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Everything posted by Zeus

  1. I've gone through the mix twice so far but before I give my final opinion I want to give it a few more listens. The size isn't a problem for me either but as with any record or mix there are bound to be some tracks that don't jump out at you in first listen. So far though I do have some favorites in Falconer, both Sabbats and Doomsword. ;D
  2. If we're reviving this (can't believe it took this long too!) I'm sticking this to the top of the forum.
  3. Zeus

    Japanese experimental act Boris have had to delay the releases of their two forthcoming albums, Heavy Rocks and Attention Please, due to the devastating effects of the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan. The albums are now expected to be released on May 24 rather than April 26, as was originally intended. Both albums will be released through label Sargent House. Boris issued the following regarding the situation in their home country: "Boris expresses our condolences to everyone who passed away because of [the] current unexpected earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan, and also our deepest sympathies for all of the people who have a hard time. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. All Boris members, our families and staff are safe now. Thank you very much for [the] kind words and thoughtful messages. Hope, Boris"
  4. I would be up for either, but I'd prefer a broad sweep from all of metal's subgenres. That way there's bound to be something for everyone on it.
  5. Damn it the board ate my post again. I'd be up for a mix too, if you don't mind.
  6. Zeus

    Guardian Hacker, Wistaria, HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR and Antikaruna in one project? WHAT?
  7. Zeus

    My Japanese is not the best so I may have misinterpreted the post. However, I believe bassist Haine has chosen to leave the band at sometime before 4/3/2011 due to continued ill health. Wistaria said they would continue on and thank everyone for the support. (Off note: thank god for a band that loses a member and decides NOT to disband)
  8. If Krypts EP is that good I might have to give it a spin.
  9. Zeus

    April Fool's joke was fun. I'm going to lock this now because it's all over. Whenever someone gets the actual rip, just make another topic for it.
  10. Zeus

    Yeah this was way too obvious xD
  11. I haven't ever listened to Drudkh (something tells me I should?) but a new project with Neige? WANT. I haven't found a project of his that I don't like yet. If I end up loving this band (much like I should) I think I'll give Drudkh's 9th LP a spin when it gets released as well. Also, does anyone know what's going on with Lantlo's BABEL Agape (where the hell did I get Babel from)? I'm interested in picking that up as well and I know they reissued the s/t but I haven't heard anything on the new LP.
  12. Zeus

    It's probably an April Fool's prank. The timing is way too convenient. I wouldn't be surprised if this was some marketing ploy to get them promotion for their next single. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if this was true and they actually did decide to disband. Nothing they did after Visvasrit/Mahadeva/Jagannath stuck with me in the slightest and their latest 3-single campaign spree wasn't very good. I hope Leda does dissolve this project and start a better, non-visual one with members that can play their instruments, since DELUHI was a failed experiment. Although just stating now that if it is an April Fool's joke, it's an extremely thorough one.
  13. Zeus

    I don't expect Jesus to blow me away but if it's decent I won't mind. I hope Pierrot is promising though. They're one of maybe 5 visual bands I still listen to. Let's try to not make that four guys.
  14. Zeus

    Totally need to jump in on this ;D Dir en grey - Quite arguably the MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY of mine ever. Their music alone helped me get through some rough times as I lived in a very conformist society from which I was excluded, so I was basically a social pariah my entire life. As much as I tried to conform to the stereotypes of what a man was supposed to be, I wasn't allowed to. That, and the music that I was prescribed to listen to was and still is utter shit. I discovered them at 7 due to an acquaintance of mine blasting Cage over her Walkman and they were interesting. It wasn't love upon first listen since I still thought they looked really stupid and was stuck on the fact that they were Japanese but subsequent albums went a long way towards fixing that. It was a few tracks here and there, a little bit of Audrey a few years later, then Filth and 24 Cylinders after that. It wasn't until I was a teenager with consistent internet access and an MP3 player that I went around the internet starting my illegal downloading escapades and remembered Dir en grey. Grabbed Ash from the Myaku single and OBSCURE from VULGAR and it was all smooth sailing from there as I rediscovered them. These guys opened up the door for Visual Kei as well as other types of metal and also went a long way towards making sure I was receptive to change in the bands that I chose to listen to. Amesoeurs (or anything by Neige and Fursy Teyssier) - Truthfully, I haven't been listening to black metal for much of my life (started last year due to a recommendation from a user here over last.fm). Demon Burger deserves to be up here since they were the first "black metal" band that I listened to but I really listened to Death Cult Armageddon and not something like For All Tid or Stormblast (OK that's a lie; I tried Stormblast but couldn't get over the production values) and Dimmu aren't really black metal as much as they are symphonic metal. Amesoeurs was the first band that I put on heavy rotation that wasn't Japanese and the first legitimate black metal band that I was introduced to. It's a shame that they're no longer making music but from Amesoeurs I was introduced to Neige's other projects such as Alcest (which I remember seeing on Vurtox's wall not too long before I started listening to him), Lantlos and Les Discrets. Les Discrets is a terrible connection on my part since it's Fursy's band and not Neige's but Fursy was in Amesoeurs as well so mentioning them here makes sense. Amesoeurs opened me up to the French metal scene, got me out of the Japanese Box and introduced me to some new artists I need to keep my eyes on. Really epic stuff, as your moderator I demand you all give the "Ruines Humaines" EP a try. ELECTRIC RED - Let's be honest - this man needs a better drummer than himself and some of his arranges aren't the best thing in the world (I'm looking at you Rotten Leaf), but it was through a random download from Wind that I was introduced to Touhou arranges. Other than that, this solo artist was really instrumental (pun intended) in my growing fascination with math rock and really unusual time signatures in my music and that's spilled over into quite a few other bands that I've started listening to since then. Some really good stuff on some of his releases, I'd really suggest the RED RECOLLECTION album though. Get's 2/3rds of his demo release in re-recorded, more smexy form. Mono - If this wasn't what got me into exploring more post-rock music, it was Les Discrets. Either way this band is fantastic. Part of the reason why I don't listen to much post-rock is because after listening to a few other bands in the genre, I realized it can't get much better than this. I have to be in some bizarre mood for instrumental pieces and long songs to truly enjoy their work but songs like Yearning and Com(?) are just fantastic pieces of art when I am into it. Boris - Fuzz overlords of the deep here need some respect as well. They have one of the most inaccessible discographies out of any band that I've ever met and I've still to figure out what I'm missing and what I'm not from them, but the bits and pieces of their work that I DO have are amazing. From tracks like Absolutego, which is just a complete fucking MONSTER of a doom/drone track that you feel kick you in your gut to work like the hypnotic I'm-going-to-submerge-you-slowly Flood to the fuzzed out rock tracks like Kane -The Bell Tower of a Sign- and I Just Abandoned My-Self to even the new pop side they've displayed with Party Boy, I have to say this is the most flexible band in my library. Most importantly, they've dispelled that myth that a clearer recording quality equals a better band and better music. Not only are they not overproduced to all hell, their music has an authentic, raw quality to it a lot of modern music is missing. They even make their mistakes sound good! Considering that I just got into many of these bands within the last year, consider my musical taste impressionable and incomplete
  15. Zeus

