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Everything posted by Cupcakes

  1. Cupcakes

    Pray (絶対恐怖 Pray プレイ)
  2. Cupcakes

    pre-dia - Please Please
  3. Getting sick of these pretentious bitches :s

  4. CAKE

    1. D.L.S


      And it's not even my birthday~ He want that cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake

    2. Yasupon
  5. Cupcakes

    I know this game, as in playing it within a circle of people in real life. I don't really get how you play this on a forum?-
  6. Starting to like Ayumi Hamasaki. Someone please send help.

  7. I am not made to be awake during the day.

    1. Yasupon


      are you an owl

    2. Cupcakes
    3. Slsr


      Yup, night time= best time

  8. Cupcakes

    When I was studying English and we went to England, I didn't dare to speak to the locals at all. Because, you know, it's not my native tongue. Edit: Saw this on tumblr and found it fitting.
  9. Cupcakes

    AAA - Thank you (39 version)
  10. Cupcakes

    Lost - Sexyback
  11. Cupcakes

    D'espairsRay Lynch. Capella Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi Nightmare Dir en Grey Hybrid-Zombiez Vior gloire DEZERT exist trace Sadie UVERworld
  12. Having an internal conflict. It feels as if I'm looking at myself from above. Having a strong urge to cry, but can't find out where it comes from. Maybe it's selfish, but I want to be happy too...

    1. orangetarts


      <3 feel better love, whatever it is thats eating you up~

  13. Who had thought that my favourite album is new age/ambient house.

  14. Cupcakes

    languages~ I think every Dutch person speaks at least 3 languages? I mean, I had old Greek, Latin, French, German, English and Dutch in middle school. Only had the last 3 in high school though.
  15. Cupcakes

    Why can't we choose witches or Fae though?
  16. Cupcakes

    Of course I liked it, else I wouldn't rewatch it~ Audrey is one of my favourite actresses. Going to watch Talking Dick in a bit, got some thai movies queued up.
  17. Maybe I should start my music collection from Scratch, so I don't have to put so much into Itunes ><

    1. Cupcakes


      if I do so I can't listen to music anymore when I'm not home

    2. CAT5


      oh, right. I keep forgetting about the whole ipod deal :(

    3. Spike760


      iTunes is the devil.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  18. Cupcakes

    you call that crap? 0o
  19. When trying to add a smiley to my post, I got the "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." message. How cruel.

  20. Cupcakes

    Maybe you can find distractions that don't require effort? I mean, here on MH, we're a huge community. Enough people to chat with and to distract you! However, you were wondering wether you should give up. Would you prefer it yourself to keep on longing for that person, even after all this time?
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