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Status Updates posted by Flame-X

  1. Although it is christian centered, he brings a really good point on the Ferguson issue. Only watch if you have an open mind. http://youtu.be/Q1uO_AYfHoo

  2. Another dead power supply, this is getting ridiculous.

  3. Any Gundam fans who're interested in a gunpla giveaway contest, watch this twitch channel for more info. http://www.twitch.tv/fightersready

  4. Back from Acen. I'm done with cons for the whole year.

    1. Elazmus


      kinda wish I had gone

    2. Sakura Seven
  5. Back from acen. So tired but had a fun time overall.

  6. Batman Arkham Knight!

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      I KNO RITE? That trailer made me bust a blood vessel from all the screaming i did XD

  7. Battle Angel & 3x3 Eyes (Eps. 1-4) streaming now! http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/AMN-S02-004

  8. Bay's Ninja Turtles movie looks pretty cool. http://youtu.be/nCjsWpM9zFU

    1. Bear


      Not sure if you are joking or not. You are aware that this is a film based off the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics, that later has had both animated series and live-action films, right? It's not supossed to be realistic.

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      successfull troll is successfull

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      look so bad... I prefer the movie 2 from 1991/1992...

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. Blood Sport & Enter The Dragon stream with ShinStation http://livestream.com/accounts/13662695/events/4082779

  10. Can't wait for my Xenoblade Chronicles X.

  11. Dat steam controller! :o

  12. Dominion Tank Police & Black Magic M-66 livestream. http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/AMN-S02-001

    1. Tetora


      I had a rare New Dominion poster back in the day. Put it up on my friends wall and his house burnt down.

  13. Edge of Tomorrow & Groundhog Day movie stream with ShinStation http://livestream.com/accounts/13808037/events/4100280

  14. Effing Games for Windows LIVE and Uplay... D:<

  15. Forgot to mention this. G-Reco & Build Fighters Try stream with commentary. http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/SixShotGundam

  16. Full Metal Jacket and Starship Trooper movie stream with ShinStation http://livestream.com/accounts/13808037/events/4135961

  17. Gah dammit. Dead power supply. Time to RMA this shit.

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      Had to RMA my HD 7950 card after only having it for a few weeks before it died... I was pissed to say the least

    2. Flame-X


      Damn... years back, had to RMA my video card twice.

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      sometimes it can take forever for them to send you a new one as well

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  18. Gah DAMN! That latest KILL LA KILL ep! O_O

    1. CAT5


      ok, satsuki looked badass when she synced with junketsu! I have no idea what Ragyo is up to, but somebody better call Goku lmao

    2. sai


      did you mean senketsu? Also goddamn ragyo jesus worst parent ever next to gendo ikari jfc

    3. CAT5


      ^ LMAO gendo! and yeah, i meant senketsu!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  19. Gamers should buy this shirt, if you get the reference. http://teespring.com/keepondiggin

  20. Gamespot doing a next gen giveaway contest. http://bit.ly/1hQKGBi

    1. Miasma


      i see u trying 2 get that grand prize

    2. Flame-X
  21. Grappler Baki OVA & Fatal Fury: Double Impact STEAMING http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/AMN-S02-003

  22. Gundam BF 21-25 livestream starts soon. Join in if you can! http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/GBF05

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      watching right now for fun, enjoying the commentary :D

  23. Gundam Build Fighters Try is finally here! Oh the tears... http://youtu.be/M7fLOQXlPmE

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


    2. Spectralion



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