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Everything posted by SUBLIMINAL


    Even though I agree with the above statement, I can ignore my general dislike for lolita and say that I've seen better. This dress would be better if the sleeves weren't ruined and those buckles at the collar and down the dress weren't ugly and awkwardly placed. To top it off I think Body Line looks cheap. However, it's nicer in red.
  2. It's difficult to describe and I suppose it depends on what music you're a fan of. It's sort of like a neo-punk soap opera, for want of a more appropriate word. Also Maruo

    No, she's not. I do. And the GazettE being the only j-rock band you hate implies you do listen to bands that sound similar to them, since most of VK is either Dir en grey rehash, nu-metal rehash (+the GazettE rehash) and X JAPAN fanboys.

    Dragon Age: Origins Witch Hunt DLC.

    Uh, his daughter must have been a pregnant teenager then. I seriously, seriously doubt that's true. Considering the wiki has 90% of the D'espairsRay information wrong, too, I wouldn't trust it. I suspect it's made up, a mistranslation from elsewhere, or such a widespread rumour that people actually believe it's true.

    Wish granted. However, at the lives they all announce they're disbanding. I wish my boobs were a B cup instead of a C >:U

    I don't think searching for new services will help you find them, you might just have to wait 'til they show up on auction site.

    Scaring myself playing BioShock |D

    Flamed steak flavour Kettle potato chips. Fuck these are delicious.

    You could always try using a proxy, like hidemyass.com. Or http://www.brothersoft.com/hotspot-shield-49569.html

    What can't Mukunoki find? He doesn't just buy concert tickets for you. You can give him a link to whatever you want to buy from a Japanese website (puresound, Yahoo Auctions, mbok, bidders, a band's official website or webshop, etcetc., which is where you're most likely to find band merchandise for sale) and he'll buy it for you. He's really the best choice for this sort of thing because he's 100% reliable and really friendly. I've used him to join D'espairsRay's fanclub three times, to order merch from Yahoo Auctions Japan, and goodies from official webshops. He's the best, imo. Everyone I know who has tried using a different service has always gone back to him.

    I have to agree with the first paragraph above. Not many of my favourite Japanese bands have released a full length this year and it has been a fairly slow one... everyone else released minis or singles, so I'll just have to include those to bulk up the list. In no particular order: D'espairsRay - MONSTERS ムニムニ - Magical Moonies BUCK-TICK - ??????? Lillies and Remains - MERU アヲイ - 葵 ヒトツメ - ??色グランギニョル THE SOUND BEE HD - 蜂 マモノ - 世界魔界化計画 Creature Creature - Inferno That's pretty much all I can think of. If I were to list albums by bands that weren't Japanese, I reckon it'd be much longer.


    Most of his reviews are a damn sight better than any other VK fans or indeed "professional" reviewers on that Jame could write. He posts reviews here, too, and he's the only person not to overrate an album even when he actually likes the band, or say something along the lines "herp it's mediocre, I give it an 8!!" You can trust that if he says something is terrible, it probably is.

    I did that on purpose, I figured it would lure more people in. 8D

    New text tone: the imminent drowning music from Sonic the Hedgehog. It is damn annoying, but I do jump to answer my phone whenever I hear it because FFFFFFFFFF.

    If his sister has a history of mental instability, they'll take that into account. That combined with his otherwise spotless record, his sister's previous encounters with the law and the number of witnesses you have should keep him from getting into too much trouble if any. They shouldn't be able to keep him without solid proof that he actually did anything anyway. And unless she deliberately made it look as though another person had injured her, a medical professional should notice self-harm. Or is she blaming him for causing her to self-harm?


    Fuck yeah Europe Also, I dislike Versailles but I wouldn't say they were particularly overvalued. Although it does irritate me that portions of their fans think because they listen to them, they're suddenly musical geniuses, impressed by two-hour-long solos and couldn't name a better guitarist than Hizaki (or to a lesser extent Teru) if they tried. Perhaps it's the members who are overvalued. Who knows. Adagio = neo-classical/progressive metal = thousands of times better than Versailles btw

    Cheerios, and now I am having a tuna sandwich.

    If you weren't previously aware, sound does indeed exist in space. Air is "not needed to have sound, only a medium in which compression/rarefaction waves can propagate." NASA are converting charged electromagnetic vibrations from the cosmos into audible sound. Haven't heard the planets "chatting" amongst themselves? Then you are missing out. It's chilling. You might be hearing aliens. Since YouTube videos can't be posted (at least I can't figure out what to change to do so, the post new topic page says flash is off), I'll provide links. How Earth sounds from space There is a website that has a clip of Saturn and Jupiter "talking" to each other. I've forgotten the link, though. On another space-related note, did you know that Europa, Jupiter's moon, is rich enough in oxygen to support millions of tons of fish? In fact, a vast liquid water ocean is believed to reside beneath a crust of ice 100 miles thick. No life has actually been detected there, but it does suggest some places out there could be capable of supporting the kinds of life familiar to us on Earth, if only in microbial form. Creepy? Interesting? Interesting. I think so.

    For short hair! My hair is getting too long. :/

    Enya - May It Be

    I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far, it doesn't take itself too seriously, it has sex appeal, it's gory and challenging in parts. Really funny and really clever. A lot of fun. I've been considering getting Limbo, what do you think of it? DeathSpank = fun too. 8D
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