    That just gave me retinal cancer.
  16. Zeus

    Eh, the title's fine. I can contribute one I guess (I was going to do AF, but you beat me to it): 陰陽座 - orthodox style heavy metal music mixed with Japanese folk themes and pop music elements. I also really like their outfits, even though I don't think too many people view them as "visual". It's probably because they don't look like sluts. EDIT: @OldCheesey: The board's beings screwy right now. I'm completely aware of what's going on and the mods are working on it.
  17. Zeus

    95% of fake visual kei profiles are obviously fake. Fans are supposed to be able to spot that from a mile away. If you can't, you've immersed yourself too deeply into the scene and border on the precipice of obsession. With that being said, nothing any of these profiles are doing are of any harm unless they're taking money and promising to deliver goods and then don't. It's just a fantasy by one deluded fan to other deluded fans because people have too much time on their hands and too little sunlight on their skin. My apathetic self can tell you that there may be other people that care and you may be able to gather enough people here to get a functional group going so I won't stop this topic but I can vouch for a good chunk of us not caring either way. I personally distance myself from the hyper obsessed visual fanatics anyway so I wouldn't be of much use.
  18. I can't help but think I'm the only one that has disbanded bands blocked into a section of his brains separate from other bands. How does everyone else view them? Are any of your favorite bands disbanded? Do you find yourself avoiding getting into disbanded bands because of the lack of new releases? Are there any bands that you used to listen to actively before they disbanded and now hardly listen to? I used to actively avoid bands that disbanded because I liked getting into a band and following bands as they released new material. I couldn't get the experience of being a fan of a disbanded band because there was very little hope that most of them would come back and make more music. As I get older though, I start appreciating older bands for their static discography and the knowledge that if it's especially good they can't do anything to screw it up (like Amesoeurs). As for me, I now no longer listen to UnsraW and VanessA anymore even though I used to listen to them both often this time last year. On the same note, I only truly started appreciating HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR after their disbandment. Does anyone else have any stories? ^_____^
  19. I was thinking about this in the shower the other day! It randomly popped into my head and I had to think to myself "Who thought this was really a good idea for a song?". Then I remembered that I enjoyed it when I was younger and that answered my question so I promptly shut up and finished my shower.
  20. Zeus

    Must read this then
  21. I would have to say that I don't really have any embarrassing CD's that I've ever bought because I didn't get into CD buying until maybe two years ago. By that time my tastes were solidified and I knew I liked J-Rock and such so I don't have embarrassing CD's from when I was 13, hormonal and confused. However I do own UnsraW's GUILTY EP and Hyde's FAITH full-length (both were gifts), so I'll put those here since those are the only albums by the two artists that I don't listen to much anymore.
  22. Zeus

    Haven't downloaded this or listened to it, but I came in here to spew my opinion everywhere and say the major force holding this band back before this release is Byou. As much as I myself heard the transition from X-RAYS to DUALITY in terms of his voice he's still a way below-average singer as opposed to just terribad like he was in their earlier days. If he hasn't improved, I don't honestly understand how SCREW could be "getting any better"; the composers aren't terribly inventive, their past songs have been standard VK fare...you know where I'm going with this. Does someone want to prove me wrong and tell me why I should download DEEP SIX? @jun I've been thinking about that a lot and the only reason that I can come up with is because SCREW's composers do three different types of songs: the ear-grating wall of shit type songs like dust box and HEEL, the decent to good songs like FIREFLY and KAIROS and then the aimless in between that's the rest of their discography. An entire album of that is bound to get boring and repetitive, stretched thin of ideas as the band struggles to make 10 songs that sound somewhat interesting instead of three or four really good ones and 6 or 7 shit ones. With such a short release like this one, it can sound more diverse because they can put more ideas into less songs. I might be off though: let me know what you think! Personally, I think SCREW would develop stronger albums if they stopped putting out singles and put some of their B-sides on their albums, since most of the time their B-sides trump some of the weaker tracks on their albums by FARRR.
  23. Zeus

    I was wondering if Yori was going to go back seeing as how Synside's disbanding too and all.
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