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Posts posted by Asakusa

  1. um, I appreciate mashy and paradeis for their deep lyrics (mashy’s lyrics »»»» kyo’s lyrics) i wouldn’t care if they looked like they do if or if they looked like tiny emo dwarves like diru.
    and mashy has more talent in one finger than kyo~chan has in his dwarven body

    bwahahahahahaha!! oh god please kill this person.

  2. Ben: And then, Dir en grey ...obviously, they’re a bit…. well… they're a slightly... strange band, but with their own different fan base. They’re like a Slipknot for Japan. So yeah, that’s a really cool thing for us as well. Especially as we want to branch out and play to new fans rather than just the younger fans that we get primarily, so yeah… should be good. I mean although their fan base is more underground it’s a big one. In Japan especially, they’re playing to tens of thousands of people. It’s insane! We’re gonna befriend them, then go and steal their fans. We need to learn some Japanese words to say to them, like, how to say ‘You’ve got a nice cock, come out and drink?'

    Sam: Maybe we should just turn up with some drink… saves the language barrier. I’m sure they’ll understand that, ‘we bring beer, let’s drink?’

    Ben: Yeah, we’ll do that!

    it was a joke, dude.

    AA wanna have a good time with DEG.

    not to be an asshole or anything but if you're going to post something about an interview, please don't post just that... a lot of fans will start to bash AA (don't care if they're goor or bad) just because of that thingie without even reading the entire interview.

  3. With the Asura demo all I could do is stare at my t.v when it was over like; "What the hell did I just play?" :DUUR:

    that's exactly what happened to me o_O

    also I couldn't close my mouth for a few minutes after that demo ended

    and I was like: "......................................................what... what the... I don't even... HOLY SHIT!! THIS WAS AWESOME AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" xD

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