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Everything posted by Pandabear

  1. Pandabear

    Just found out too. Not surprising since they haven't taken a break since they formed. I don't really mind when band's go on hiatus though. As long as its not years, or leads to a breakup.
  2. Pandabear

    Vamps - Cosmos
  3. Pandabear

    Ilaria Graziano - Somewhere in the Silence
  4. I will always choose soul over technicality. There's needs to be emotion, passion and feeling in a song for it to be good. Technicality can emphasis this, but i don't feel its the main goal in creating music. It's more of means to an end. Average people don't listen to music to hear an 8 minute long super fast technical guitar solo that uses a complex composition. Stuff like that is only useful for music study. And though I do think you have to posses a certain amount of experience and know how in order to play what ever instrument you may choose you don't need to spend decades playing them. Hell some of the best music in the world (both modern and classical) uses the most simplest melodies and chords that any beginner could play. Even their compositions and arrangements are pretty straightforward and simple. So yeah, I chose heart and character.
  5. Pandabear

    Jem - 24
  6. Pandabear

    Apparently they've been in the studio since October. I'm expecting a release sometime in the spring of next year.
  7. Pandabear

    517,000 results 6,590,000 pics Now with a space between the two words 12,000,000 results 2,250,000 pics
  8. Pandabear

    Late on this. I'll be going to the New York show. I'm also surprised they're touring overseas, but I'm not complaining. And I always figured bands hit L.A and Texas the most simply because it's a lot closer to Japan.
  9. Pandabear

    Machne Head - Unto The Locust
  10. Pandabear

    Namie Amuro - Come
  11. Pandabear

    Saw them play for the first time at a sold out show at Irving Plaza. They totally rocked. The crowd was pretty chill and cool during their performances of their new material but then hell broke loose whenever they played their harder and faster songs. The band actually played songs from all of their 7 albums which I thought was great since bands with several albums usually omit a good portion of their songs from live performances.
  12. Pandabear

    Back on track, I just got over a bad cold and fever over the weekend so I haven't recorded anything yet. And my overdrive pedal just died. I'm planning on picking up a new one along with some cables sometime this week. Hopefully I'll be able to send you my guitar part by the weekend. Also checked out your gear and you have a sick drum set. One question though, you wouldn't happen to have a couple of dynamic microphones set up for recording would you?
  13. Pandabear

  14. Pandabear

    ^ That's seems to be one the most commons gripes about the band. I actually like Spencer's vocals. Even if he doesn't have the best growls like some people complain about, they get the job done.
  15. Pandabear

    Raunchy - Confusion Bay
  16. Pandabear

    Yeah I'm not sparing any expense in building my DAW. I want to get as close to having a pro studio quality sound. And I'm one of those people that doesn't like to go and do something half-assed. I probably will end getting several terabytes for recordings, but I had no idea RAM was so cheap. For some reason I had the idea that it was expensive. I'll definitely be getting at least 4gigs of the stuff once I know which ones are compatible with my mobo. And I like to have options and the window to experiment with recordings so I'll probably be getting a soundcard that best fits my need and an audio interface both of which will be at the front end of my pro mixer. Chances are I'll probably have the mixer at the back end as well and connected to sliders for some old school mixing. Hadn't given thought about getting my system shielded but I'll be looking into that. And there's no way I'm using my current Bose speakers for monitoring. I haven't bought my monitor speakers yet but I was looking into a M-Audio speakers among others. Also you have a pretty kick ass system. It's a reminder how much mines has to go.
  17. Pandabear

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTICUhCqEaY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spCmStMOiHE They’re probably best known for having Misha Mansoor and having the whole Djent thing going on, but W/E. Jetpacks was Yes! was the first song I heard from this band. I was impressed with Spencer’s vocal range and technique and the bands experimental elements. Liked the album version of Jetpacks Was Yes! better since it has growls during the bridge but version 2.0 is pretty cool as well. Anyway gave their album a listen and thought it was a damn good debut. Totally became a fan of theirs after that.. Another thing that impressed me about this band was their use of their 3 seven-string guitarist in complex music compositions. Both vocally and instrumentally they are quite technical, but retain a great sense of melody and forward movement. Love their epic sounding tracks like Letter Experiment , Light and the 15 minute long Racecar. Saw them on their headlining Frak The Gods tour and they were awesome.
  18. Pandabear

