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Everything posted by Cupcakes

  1. Cupcakes

    Hello lovely people During November I wont be able to be online much, since I'm joining NaNoWriMo this year. This means that I'll spend time writing on stories instead of on comments (A) You can always send me a PM if you have inspirational music though... Love, Cupcakes
  2. I got that far dear <3 But I mean, how do they get picked? Since it's not like, the first 2 albums, or the first and the last...
  3. Cupcakes

    I.. Just... BOOBS. Anyway. -moves on-
  4. Cupcakes

    I'll try to get in there~ I think that's like, 10pm my time?
  5. Cupcakes

    Quite curious for this <3
  6. Cupcakes

    Hello and welcome Enjoy your stay!
  7. Cupcakes

    Whoah Well, we can do that. Somehow.
  8. Cupcakes

    9/10 I feel stared at 0o
  9. Cupcakes

    How many pages left till it stops?
  10. Cupcakes

    How many pages left till it stops?
  11. Cupcakes

    Rinzu (figured satin)
  12. Cupcakes

  13. Cupcakes

    13:39 Beilen, the Netherlands
  14. Cupcakes

    高橋瞳 - Rolling
  15. Actually no, it's really Teaching English, not English Language. Sadly enough. I'm not smart enough to study English Language T_T
  16. The brats aren't the problem. The classes are. Try to imagine stuff like Phonetics, Language Skills Development and Language Awareness ><;
  17. ...I'll just sit behind my laptop. I mean, if they come, they come. Too lazy to run x'] I'll make sure to post my last message on here though!
  18. Teaching English. And yes, I regret it. But hey, it was my only option left! So I'm stuck here for the next 4 years XD
  19. ...Lol. My blog used to have that name XD
  20. Nick & Simon - Vandaag (Palingsound)
  21. Cupcakes

    I will.
  22. Cupcakes

    The Metropole Orchestra with Paul de Leeuw on the 6th of october.
  23. Cupcakes

    Sala Samobójców (Suicide Room). Here are some screenshots. It was so depressing!
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