girugamesh I like.

    Then you said people started bashing UVERworld, but again... because they were mentioned, haters show up. Don't mind them, every band has haters and we just have to respect their opinion/choice of not liking the same stuff as we do.

    Just don't let it make you feel uneasy on the forums or something. There are a lot of members here and I'm sure there are enough people to like and hate pretty much everything. It's still just a matter of musical taste, as always.

    Anyway, I used to like UVERworld back when they started out, and even though most of their songs sound boring to me nowadays... I can't say I hate them. I just don't feel like listening to them anymore and I don't think it's worth to keep track of - at least to me.

    P.S.: I love YUI. <3

  5. Right, here we go again... XD

    I like stupid/funny pics, so... I don't have many pics in which you can actually see my face, I guess.






    During battle






    Moving things


    Trying to look normal (with my brother)

    Most of them aren't very recent.. the latest one is from april. I like taking pics of places, but I don't take many pics of myself, actually...>.>

  6. Still this is fucking hilarious.
    I agree...it's funny. XD

    And why girugamesh? They are like...polemic nowadays. You only have to mention them and people will start discussing about genres, changes in the band's style and stuff. It was a good shot overall. XD

    But it could be better.. he should have created a japanese blog months ago and then posting about it in japanese, also showing a pic of the CD itself!

    Once someone created and edited a whole booklet of a "new secret Do As Infinity album" on daiforum.com, and he said it was an Dive At It-only (official japanese fan-club) release. He printed it, and it was just perfect... even the CD itself, tracklists, all! It was supposed to be "Do The Acoustic".

    Everyone fell for it. Everyone.

    Later he said he was joking and it was an "april fools" joke, thing is... he's spanish, and Spain's equivalent of april fools is in december. THAT was a lot more convincent than last.fm scrobbles. XD

    I'm glad this doesn't exist though... "foolish mindcore" sounds like a stupid title to me.

  7. So... I think the old forums (.net) used to show more topics per page, this one shows about 10 topics, I guess. I think it would be better if it was more like TW, though I don't remember how many we had there... (maybe 30 or 40 or 50...)

    I know each user can edit the way they view the board themselves (and I edited mine), but most people don't know or remember about it.

    Then there's another restriction on....images per post. The default is 10 per post, and that doesn't help much when posting discographies and stuff... so I guess it would be better if we could add more images.

    Even if this is a replacement board, those are easily changed... but I think people would appreciate it. Hm...I think that's all. XD

  8. Exaaactly, that's why we're putting the J-Rock Awards on hold until everyone gets girugamesh, lol.

    And I hope their album will get on first place or something. If it depends one me, it probably will. XD

    And btw, there is a english subtitled version to that video with Vermillion's PV preview + talk. It's cool, so if you haven't watched, I really recommend it! :D

    Vermillion's PV preview + talk (english subtitles)

    I visited their website today, and saw something funny... XD

    This image & text:

    "We are real stupid."

    Yeah, they are great. XDDD

    They've already said that they are stupid on interviews before too and all.. well, that's funny anyway. XD

    And also a kind of new video about their new album! And some kind of quiz.. that I won't be able to answer to, since I didn't buy the album and can't do that for now. D: (I need to do it soon, though -__-)

    HERE it is. (with english subtitles too)

    The end is funny..

    Shuu: Now Satoshi-kun will show you a special air guitar playing...

    Satoshi: Air guitar?!

    Shuu: Ah no, it's special guitar playing. Thank you very much.

    And then Satoshi... eh.. plays. XDDD

  9. I'm 18 and I was 18 when I joined here! yay! 8D (???)

    It was also sad when our brazilian forum had to move to InvisionFree (we were on miumu boards... which sucks), and we lost all posts, everything! And many members too... o_O;

    But we moved for more than a year or so, so we already have many posts on the current one. It's okay, you'll get over it soon. :D

    Aaaand think about the good side of it... not only 5 TB of bandwidth, but also an easier url AND I'll also be able to be among the people who post the most! :D!!

    I'm really so happy about that. xD

    You guys were already on 2000+ posts and I was like "will I ever reach them T__T"... not that it really matters, anyway... XD'

  10. Gladly I live near the beach, or I'd burn everyday in downtown.

    Ah, that explains something then. o.o

    My city is not on litoral, it's actually surrounded by mountain ranges. So there are many waterfalls around here and all that stuff... it's not supposed to be a hot city, actually... it used to be really cold. On winter, it's still kind of cold... x_x

    And my city is not awesome.. that crazy weather is not good for anyone's health, and I ofter get ill because of that. -__-

    We also have strong rains with thunderstorms.. just like last sunday... ._.

    Some months ago we had a really strong one.. a part of a bridge kind of came down during that rain, and some other things too... (walls too..)

    I don't like too strong rains, but I don't like if they are too thin either... -.-

  11. No.. what I mean is that the kana is wrong according to the romaji... or the inverse. It's Viored / ??????, but the correct would be:

    Violet / ??????

    Viored / ??????

    The difference is the last one.. it's ? (to) when it should ? (do).

    That's what I don't understand....

  12. Questions about Artists

    Ok I just had a new idea, like if you have a question about an artist or something, you just ask it here or something, unless they have a topic or something, I don't know, lol.

    Can I also take it as a reply to my PM? lol

    Well, I have a question about... Viored.

    There's something really weird about that...

    Their name is Viored, right?

    Even so, the name in katakana is written as ??????, which is BAIORETTO (BA-I-O-RE-T-TO)... I mean, ?????? would be "VIOLET". If their name is Viored... it should be written as ??????..... o_o'

    But yeah, it's written both as Viored and ?????? on their official website. So that confused me... does anyone know why?

  13. Too bad the rain in brazilian's northeast is very thin and without thunders. I loved the strong thunderstorms I had in the south. ;_;

    NO WAI! o.o

    Hmmm, not in my city.. and it's northeast too. But I can understand you, because the weather in my city is just crazy.... XD''''

    Well, I love the rain too. ^^

    Oh, and I don't like Gackt. I've always seen him as a japanese Sidney Magal (not that you'll understand what I mean XD). After watching to that "Wasurenai kara" live, I've decided I really don't like him.

    Oh, but "Vanilla" live is funny. I forced my friend to watch to it and I thought he was seriously going to kill me then. I wonder why. xD

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