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Everything posted by doaseternity6

  1. doaseternity6

    Ah so proud of my fellow Americorns. I hope those with such strong beliefs in "karma" for incidents committed years and years ago have their doomsday kit ready because looking at our glorious track record, if there is any place that should be worried about that...lol...well...let's just say I won't be going back home for 2012. Ignorance Seriously though, people like that always turn up during a tragedy. Thinking they're being clever or witty when it's only their ignorance showing. Best to ignore them and keep showing the love, thankfully most people aren't that pathetic.
  2. doaseternity6

    Ah I see. Well, I really hope it doesn't go there. I've been talking to my folks throughout this and I know information can get wonky on all sides, even here. It certainly isn't something to trivialize, especially since the situation hasn't stabilized yet.
  3. doaseternity6

    Where have you heard 80,000? That hasn't been reported here yet as far as I can understand. Don't get me wrong it's going to be far from the 1,000 some odd they've been saying but 80,000 is shocking and I'm just really hoping thats an inaccuracy. The numbers have being going up every hour and last I heard they're saying at least 1,600 but the tsunami haven't ended yet and they still can't reach a lot of places to be sure as well as trains and boats that haven't been recovered yet that had passengers. so if one is so concerned about measuring disaster by the numbers, there you go. =/ While it definitely could've been worst and that in itself is a blessing, saying "it's not that bad" is rather short-sighted and insensitive, especially considering it isn't over yet and the damage this is going to do will extend far beyond the upcoming days.
  4. doaseternity6

    Still getting after-shocks. Tsunami warning still in effect for those on the coast. They're saying both could be for days. I just got up so I'm not sure if chiba is still burning but other than those things I'm just thankful to be in Tokyo right now, we really got off easily when seeing whats happened in Sendai and the looming danger in fukushima. It's horrible and I can only hope things can get stabilized there. The quake was really strong down here but thankfully everything was left standing in the city and considering the scale of the quake, they say if it wasn't for the building codes it really could've been so much worst. Things are slowly beginning to run again here, trains are starting up and the airports I think at least departures are happening.
  5. doaseternity6

    you always look so cool. =)
  6. doaseternity6

    Needs more tiger blood. >:[
  7. doaseternity6

    Omg my new hero I was trying to avoid the record store for a few weeks but I may just have to go to pick this up. Awesome.
  8. doaseternity6

    The lyrics are lol-bad but I really like the sound of the song itself (if it isn't a remix for the most part.)
  9. doaseternity6

    I want to attempt to put M&M's on layaway. D: As well as the guns and anti-depressants one but the Targets and Wal-marts where I reside don't sell guns ;D
  10. doaseternity6

    I'm still not feeling the song. I mean, I like the message and all but objectively the song just isn't doing it for me. That said I really like the video but I think like Tony said, it would've been better had the song matched the grandiose vibe of it so as a complete package its kinda mismatched imo. Another small knit-pick is that while I like all the separate elements of the video I'm not sure they all go together in the best way possible or that they flowed particularly well together. One of the things about Bad Romance PV was even though all this crazy shit was going on it still flowed well, Where here I think there's a semblance of story in the beginning it kinda loses itself after a bit. Also correct me if I'm wrong but with the whole prosthetic thing in the video... She isn't the only one with them on, all the dancers have them too. I got that the point was so that they represented this "new race" but I understand people arguing that impressionable fans may get the wrong idea. I dunno, if I really stand either way on that though.
  11. I was trying to make sense of the title when seeing this in new posts. Now I realize there is no sense to be made out of this. There is no more hope. Up is down, right is left, apples are oranges. Oi Oi going to signal my muscles now.
  12. doaseternity6

    Should be aware that our NUMBERS are growing and it would be a shame if she left us.
  13. doaseternity6

    Nekrogoblikon - Goblin's Ahoy! lol haven't listened to that in ages.
  14. doaseternity6

    Has joined the ranks of awesome Purple Phont users.
  15. doaseternity6

    Nothing Ever Lasts - 彼女は今夜も天井に願う
  16. doaseternity6

    Aie - Nicolai's place (2011 version)
  17. doaseternity6

    Mother-fookin' Kotteok in mah belly. It would make you happy too.
  18. doaseternity6

    Awww, I think someone feels neglected.
  19. doaseternity6

    I was waiting for him to review this Besides his obvious hotness I tend to agree with him (his senkou review too).
  20. doaseternity6

    2nd, but he doesn't creep me out. He just has the kind of face I want to hit with a lead pipe. This so very much.
  21. doaseternity6

    Where the like button when you needz it roll one up homie. OMG: BaKcl0Qg13o Bitches like chocolate
  22. doaseternity6

    My mom dislikes animals so we don't have any pets officially but there is a stray cat who we've been taking care of since I was a kid. She acts virtually like a dog though, running up and wagging it's tail and stuff lol eventually I want to own a Savannah Cat but first I need to get a place that 1) allows pets and 2) allows hybrids. One day D: I prefer Cats but If I were to get a dog...always wanted a Siberian Husky or an Alaskan Malamute. Unfortunately given the places I've lived doesn't seem feasible especially for a Malamute given it's size...tho I once saw a guy with an Alaskan Malamute while waiting in line to get into Ottomanelli's butcher on bleeker st. He was in line too and had it chained up and it scared the living crap out of my mom since it looked like it could've eaten a child and kept "howling" lol and given the line we were there for awhile. i wonder what kind of place he had though to be able to keep it in manhatten D:
  23. doaseternity6

    Hmm...I liked that. Hadn't listened to the first single but will do that soon then.
  24. doaseternity6

    In the span of about 3 hours. (pics in spoiler) Starting with a salad, to feel less guilty about the fatassery that's about to go down. Followed by omg Lasagna...which is hard to come by in this country and when you do find it 9/10 it sucks hardcore...but this....this was omg
  25. doaseternity6

    This so much. -The whole over-vibrato thing. I hate it to my very core. -Screaming (growling) for screaming/"badassery" sake (especially if you're bad at it). -Anything about a band that incites the reaction out of me to start rolling my eyes and mocking them with an "Oh look how evil and badass we are grrr, we're so kvlt and dark and anti-establishment, fuck off mr.religion blahblah muther-fucking blah." It could be a number of things though that start that so I figure I'll just underline it with that statement. -The whole VK monotone thing. -Really shit production. Doesn't have to be perfect production but I do have a limit. -Someone mentioned it but the whole technical thing. It's really cool and all that you're a virtuoso but If I don't actually feel anything from your music it's pointless. -Auto-tune used poorly. I think Auto-tune has a place in music but when you make a song and filter all the vocals heavily in auto-tune, it's a problem. probably more but then I'd be late to class D:
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