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About Flame-X

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    Hyde's Pimp

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    Mostly nerd and geek stuff.

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  1. I have no problems with mainstream media being biased as long as they admit it. But when a news outlet or journalist claims to be objective while reporting a story in a certain narrative or a point of view, then I can't take them seriously.

    1. zombieparadise


      Obama repealed the Smith-Mundt act a few years back, giving the US the ability to lie to its own citizens through propaganda. Doesn't help that the entire media is owned by the same six companies. Shame.

    2. Himeaimichu


      That's pretty much all the news these days. Fox News claims to be "anti MSM" and "fair and balanced" but it's the most popular channel and is paid off by certain politicians of a political party that if I mention, might break the rules

    3. CAT5


      Youtube, and pretty every other social media platform are in cahoots with a lot of these special interest groups too. I've seen Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook pretty much erase the existence of certain, popular content providers over the most bogus of claims this past year....people that were providing actual, quality content, but censored because their narratives didn't match the ones being pushed.

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