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Posts posted by Wonrei

  1. Well, it's been 15 years since he died. So I get why they're doing this. It's also his 50th anniversary if I remember. So I'm pretty interested. I don't care for 99% of those bands, but well, what can we get. I secretly hoped we'd get a studio version of Mucc's Dice, as that was just glorious



    Just realized how defspiral is essentially Transtic Nerve, and they also did ever free on the original tribute spirits. Seeing their take on this track after so long is going to be interesting. I hope they keep the part where they let hide's vocals play on the background, I always loved that section

  2. Instrumentally this one's actually pretty decent. I like the metalcore in it. Wataru really shouldn't be the vocalist of this band anymore, though. If they want to keep doing metal please get that guy out of there. His harsh screaming is bad. Really bad and people should feel bad for liking it. Probably will never listen to it again because of Wataru, but the instrumentals are pretty nice, a lot better than their self titled album.

  3. Melody-wise this sounds a lot more interesting than what their self titled was... the problem is I really hate the way Wataru screams, it's just really really bad. And most of the samples are just the chorus, so he may actually scream on all tracks and ruin every single one. Door to the Sky for example sounded really good instrumentally and the chorus sounds great too, but that shit before the chorus... HELP

  4. Well Headache was too bland for me, that was the only problem. I actually quite like the punk/alt rock Kuroyume. They've made some pretty good songs and I'd say that's just more of their thing - they just grew out of the extremity of their vk days. Let's see what we get for Kuro to Kage, for now we can only guess...

  5. I've added everyone's suggestions to the list


    @Wonre: ugghhh Canon in D brings back so many awful memories for me. I don't recall "Blurry Eyes" having any Pachelbel in it, though. I also added a song by Arc that uses the melody as the guitar solo which I had completely forgotten about until seeing your post. Zioovachi also has a song that's pretty much the same introduction but in a different key, but I'm trying keep it to just Vkei for now.


    @ Jigsaw: That's taken from somewhere? I guess that kind of proves the point of my thread: showing where original melodies come from and learning about classical music :P I'll add it to the list once we actually know where it comes from.

    Many of the songs who use Canon have it as a sort of variation in the melody, it's generally not straightly ripped off, Blurry Eyes I think has it on the bassline, it's the same chord progression I believe(haven't listened to it in a lot of time, so I may be wrong, sorry)


    I'll post more if I remember them, I have a list with non japanese songs based on it that I kept adding and it's really huge already... there's also many 90s vk pop/rock songs with it, I remember at least one Craze/Body song having it... it's on the same away as Rocket Dive or Green Day's basket case, probably on a different key, but I'm pretty sure the notes are there...


    But yeah, the canon is almost a staple for pop music melodies so it kind of floods everywhere.


    Also, there are some melodies which aren't classical but almost all oldschool vk bands have at least one track with those... the one that Aliene Mariage used on Suicide, for example, I'm pretty sure I've heard 1000 aggressive oldschool songs with that melody


    This is like my favorite song ever, so I've spent quite a lot of time finding songs that use its melody in it.


    hide - Rocket Dive

    Lmc - Boys and Girls

    Moran - Fender

    Raphael was really influenced by it on lots of songs

    The Cherry Cokes - Forward Again

    L'arc en ciel - Blurry Eyes

    Like, almost every japanese pop rock song from the 90s


    Not counting obvious ones like Jun Togawa's Mushi no Onna and Michiro Endo's Canon. And I'm sure I forgot lots of songs I have already heard that have the Canon on it... those are just the ones that first came to my mind


    I'd also mention Erik Satie's Gymnopedie no 1, but I'm not really remembering the names of the tracks I listened to that were influenced by it

  7. Morrie from Dead End and Creature Creature's English honestly took me by surprise. I would have never expected him to be that good.

    This. For anyone curious: 


    He did live on the states for some 10 years and his wife is american, so he probably had a lot of time to develop his english...

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