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Everything posted by Flame-X

  1. Flame-X

    You know what? I want the white walkers to win, cuz fuck humanity.
  2. Holy shit! Doom.

  3. Flame-X

    Jurassic World I wasn't really expecting anything outta this movie but it was overall very average to me. The CG was just plain awful at times considering the budget of this film. It's very noticeable right from the beginning with the egg hatching scene. While the actors did a decent job, the script was bogged down with annoying Hollywood cliches. The characters were nothing more than just simply archetypes. There were some nice little cameos from the first film such as the DNA cartoon character. The climax made the film a lot more interesting and it's cool the movie ends on almost the same note as the first film. 6/10
  4. Flame-X

    I finally went back to Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky ever since the sequels and Trails of Cold Steel has been announced.
  5. Flame-X

    Well, on defense of the dragon's sudden appearance, if they sense a mother in danger, they (or rather in this case, one) comes to the rescue. Same thing happened in past seasons. My only gripe with the dome part is the ending... she just upped and left her most trusted pals? Not cool. Aside from that, the Stannis we knew and respected is all gone. Big props to the daughter actress who played the part so well that I had such a hard time sleeping last night.
  6. Flame-X

    Pay Money To My Pain
  7. Snatch movie stream with Shinstation very soon. http://livestream.com/accounts/13808037/events/4114342

  8. Flame-X

    As Computex 2015 event is near its end, here are some wicked custom builds. Absolutely incredible stuff.
  9. Flame-X

    A new Utawarerumono series has been announced. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-06-06/2nd-utawarerumono-game-gets-tv-anime-in-october/.88983 I really enjoyed the first show back when it aired so I'm quite pleased with this news. From the looks of it, the new series is probably an alternate spinoff/sequel.
  10. Edge of Tomorrow & Groundhog Day movie stream with ShinStation http://livestream.com/accounts/13808037/events/4100280

  11. Flame-X

    Okay, I want a Game of Thrones mod for Left 4 Dead 2. After seeing that ep, I have the urge to mow down hordes of zombies.
  12. Flame-X

    D'espairsRay without a doubt. Rentrer en Soi. Might as well put down Janne Da Arc in the disband category since their hiatus is like a broken record at this point.
  13. To give credit where it's due, I agree with that statement.
  14. Blood Sport & Enter The Dragon stream with ShinStation http://livestream.com/accounts/13662695/events/4082779

  15. Flame-X

    Awww snap, it's finally happening!
  16. Watching the movie Casino with ShinStation right now. http://livestream.com/accounts/13662695/MMMS01E01

  17. Flame-X

    Finished watching Shirobako. As a former media arts & animation major, I was quite moved. It's an underrated gem that should be checked out by all animu fans. 8/10
  18. Flame-X

    AdVenture Capitalist I don't know why I can't put this down. It's such a dumb game that feels like it's designed to be a mobile app (oh wait, it is!) and yet, it's brilliantly addicting. Maybe it's my wish fulfillment of being rich.
  19. Flame-X

    Updated my wallpaper.
  20. Flame-X

    EXODUS cover is my favorite. It's subtle and simple.
  21. Is there gonna be a new mixtape thread?

    1. doombox


      Mixtape? Like the trade off?

    2. Flame-X
    3. doombox


      Ooooh. I'll look into it and get back to you.

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