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Posts posted by Asakusa

  1. looooool xD
    I lol'd a lot, arith xD

    the corgi part was funny as hell


    (damn, i've been so lazy with my comics, there have been like two conventions in the past weeks and i didn't do anything. the last fanzine i did took like months to get released and because of that my mood got all down.)

  2. if you put as much effort as reading sebbivism's comment on the very bottom of previous thread's page, you will probably realize that the oricon link was posted here to correlate with this line:


    "I'm sad to see their milking money campaign has started so early."


    I'm citing it twice so you could understand how irrelevant those fifty thousand Chilean downloads are in keeping this band sustainable.


    not to mention I'm unaware of any South American-Japanese campaigns to bring gaijin basement dwellers to see 12012 live and thus support their touring.

    chile is the whole world that i'm talking about? wow, maybe you should check your horizons, dude

  3. Did you miss out on "Under-World" and earlier Merry albums tho? They've had punk flavor in many songs for awhile so I still don't get your saying. But yes, ZERO isn't certainly anything spectacular - more of "Yakou" level tbqh.

    that's exactly what I was going to say, MERRY earlier albums had a lot of jazz and punk influence.

    take the song "charlie" for example or the concert that came with the BURST EP.

  4. KILL la KILL - freaking badass anime, I love it so far
    BlazBlue Alter Memory - started watching this one with a friend who is a fan of the videogame series, it's ok, it still doesn't catch all of my interest


    I still have to finish Watamote and Gatchaman Crowds, I think I stopped at episodes 6 or 8
    Started watching Samurai Flamenco yesterday and I have to say it seems very entertaining, funny thing it made me think of KICK-ASS but a lot more softer

  5. what can I say?
    I lost my faith in this band since TOXIC came up (there were like 2 or 3 songs I liked from that album and that's all), I never even bothered listening to DIVISION but I wanted to give them another chance with this release... but no.


    I know good old days will never be back, I'm not the kind of person who argues about that anymore, I learned every band evolves years ago and the only "new" release I really loved by them was DIM.

    I'm not comparing anything but if anyone still compares DIM to every album they'll release after that it's simply because DIM was (and still is) THE album.


    Seriously, the first time I listened to BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY I fell asleep during the second track lulz, maybe I was too tired after work and because of that (I think) I gave it a try... and no, I didn't liked it, just not my cup of tea anymore, the only song I really liked (not joking) was CODA.


    Nothing personal, I don't hate the GazettE, I still enjoy various of their songs but that's it.

    I definitely lost all faith in them.

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