    Show off your tweaked and modified computers. These are my current specs PC Windows XP Home Edition Inter Pentium 4 Processor 3.00 GHZ 504 MB of Ram 180 GB Harddrive Accessories Basic Keyboard Logitech USB laser mouse BOSE computer speakers Sony SDM-HS73 17'' LCD screen with 1280 x 1024 display Yeah I know it’s not impressive but that’s because I have yet to upgrade my machine. I will be building a home studio but first I really need to make some modifications to my PC in order for it to handle the demands of being an audio processor. Plus I’m down to my last 30 gigabytes of memory and one of my drives has been broken for the last 4 months. I will be probably be getting a terabyte or at last 500 Gb of extra hard drive memory since all the music software I’ll be installing, in addition to all the loops and music samples will easily take up a couple of gigs and I need to take into account all the space the raw format of songs being recorded will take up. Will probably upgrade my RAM to at least 1 gig or maybe even 2. I also need a good pair of fans that are efficient at cooling and are quiet. The ones I currently have are stock fans and are really noisy. Will probably install a basic drive to replace my broken one and might get an Audiophile soundcard or PCI to hook to my monitors. Not sure which yet. Actually if anyone knows some good products of the items I just mentioned, recommendations would be welcomed.
  19. Pandabear

    ^ Okay I get what you're saying now. Yeah most western bands only release singles as a promotional tool rather than as a physical release after they have released an album. And most are well established enough so that they do get radio time in addition to making music videos. But if you're not one of those bands their system of releasing singles changes. It varies from band to band, they might release singles physically before an album to create promotion and get known and not after. Or they might not release any physical release at all and just do it digitally or scrap the whole single thing and just release an album.
  20. Pandabear

    Your statement doesn't make sense to me. I agree with the whole why buy a single when I already have the album with the song I like statement, but what exactly doesn't make sense with the western concept? Because the Japanese way releases a hell of a lot more singles than the western one. And having re-recorded singles on the official album is nice and so are b-side releases. But that doesn't really matter to me since I don't really buy singles, only albums and some bands usually put out an album with all their b-sides released on singles along with maybe other unreleased material. So I'd rather just save my money on buying all the singles and just get the album with all the b-sides. In fact most people I know download singles instead of buying them and just end up purchasing the album. I think maybe the concept of saving money by buying singles instead of albums would have worked more in a time before the internet became so accessible and pirates came into existence.
  21. Pandabear

    I prefer western. The Japanese way gets boring and annoying after a band puts out like 3-4+ songs and then you get the album and there's not much newness to it. Plus I prefer quality over quantity. I'd rather get an awesome album with like 10 songs, with maybe one song released as a single and maybe another one or two after the album release, then getting an album full of songs that have previously been released and are mediocre or suffer in quality and originality because a group or artist wanted to meet a quota of songs. Another thing is that I don't buy singles. Not ever and never will. I go for the full length album. And if a Japanese band puts out a ton of singles, chances are I will only listen to 1 or 2 songs they put out and then just wait to hear the full album rather than continue listening to all the songs they put out. The only instance in the past when I've bought a single is when an band puts out a song I really like but its not on any album they've put out.
  22. Pandabear

    I would be interested in this. I have two projects going on at the moment. A trip-hop indie rock band thing and a metal band that was originally formed to play one song for a zombie movie a film student was making. We haven't secured a drummer for our metal band yet. Problem is I live in New York and there's no way we would ever be able to play live. However if you're still willingly to provide drums that would be great. If you do, the name of our band is Blind Fury. Basically we play all types of metal. Death metal, industrial, thrash, metalcore, experimental, melodic, classic, etc. Sometimes the songs stick to one genre other times the songs are a fusion of styles. Besides the two core members, me and a friend, we also have rotating singers. We pretty much invite anyone that wants to write a song and sing to do one track with us. Of course that's after we okay their singing and lyrics. Musically and computationally the music is pretty straight forward. Nothing really technical or out there since our focus was more about having fun and making awesome but simple music. So far we've almost finished our first song. It's yet to be titled. Obviously its the one we were doing for the film and its about zombies. Instrumentally so far it's pretty thrashy. Vocally the verses are done in a death metal style and the choruses are sung clean. Aside from that we've also incorporated some industrial effects. We've haven't continued further because we don't have a drummer and the drums play an important role in our song. Yours truly plays guitar, writes and does vocals. I haven't recorded anything yet but I can send you some rough demos of the main guitar parts if your interested along with the lyrics.
  23. Pandabear

    Periphery - Letter Experiment Has an epic finger tapping solo.
  24. Pandabear

    I'll finally be seeing them in a venue they'll be be playing in new york. Excited about it. Also these guys put out music hella fast. Read in a interview they already have new material for their 3rd album and will begin recording early next year. I guess there not the type of band that takes 3- 5 years to put out a new disc. Plus Danny's got a solo album coming out. Its kinda cool to see how much they've gotten done and how much more popular they're becoming in about 3 short years.
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