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Everything posted by X-Marc

  1. X-Marc

    wow what! no way! this is really really bad news! may he rest in peace!
  2. X-Marc

    despite all the haters, i still like them=p liked Vortex and Red, didnt liked Pledge and Shiver, but some b-sides were cool aswell, so im looking forward to this=)
  3. so far so good wanne hear the full album tough=p
  4. X-Marc

    awsome! they are not as good as they were, but still Anchang kicks ass!
  5. X-Marc

    vo. Gackt & Jon (from fade) gt. Chachamura, You & Takumi (ex. miyavi support) Ba. U:zo (ex. miyavi support) dr. Shinya (Luna Sea)
  6. X-Marc

    hahaha gotta hear this!
  7. X-Marc

    from Gackts facebook: YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz 1st Single 2011.9.14 Release 「THE END OF THE DAY」 oh shit-_- does this mean yfc stuff at the eu tour and not gackt stuff=(
  8. X-Marc

    X-Japan!!! in utrecht, awsomeness! i caught yoshiki while he stage dived, he dived right on my gf, me and my brother
  9. X-Marc

    also i was there at 3pm, and sugizo walked by like 3 times, at first people (i dont know this for sure) recognized him or were to shocked to say anything=p so i screamed: sugizo!! and he smiled and walked by, later everyone started shouting, but he only smiled and gave my, my gf and my brother and peace sign and walked on, so cool! pata walked by around 5pm, very funny to see how little he actually is! and yoshiki/toshi/heath can by vans, each one in a personalXD first heath around 4, yoshiki around 5 and toshi around 6 also there were some guys with cameras interviewing fans for a dvd they said
  10. X-Marc

    hey, just got back, setlist is the same as in london/paris it was awsome, they seem to have a good time and yoshiki told a funny story about how they got to do the holland gig. He has a man working from him who is dutch. that man said: go to holland. yoshiki replied: i dont know if we got any fans there, but okay. and then the gig sold out in 5 days. so he said they will be back haha the venue opened 35 minutes late, and the were supposed to start playing at 19:45, but it got delayed till 21:25, since some of Sugizo's guitars refused to get toned. But the gig was awsome, they played for almost 2 hours and it was perfect! only thing is the sound was really loud, and they got parts of hide on tape, but it was so soft you couldnt hear it, in drain, art of life and silent jealousy his parts completely fell away (his solos) so you could hear some sort of gap in the song aside from that it was awsome! i was on the 2nd row and my girlfriend and my brother were next to me and yoshiki stagedived right onto them. so my gf was holding his upper body and my brother his legs. but all the people were pushing as crazy(there were A LOT of japanese fans and they went beserk then and had to touch him) so we had the whole venue against us, but it was fun and an experience we never forget=P
  11. X-Marc

    Come Fly With Me S01 E02 from the guys of Little Britain, awsome!
  12. X-Marc

    Bridesmaids, more of a chick flick but it had some fun stuff in it
  13. X-Marc

  14. also wondering who will do the vocals, imo if its not a worthy someone, why bother let those bands performe?
  15. X-Marc

    no holland? while we were the only sold out gig at the previous tour (i think) strange, but im not going to cologne for them after hearing holy grail
  16. X-Marc

    new bands: DaizyStripper ダウト Eins:Vier LM.C MICHAEL MONROE
  17. X-Marc

  18. X-Marc

    any word on the merch? pics/prices?
  19. X-Marc

    any word on what merch they had at the gig?
  20. X-Marc

    1.New Intro S.E 2. Jade 3.Rusty Nail 4.Silent Jealousy 5.DRAIN 6. Violen & Piano interlude 7..Kurenai 8.Born To Be Free 9.I. V. 10.X Encore: 11.ENDLESS RAIN 12.Art Of Life setlist from london
  21. X-Marc

    i work full time so i have money to spend=) haha thats why my jrock collection is so huge=p
  22. X-Marc

    ive got 4 tattoos now, and this friday im gonna make an appointment for my next my first tatoo was when i was 19, regret this one a bit, so im thinking of a cover up in memory of one of my heroes my left arm, a dragon, Hiroshima Castle and the japanese flag. my left chest, a samurai next up, my right arm i want a koi and some japanese demon masks. for my back ive got the idea of two japanese swordsman fighting in front of mount fuji. then on my lower belly i want maybe something like a samurai sword and the back of my lower legs i want maybe something disney/star wars related since those are also things that are important for me in my life. furthermore tattoos are addictive=p be beware once you start haha and people who say it doesnt hurt are full of bullshit. of course it hurts, by some people less then by others, but you always feel it. especially once you get big ones, like i have with my arm, that have multiple sessions of 3-5 hours. believe me, your body is screaming at you to stop haha. and some spots are more sensitive then others, like elbow and armpit are bitches, but your upper arm is (for me) not sensitive at all. and people who are like: yeah you look so stupid when youre 80 with tatoos. dude, thats in 50 year, i can still enjoy it untill then, and when im 80 i really dont give a shit what i look like=p i like it now, so why wouldnt i do it
  23. X-Marc

    D - Lapis Lazuli
  24. X-Marc

    Black Water an australien croc movie, it had some cool moments, nothing groundbreaking tough and last week i went to X-Men Class Zero awsome awsome awsome movie! loved every moment of it even tough the magneto helmet just looked ridiculous on Kevin Bacons headXD and Emma Frost *drool* plus the story is good and interesting, hope they do more of these films
  25. X-Marc

    the bonus dvd from the Born-Demons single
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