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Everything posted by Flame-X

  1. Flame-X

    My latest video edit using Yona of the Dawn. I'm quite satisfied with the results. Here's the raw version
  2. Flame-X

    Firefox is my main browser. In case if that doesn't work for whatever reason, Chrome and Vivaldi are my alternate choices.
  3. Flame-X

    ^ Titanfall FF14 Payday 2 CS GO EVE Online
  4. Flame-X

    Got myself the ESP EC-10 KIT BLK for $99.
  5. Flame-X

    Best. Twist. Ever.
  6. Flame-X

    ^ I'm gonna assume you misunderstood my comment there. What I meant was, how is that character a GUY when they portray him in the most feminine art style. If I show that screencap to people who have never seen of heard of the show, they immediately think it's a chick.
  7. Flame-X

    How is this a dude? This is Arslan Senki btw.
  8. Flame-X

    Why not check some of the older shows you haven't watched? The only ones I can recommend you check out in this new season are Ghost in the Shell Arise and The Heroic Legend of Arslan.
  9. Flame-X

    Just came back from seeing Furious 7. Great action popcorn flick! Definitely outdoes its predecessors in almost every way. The last few minutes of the film was very sentimental tribute to Paul. Go see it!
  10. Flame-X

    Fafner Exodus is more than 13 eps, right?
  11. Flame-X

    Gundam Build Fighters Try is finally done! Very fun show overall. The team dynamic aspect was an interesting take of the show as opposed to the solo/partnership that was done in the first one. Sekai is definitely better as a fighter than Reiji and the Build Burning Gundam is freakin OP. I seriously wonder if there's a sequel in the works. Either way, if you like plastic toys battling out each other, give this show a watch! Rating: 8/10 This season has been a blast. Not 1 or 2 but 3 really good shows ended!
  12. Flame-X

    I hate this day so damn much.
  13. Flame-X

    Metal Gear Rising Revengeance What a salty game. This last boss is giving me a headache. I should've played this on easy difficulty.
  14. Flame-X

    A car.
  15. Flame-X

    Durarara!!x2 Shou Another show ended... for now. Durarara is a strange one, but in a entertaining way. It feels like each scenario presented in each ep are pieces to a big upcoming puzzle. It was a bit of a tough watch in the beginning due to the large cast of characters and it's been years since I saw the first show. The ending though, that was quite a cliffhanger there. Next season will air around July. ?/10
  16. Flame-X

    I completely forgot to post this here even though it's not AMV or GMV related. Please forgive the awful focusing on the camera (Canon EOS M). Don't ever purchase that shitty cam. Anyways, this was my summary trip to Tokyo, Japan last year.
  17. Flame-X

    I highly doubt we'll get a continuation cuz that end felt like an actual ending. Based on Sunrise's history with Gundam tv series, compilation movies follow sometime afterwards. I don't think Tomino can do another Gundam series or sequel since he's in his 80s. The stress might to be too much for him. At the moment, I think the best way to understand G-Reco without rewatching it all over again is to listen to the podcast Gundamn@MAHQ since they cover it in depth or read the reviews at mahq. As for Build Fighters TRY, I'm enjoying it a lot but I'm a bit more in favor for the first series. My biggest issue with TRY is the amount of jerk opponents the Try Fighter team has to face. Sure they change to nicer people after the battle is over but come on guys. It gets old after the 2nd time they pull this off. A sequel is possible since there's still a national tournament. The series keeps teasing Sei by mentioning his name or showing a lower half of his face. lol
  18. Flame-X

