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Everything posted by Cupcakes

  1. Cupcakes

    Gegege no Kitarou, we watched it during class
  2. Cupcakes

    Silly people. Studying Japanese takes up a lot of time you know~ and I haven't really been interested in Japanese non-pop music?
  3. Hi Edit: Also, for those who want to talk to me outside MH, you can add me on skype: leakingicecream
  4. Cupcakes

    Welcome back~
  5. Cupcakes

    shucks, nowhere near.
  6. Cupcakes

    Ever since I turned 18 my mom keeps saying I should join a datingsite. And hey, why not? But, the question is: Someone having any experience with dating sites? Do you think you can find your "true" love on there?
  7. Cupcakes

    Probably the same as 2 years ago; Wasting time on the MH chat, run down at 11.55pm, get back behind the laptop at 12.05am.
  8. Cupcakes

    stop confusing me, you stupid person.
  9. Cupcakes

    At the Student Councelling Class we were talking about self-confidence and I completely broke down. I really don't have any... So I ended up crying en public.
  10. Cupcakes

    With our latest pet, Curly~
  11. Cupcakes

    Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
  12. Cupcakes

    I wonder if anyone has seen "Genie" yet? I plan on watching it this weekend, just curious what you guys thought about it.
  13. Cupcakes

    I just. Guys. "Spike760 Banned"
  14. Cupcakes

    + Chibi Devi! Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 2
  15. Cupcakes

    Bochum and Paris aren't possible for me to reach either gyakutai, and I live in Northern Europe. It's like "we only give shows for the riches". But hey, it's UCP.
  16. Cupcakes

    They call this a tour? lol.
  17. I don't really mind lyrics, since I mainly listen to music in languages I don't understand. But whenever I'm listening to something English/German, it only stops when in the lyrics they show that they're anti-gay people or sth. Guess I'm just one of the less-caring people.
  18. Cupcakes

    If they'll come to Holland (which I hope, with 15 countries) I'll go and see them.
  19. Cupcakes

    I guess I have a silly dream, but I also want to get married and stay home to take care for the kids, the pets and the house. But due to the economy this isn't possible, so I'll just keep on dreaming...
  20. Cupcakes

    LDR are possible. They can work out quite well.
  21. ..somehow I still can't imagine Jui being a yankii. Ah, but indie? No. My guess is AVEX. Maybe he will added to a boygroup XD
  22. Maybe he's retiring? Got his gf pregnant and needs a stabile job or sth.
  23. Cupcakes

    I'm not good at writing either! But hey, you can even send in fanfiction.... So I'll just give it a shot!
  24. Hello, Just wondering if there are people from here that are joining NaNoWriMo this year? If you have an account on the NaNo site, you can add me as a writing buddy: My Page
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