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Everything posted by Cupcakes

  1. Cupcakes

    If you're single and you know it clap your hands~
  2. Cupcakes

    Got an HTC Desire S, love it.
  3. Cupcakes

    Kalafina - 光の旋律
  4. Cupcakes

    AAA ぱすぽ☆ 家入レオ Flower Bright
  5. Tonight I might be drinking alcohol for the first time in years.

  6. Cupcakes

    Haven't been to school for almost 2 months because I just can't handle seeing strangers. It makes me feel like I don't know anyone. It's lonely.
  7. Cupcakes

    Vampires, because of a series I'm reading.
  8. Cupcakes

  9. Cupcakes

    Should I watch it?
  10. Never thought I'd do some handicrafts again...

  11. Cupcakes

    You made clothes? show me show me~
  12. Cupcakes

    Minesweeper and Pou. Pou is just adorable though.
  13. Just fell asleep behind my computer. What time is it anyway?

  14. Cupcakes

    So I made myself using a chibi maker (With obligatory cupcake) Fanservice version under the cut~
  15. Cupcakes

    I think I should sleep. But then again, I don't wanna. But I should.
  16. Cupcakes

    They are quite pretty though. I'd buy them to put them on a bookshelve. Mainly because one day I want to have a wall filled with books.
  17. Cupcakes

    Did someone say pets? (warning: picture heavy)
  18. Cupcakes

    Eisbrecher - Gothkiller (vs Robert Vitacca from Lacrimas Profundere)
  19. Cupcakes

    Kim Harrison's Pale Demon. Here's the book on Goodreads~ I really love that site.
  20. Cupcakes

    Welcome~ I've always wanted to go to Prague, but I guess that's because of a tourist thing~? Hope you'll enjoy it here!
  21. Cupcakes

  22. Cupcakes

    ONE OK ROCK I'm in. Do you listen to UVERworld as well? Cause if that's so I need to marry you. Ehm. Hi. Welcome, please enjoy your stay 8D
  23. Cupcakes

    Welcome, nice to meet you, and please ignore CAT. I added you on last.fm I'm ProudPrince on there
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