    2 more shows just ended... Death Parade The premise was very interesting. It reminds me of Hell Girl a little bit with its tone except this is where people's humanity get pushed into the corner by making them play games (oh and they're already dead). Some episodes scattered throughout the show were stellar. Ep3 is my personal favorite as it was heartwarming and light. The execution on eps 8-9 was incredible which sent shivers down in my spine. The last ep however I felt the emotions presented here was over the top. I think this dialogue in the screenshot below pretty much teaches us the important lesson getting that theme across. Rating: 7/10 Gundam: G no Reconguista Honestly, I was passively watching this so I didn't understand the overall scope of the story. It's a show that definitely needs attention to the detail where every dialogue counts. I recommend watching Gundam: G no Reconguista as a marathon in a few days rather than a weekly basis because there's so much that happens randomly that you won't be able to keep up. Tomino has a very unconventional style of directing anime as this was evident by Zeta Gundam, so this will be a challenging watch for many casual viewers. On the other hand, the animation is entirely hand drawn except for the space elevator. It has the nostalgia tone that feels like the 80s. The mecha action choreography is exciting to watch since it's directed by Tomino. I'm gonna have to rewatch this in a batch of eps where I can invest attention. Rating: 7/10 .... for now.
  19. Flame-X

    Since I couldn't get enough of Yona of the Dawn, I started reading the manga right where the anime left off. All I can say is holy shit....
  20. Flame-X

    Maozon - Give Me Something
  21. Flame-X

    I can't get Akatsuki no Yona outta my head. Maybe I should do an AMV on it.
  22. Flame-X

    Another anime finished today... Parasyte Wow, I don't know where to begin since my thoughts are a jumbled mess right now. Truly a show that broke the shonen barriers. I've read the manga for Parasyte almost 10 years ago. When the news broke out that it was gonna be adapted into an anime, I couldn't believe it. I was worried at first the episode count was going to be 24 total because the manga had over 60 chapters. After going 4 eps in, all my doubts have been cleared. This show is one faithful adaptation to its source. The only majors changes were the updated settings and character designs, other than that, everything else remains the same. The writing is definitely the series' strong suit. If anyone has read Orson Scott Card books such as Ender's Game, you can tell the author for Parasyte took a page from Card's writing style, and that is human condition. Although every ep has been stellar throughout, the episode that stood out to me the most was ep18. I can't really explain it in words other than it hit me emotionally unexpectedly. Since the show has ended, there are still questions left unanswered such the parasites' origins, but I think it's best to leave it as a mystery rather than finding out that it's something lame. Plus, this is Izumi's journey co-existing with migi to experience life. This is an anime that shouldn't be missed. I really wish more shows go for the unconventional anime standards by taking more risks like this. While it's a start, it leaves me somewhat optimistic for what's about to come in the future. 10/10 Honestly, I can't remember when was the last time I have a perfect rating to an anime. It may have been Ano Natsu de Matteru.
  23. Flame-X

    Agents of Shield started back up for a few weeks now. I hope I'm not the only person here that's watching the show. So far it's been a blast just as season 2 has been. Actually I don't know if this is a continuation of season 2 or the start of season 3. Maybe someone can correct me on that. At the rate these episodes are going, you can see there's definitely gonna be a crossover with Avengers 2.
  24. Flame-X

    Akatsuki no Yona (or Yona of the Dawn) just aired its final ep today. I'm gonna miss this show dearly. This is without a doubt the best shojo fantasy anime I've seen. Although the first 5 eps was a slow burn, it was necessary to build up the characters. Yona especially because she's not annoying or stupid like many other shojo protagonists cough*Fushigi Yuugi*cough. Seeing her going from a sheltered bratty princess to a strong willed & empathetic character makes her development one of the most memorable to me. Also, don't ever piss her off. She won't hesitate to kill you! Aside from that, another character that deserves a mention is Soo-won. His presence makes the story quite a complex one because of his actions. After killing Yona's father (this isn't a spoiler by any means), the show almost makes you think he's the villain, however with so much emphasis put into his character, all the things he does afterwards puts him in a very gray area. Due to the fact that Yona's father was a peacekeeping king, his kingdom was in a dying state and Soo-won didn't want the kingdom in shambles. So impossible to hate on a guy like him who truly cares about the state of the kingdom. This very much reminds me of Char Aznable from Mobile Suit Gundam, someone who's not a villain but a sympathetic antagonist. The only cons I have on this show is the slow paced episodes in the beginning and a few comedic moments fell flat, but other than that, this is ranked very high on my list. It may as well be on my top 5 of 2015 anime. It would be very cruel not to have a 2nd season since it really deserves it. Hopefully they'll announce it soon. 9/10
  25. Flame-X

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